camp locket in your pocket 𓍊 rumor mill

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 "Hey," the apprentice hisses softly, hunkering down next to their clan-mate with a scarred gaze affixed to the leader's den. Cogs spin in their head, turning and contemplating and thinking... the silence of their bubbling, simmering thoughts probably the longest one maintained in ages. Their paws tuck in under their chest, lowered as if ready to spring on this development at any moment. "Orangestar doesn't like kittypets much right," they ask, flicking their attention to their conversational victim before scanning back towards her new resting place.

"Why's she got Slate tucked in her den like that? I thought only leaders were allowed in there... or maybe them and-" Eyes blow wide as a suggestion flutters off their tongue, pupils narrowed in shock as if it were already confirmed just by thinking it. "You don't think Slate and Orangestar are in loveeee do you?" They stick out their tongue as if disgusted, giving a conspiring glance once more before thinking of a spring-blossom and fall-leaf pelt.

"Oh mannnn Cherrypaw's gonna hate that.... She'll never be rid of him at this rate." Slate sure knew how to worm his way into places he wasn't welcome... a lead warrior and now Orangestar's little lover boy? Gross... they couldn't even imagine such a stinking, sour-faced tom being in love with anything but his own reflection, if even. "At least Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish are cute together... but those two? Orangestar could do SO much better!"

// ITS GOSSIP TIME !!!! this is open, anyone can assume edenpaw was talking to them
  • Haha
Reactions: mercibun
"Huh? I thought she was fine with them." Hawkpaw blinks up at Edenpaw, a genuine curiosity flitting across her features. The torbie does, however, shuffle closer curiously and offer the older apprentice an expectant blink, urging them to continue. It's nice to be approached by an older apprentice, especially after the isolation of the medicine den had left her feeling stilted whenever talking to someone who wasn't Dawnglare or Fireflypaw. Like she'd missed out socially somehow, for being treated.

"With Slate?" Hawkpaw echoes in a hiss recoiling at the thought. But Slate ate kits! Everyone below the age of about eight moons knew that. Maybe she liked him because her own kits were a little older than that and therefore had escaped their fates. Edenpaw is right; Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish are cute together, second to her own parents. But Orangestar and Slate? That had to be a disaster in the making, especially if the much older and more knowledgeable Edenpaw had anything to say about it.

"Who d'you reckon she should end up with?" She whispers, wide-eyed. "Maybe we can help."

"Stop gossiping." The spotted tabby's tone insinuated annoyance rather than discipline, tail lashing behind him as he looked up from his morning groom. Rumours about who was going out with whom seemed rampant within the apprentice's circle. He supposed it was entertainment when they were forbidden from leaving campgrounds or were punished for one reason or another, regardless, the Lead Warrior didn't bother with it often. Scarcely was his own love life brought up, as long as it stayed that way, he was fine with letting sleeping dogs lie... until it involved that blasted Leader's Den. It had caught him out before, when he had accidentally forced a confession from Bobbie when asking why Blazestar had her clearing his nest, it would not catch him out again. He had not seen Slate leave Orangestar's den, yet, Edenpaw said it had happened and Hawkpaw seemed to agree with them. Silversmoke paused before he delivered his verdict, licking his forelimb to hide the smirk that crept upon his features. 'Orangestar has standards' was the perfect end to this rumour, brought about by the disgust felt by the apprentices at the mere mention of his peer. Silversmoke couldn't disagree, though, nearly blinding someone did tend to lower one's opinion.

Straightening his posture and steeling his expression, Silversmoke continued. "There are many reasons why a Lead Warrior would be in the Leader's den, we have important things to discuss about the clan and its progress. It is not for bored apprentices to presume anything otherwise."

  • Wow
Reactions: HAWKSPINE
"Awww, they were getting to the good part," he would whine while approaching the group. Apprentices always got something juicy to talk about, they're way more fun warriors. Most of the warriors here are so serious, like? Lighten up. Chill out, y'know? While he was a victim to having his business aired, looks at Bobbie slapping him and exposing him for a cheater for all to hear... He actually quite liked listening to gossip, no matter how bizarre it was. Why? Entertainment of course. That's why he listened intently to Edenpaw speak of Slate and Orangestar. If Orangestar liked kittypets. If Slate and Orangestar were in love. Personally, he didn't care. Hey, if Slate makes her happy and she makes him happy does it really matter what anyone else thinks? Unless Slate does something stupid and attacks her then everyone is gonna claw him to death.

Silversmoke is too uptight especially when it comes to gossip. Would it kill ya to partake in the fun sometimes? With a yawn he waves his paw towards the older tom, "Gossiping ain't a crime Silversmoke. 'Sides, they're apprentices. Let 'em have their fun. I'm sure when you were their age you did some silly things." He means no harm in what he's saying, but is easy to misunderstand. After all, here is another warrior, one that is lower in rank telling you to chill out. While an explanation of what lead warriors do when entering the leader's den is informative, no one asked.

Squinting his eyes while leaning forwards toward Silversmoke he can't help himself, "Well yeah... We kinda assumed you guys talk about serious stuff and all, but what the apprentices presuming? Presuming ain't wrong either, I mean. Bobbie was a lead warrior and she was in the leader's den definitely not cuddling up to Blazestar and doing serious stuff." Does the leader's den have to be so serious all the time? I know y'all have meetings and whatnot in there, but you guys should throw some parties in there. I would feel suffocated if I was in such a stuffy den all the time!
Fluffykit wanders close to Edenpaw and Hawkpaw, her tufted ears lifting as she hears Orangestar’s name spill from the black-and-white apprentice’s mouth. They say Slate has been in the leader’s den… Fluffykit’s eyes round with curiosity. “Um…” She lowers her voice until it’s whisper-soft, the consistency of a feather. “Miss Bobbie slept in there when Blazestar was the leader.” Her eyes widen; she hopes she’s being helpful. Perhaps Orangestar and Slate are mates the way Bobbie had been with Blazestar… she can’t think of any other reason the hulking Maine Coon would be slumbering in the same den as her.

And then a sharp, nettling voice whips through the air like lightning through a stormy sky. Fluffykit tenses, her pelt puffing out enormously around her tiny body, as Silversmoke comes to interrupt the gossip circle. Beetleback tries to soothe him, tries to bring some light back into the conversation, but the tiny she-kit’s eyes begin to water and her lower jaw trembles with fear. She presses herself against Edenpaw, unable to look Silversmoke in the eyes.

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 "Hmm... That's a good question Hawkpaw... You're onto something. You know... I bet they're both really sad about Blazestar- she'd have a lot in common with Bobbie! They're both moms... They both went on the journey.... There's something there to work with I think." Fluffykit agrees too, in Edenpaw's eyes! The pale apprentice crouches down to be closer to her eye-line and offers a big-toothed smile. "Yeah you're right Fluffykit! Bobbie was hanging out with Blazestar a lot in there too..." But the poor girl shrinks like a daisy against them the moment a unnecessary scolding gets directed at the trio of chatting youth.

A paw protectively curls around the younger girl with a glare as sharp as daggers to be shot to the older tom that had upset her.

What is it with these lead warriors and not being able to mind their own business? So what if Edenpaw wanted to make some... exaggerated hypothesis about Orangestar's little romantic endeavors? Bite me! Edenpaw sticks out their tongue with enough malice to be poison. "Oh whatever Silversmoke... you're just jealous you don't have anyone to cuddle at night either," they argue. "You made Fluffykit upset you pinecone for brains... say sorry or I'm getting Butterflytuft!"

At least Beetleback gets it! A warrior with some sense... and a bit of fire for entertainment. It'd be boring if no one said anything about this... it was weird after all. With Bobbie fresh in everyone's minds, of course the assumption would be more than just friends! Geez... this guy acting like they're spreading treasonous slander or something. Turning to the other warrior with a small nod of thanks, they don't let Silversmoke escape their ireful gaze very long. The threat remains. Apologize... or they're gonna go get Fluffykit's momma!​

YOU TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME — Blazingpaw's feathered ears prick forward hearing the small circle of apprentices beginning to mumble about Slate having slept in the leaders den, the tabbied tom hesitant to approach hearing the mentions of Blazestar and it causes his belly to twist in the slightest but presses into Hawkpaw's side focusing his emerald hued eyes to Edenpaw. They seem to be the one behind all this gossip not that the ragdoll apprentice really cares for it but its better than the boring chores around camp especially now that he and his siblings were freed of the medicine den. It would only be a matter of time they would be able to set their paws out onto Skyclan territory again especially after their run-in with rogues, he grimaces at the memory instead deciding to tune into the words of gossip being shared amongst the apprentices present and Fluffykit mentioned how Bobbie would sleep in the leaders den when Blazestar was still around.

His sharpened gaze shifts over to Silversmoke unable to help but frown when the annoyed tone of the lead warrior makes Fluffykit get watery eyes and her jaw troubles with fear, the bridge of his nose scrunching up at the sight and listens to Edenpaw telling the larger tabbied tom to apologize or they'd get Butterflytuft. Blazingpaw can't help but feel that the queen wouldn't be able to do much but soothe the chimera kitten but the older bicolored apprentice was bold enough to call Silversmoke... A pincone for brains. It's enough to make a soft half-chuckle to leave his jaws and raised a paw near his mouth to hide the smile that had been forming on his scarred maw, he clears his throat "Don't pay Silversmoke any mind, Fluffykit. He's just being an ol' thorn in the paw," His tone rather gentle than the usual one that he took when speaking to other clanmates.


  • 8JbI3pG.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    6 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    currently being mentored by bobbie
    easy to befriend ; oftentimes quick to anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

He expected pushback, as gentle as he'd been compared to usual commands, he knew his voice still carried a weight to it. He turned to Beetleback, blinking slowly. I'm sure when you were their age you did some silly things. "No, I didn't." The other warrior continued and fur began to bristle. "Bobbie and Blazestar were different, she brought her nest to his, for one." Not that he'd recognised what the gesture had meant at the time, luckily, the clan hadn't let him live down the oversight for some time. Silversmoke looked towards Fluffykit and quickly looked away when she withdrew from him, paws shuffling against the earth. He watched a paw wrap around her protectively, the insolence from the Daylight Apprentice so strong that it took him a few seconds to realise that they were serious. What they said made no sense, when had he ever given the impression he was jealous? But, it less the contents that mattered, but the tone: blunt as rocks. They threatened him, and the large tom stepped forward in response. He considered it briefly, he hadn't been that invested in the gossip, but being a pillar of the community came with certain duties.

Ears flatten against his skull, eyes grow as sharp as claws but absent of any real anger - not that it stopped the hiss that erupted from his throat. "Who do you think you're talking to? You're not in your Twoleg nest, you don't speak to anyone in your clan that way." If Fluffykit had been terrified before then Silversmoke was certain she'd have fainted by now. Still, he couldn't let unruliness go unchecked for the sake of one's feelings - he'd speak to Butterflytuft himself, apologise to Butterflytuft himself (even though he expected the Queen would be the one apologising to him... begrudgingly) Pride forbade him from succumbing to Edenpaw's blackmail, bared teeth gave his answer when words could not. "You're to report to the elder's den, now, if I hear a lick of disrespect towards them you'll be changing bedding and removing ticks until your paws fall off." His tone left little room for compromise, he was a Lead Warrior of SkyClan, not Edenpaw's friend, not even her peer. Snakelike pupils veer towards Blazingpaw. "And since you think Edenpaw is so funny, you can help them. A complaint from either of you and you won't be leaving camp for a moon." Another moon, in Blazingpaw's situation.


It was like she couldn't take a pawstep without hearing the word 'kittypet' uttered like a curse lately. Hearing jabs about 'twoleg nests' and other things certainly didn't help matters either, especially when it was a barbed comment at her apprentice which lead to her stalking over quickly with a wrinkled nose.
"Are you punishing my apprentice for taking a break and enjoying her peace before I put her to work or are you punishing her for being a kittypet?" Hazelbeam trotted forward her head low and a frown creasing her maw as she regarded the lead warrior - one of two she had not a lick of respect for given the way they acted. It was actually ridiculous how long they'd been allowed to boss about cats who had done nothing wrong but exist in a different life. "The apprentices are allowed their fun, you aren't punishing mine because she wasn't happy with your coming over here and acting like the stick in the mud you are." She stops to stand alongside Beetleback, her tail whisking behind her with rapid flicks like a serpent coiling in for a strike. The daylight warrior's eyes narrow in on the older tom, ice blue and defiant. She couldn't offer Blazingpaw much help but she wasn't about to let Edenpaw be pushed around by this egotistical tom who thought himself somehow better for being born in dirt than a box.
Poor Fluffykit looked on the verge of a meltdown and having to witness such confronation was probably not the best for the faint hearted kitten but she lifted her head up and steeled herself for whatever snapping comments might come.


  • 75204766_i8QXUtYv5cuKxDF.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.

  • Wow
Reactions: HAWKSPINE
Whatever commotion was occurring in the apprentice's den was no longer contained within the walls; now, it was spreading to the edges of camp, drawing attention from all over. What had initially begun as Silversmoke scolding the apprentices now turned into an argument spurred by Hazelbeam, who was determined to stand up to the hard-headed silver tabby.

Watching Silversmoke get sassed was typically pretty entertaining for the Maine Coon, but a daylight warrior acting as if her word was about a lead warrior's made Slate want to scoff. The only twoleg pet with any authority in the clan was Johnnyflame. The ridiculous twoleg accessory-donning daylight warrior was just as bold as her apprentice to be making such remarks toward Silversmoke. "Watch it, kittypet. Y'know he could give you tick duty too, right?" The broad-mawed tom grunts from nearby, not entirely inserted into the situation but not entirely removed either.

He digresses for a moment, sparing a glance in the direction of the youths, "Not that they're totally wrong," What? Slate wasn't going to pretend that Silversmoke wasn't a workaholic who hated fun. However, insulting a lead warrior to his face was a gutsy move ( and not a smart one ). Depending on his mood, Slate may have either brushed off such comments or would have issued similar punishments to these apprentices. "But he has more say than you do." So did Slate. He slightly cocks a brow, awaiting a response, almost inviting Hazelbeam to try and challenge his statement. She would be shut down quickly if he could help it, that was for certain.

  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​

Gossiping apprentices was nothing new. As an apprentice herself, Howlfire had partaken in her fair share of gossip, ironically often about romances or flirtations among her fellow apprentices or the warriors.

She had been sat nearbyby when all this gossiping had been happening keeping a watchful eye on Hawkpaw and Blazingpaw as they went along with Edenpaw's conversation, but fully absorbing the whole conversation. It seemed harmless enough in truth, with Edenpaw discussing Orangestar and Slate apparently having shared a den, which according to Edenpaw was only something that mates would do. Howlfire smirked to herself at that. She couldn't really imagine the two together but stranger things had happened.

The idle chatter soon takes a turn when Silversmoke arrives. She doesn't hear what he says but assumes he tries to break apart the gossiping based on Beetleback telling him to ease off, pointing out that it was not a crime to gossip. Edenpaw also says something similar but notably more argumentative in tone. Silversmoke doesn't take too kindly to that it seemed, as he quickly berates Edenpaw, and more surprisingly her son, tarring him with the same brush for having the gall to chuckle.

Howlfire is quick to her paws after that, the threat of her son not leaving camp for another moon irking her greatly. She follows quickly on Hazelbeam's heels, listening as she ripped into the silvery lead warrior. Howlfire's own eyes bore into him intensely, only briefly flickering to Slate when he advises Hazelbeam to be mindful in his typical gruff way. "You are not punishing my son for laughing. And you are certainly not confining him to camp for another moon," Howlfire said with gritted teeth. She did not care if that warning had not been so serious, she certainly wasn't going to let him use that over her son - or any of her kits - after how their apprenticeship had begun, "I cannot say much to excuse what Edenpaw just said but like Beetleback said, it is not a crime to gossip. However, Blazingpaw did not even say anything to you and was trying to cheer up Fluffykit," Howlfire sniffed irritably. "Perhaps you really do have a thorn in your paw to get so wound up about idle gossip." She finally tore her eyes away from Silversmoke to look at her kits. "Hawkpaw. Blazingpaw. With me," She mewed sharply but not unkindly. A tilting of her head gestured for the two of them to follow and not get further involved.

YOU TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME — It seemed like Silversmoke hadn't found it amusing in the slightest and made it known as he dished out a punishment in Edenpaw's direction what he hadn't expected was for the lead warrior to turn his slight ire in his direction for simply giggling. He finds it ridiculous really but instead of throwing fighting words to the lead warrior he falls silent and can't help but feel anger boiling deep inside of him when the larger tabbied tom threatened to have him kept within camp for another moon, his pelt prickling ever so slightly and he swallows down a growl about to respond until his mother came to his rescue. Blazingpaw blinks the surprise out of his gaze turning it towards Silversmoke as he glared at the silver tom while his mother told him that he would not be punishing him for laughing and he wouldn't be stuck in camp for another moon.

Blazingpaw rose to his paws when Howlfire motioned for both him and Hawkpaw to follow her, the russet tom brushing his feathery tail gently against the flank of his sibling "C'mon Honky," He mumbles quietly for her ears alone and shoots Silversmoke a final glare, the sides of his mouth twitching slightly as if threatening to smile but it doesn't lest he wish to throw his mother's efforts to get him out of trouble away instead he snorts. He glances over in Edenpaw's direction and wishes that he could help them out but he couldn't, he knew he had no word over the lead warriors that make themselves present. Maybe one day, he'd be able to help them out. With a lash of his plush tail, Blazingpaw follows after Howlfire not sparing anyone else a glance and not turning back.

/ out!


  • 8JbI3pG.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    6 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    currently being mentored by bobbie
    easy to befriend ; oftentimes quick to anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
The knowledge that Silversmoke did in fact not have such a phase leaves him in shock. "H-huh? Really? Wow... That's just huh." I knew you had a massive stick in your rear, but even back then? So depressing. To think, there's no kit Silversmoke who gossiped or tripped over his own paws. I would've loved to hear stories of that, but guess sometimes you don't win. A silent tear trails down his cheek at the missed opportunity. In any case, while Silversmoke tries to explain the difference he doesn't quite get why it changes much."Does that matter? Blazestar could've kicked her out anytime and he didn't. You know as well as I do he refused to leave her side as much as he could anyway. He had a choice and the power to remove her nest and prevent her from sleeping in the same nest as him Silversmoke." Maybe providing logical explanations weren't the smartest of ideas. He could very well end up in hot waters, but he can't keep his mouth shut. It doesn't sit well with him that Silversmoke is using his explanation as an excuse. Knowing damn well that Blazestar could've stopped Bobbie any time he wished to do so. Why are we even going back and fourth about this?

Things quickly take a turn for the worse as Silversmoke berates Edenpaw for her admittedly poor choice of words. She didn't have to bring up the fact that Silversmoke was jealous nor that he wished to be cuddling up to someone. As for her standing up for Fluffykit, he sees no wrong. It is admirable that she stands up for herself and for others. Considering the poor kit was on the verge of tears and clinging to Edenpaw as a lifeline. As for Blazingpaw he can't help but smile towards the tom trying to reassure Fluffykit in his own way. However, Silversmoke is offended and places punishment towards them both. Yeesh, all this over two apprentices words? Couldn't it have killed ya to do this another way? He understands disrespect. Don't get him wrong. He was cuffed for looking at someone the wrong way growing up, but this? This seems a bit overkill.

Gotta say something before this goes up in more flames and oh. Hazelbeam has arrived and stood by his side for whatever reason while defending her apprentice Edenpaw. He can't blame her for being upset, considering he would be too at how the entire situation was handled. I dunno if explaining what happened would really help, looks like these two have bad blood. It wasn't exactly a secret that while Skyclan was known for taking in kittypets and even had daylight warriors, some skyclanners didn't like them. He's seen kittypet clanmates be excluded and treated differently. All he can do is remain silent and listen to this disaster.

Oh how he wants to hide his face in his paws because everything is getting wildly out of hand and things are being misunderstood. Slate arrives and quite possibly adds gasoline to the fire with his comment towards Hazelbeam, that he can't help but look at the burling black tom with an incredulous expression. There was no reason. None at all for Slate to goad Hazelbeam by bringing up that she was a kittypet nor did he have to use it to establish authority. Heck, everyone knows that both Silversmoke and Slate had more power over them, save for Orangestar (for obvious reasons) and Twitchbolt (also for obvious reasons).

Howlfire arrives pissed at the situation and retorts in defense of her children. When his name is mention his eyes dart in her direction before returning to the two leads, a paw waved at both of them awkwardly, "Sup," he mumbles. Other than that he doesn't say anything, remaining in awkward silence as he's been relegated to a bystander. As quick as she arrived she leaves with her kits in tow. He watches as the family's backs become small in the distance. I... I should've left with them. He curses himself for not doing so, yet he feels bad for Edenpaw and Hazelbeam.

And so, Beetleback would huff in frustration, "ALLLLRIIIGHT! Can we all agree that this is a mess?" He holds no power here. Silversmoke and Slate have every right to punish him. Nevertheless, he continues, "Look. I don't mean any disrespect to any of you, but Hazelbeam and Slate you have no idea what happened." The blue tom ignores Slate and turns his attention to Hazelbeam. "The apprentices were gossiping, which! Isn't a crime. Anyway, they were just having fun gossiping and Silversmoke told them to knock it off. Fluffykit was scared because of Silversmoke, so Edenpaw stood up for her. Although, Edenpaw wasn't nice about it and called Silversmoke here a pinecone for brains. So then, Silversmoke got mad and started repimandin' Edenpaw and punishing 'em" A lot is ommitted for the sake of not wasting anymore time. By no means is he trying to make Hazelbeam look like a fool, but he figures giving her a quick rundown would aid her in whatever dispute she has with Silversmoke in private (if they could even stand that).

Finally, he casts his attention back to the two lead warriors. "I know you're leads and that means you have more authority. Everyone knows that. Some may not like it, but everyone knows you can punish us when you see fit. But... Come on? Slate you know you didn't have to insult Hazelbeam by calling her a kittypet. Riling her up like that." That was really unnecessary. She may have gotten somethings mixed up, but you two don't make it any easier y'know. "Look. Both of you don't have to like kittypets or daylight warriors. I'm not saying you're both obligated to, but both of you have to remember this. It was a kittypet who made you lead warriors."

Blazestar being a former kittypet was not secret knowledge. It seems cruel to bring up the deceased in an argument. Some may call it insolence, but for once Beetleback is right. As much as Slate and Silversmoke may have a distaste for kittypets and daylight warriors, the only reason why they had the power they held now was from Blazestar. A former kittypet. I wonder what he would say if he saw this... The blue tom shakes his head and sighs, "I'll be going now." Blue paws turn to leave camp for much needed air.

/ out
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 His movements are that of a cowardly adder, quick to snap to attention and even quicker to try to lord his height over them, to make them feel small. A panic sets their heart in wild racing and they struggle, despite the way Otterpaw's cruelty gleams in Silversmoke's eyes like a mirror, to stand their ground with Fluffykit firmly tucked against them. He could... he could hit them if it made him feel better. Made him feel strong. So what? But he doesn't strike with claws like her RiverClan enemy had... he stoops lower than that even. To abuse his power just because he didn't like what they had to say.

Their teeth grit despite the way they shake in their fur- despite the way their paws feel numb with a rampant anxiety that has grown way too familiar and way too comfortable in their bosom in recent moons. Think they're going to say something brave, say something that'll make him respect them as more than just a daylight apprentice; they are not a kitten to be scolded for having opinions anymore. Blazestar... Blazestar would've defended them from such blatant overzealousness.

But he isn't here. And Hazelbeam takes that burden in stride.

It isn't something they really worried about with Silversmoke, mostly because they've had the good fortune not to be stuck in his presence often enough to be aware how much he loathes kitty-pets but... she says it so certainly, that it is more than just a ventured guess. It clicks painfully into place, makes them that much more aware of the absence of a gray collar around their throat. Why, they think miserably, I don't even look like a kittypet anymore. They hunted, they did chores, they showed up every morning- they'd lost their house for this! And no one even knew that, no one even cared to try to know that. Had no clue they'd limped back to Hazelbeam's Twoleg and been scooped up like garbage off her back lawn to be taken in.

They'd lost... lost everything they could lose and still.

Slate uses it like it is derogatory... he says it with such animosity it makes the fur on their spine stand on end as if black wild-fire has burst into flames down their back. "Her name is Hazelbeam," they growl, lips drawn back in a snarl. So what if she was a kittypet? She hunted for this clan and took not a single bite for herself (it was irrelevant she had food at home, it was still a selfless thing to do)... She fought rogues for them! Chased them out of a territory that they would then sit here and pretend she had no claim to!

Beetleback cannot pick a fence to sit on... and for every word he speaks they flounder between appreciating him and hating him. He's just going to walk away?! Going to let them be shoved around like this with some 'think piece' like reminding them of a leader who is dead, gone and cannot protect them anymore? He'd promoted them alright. And it had been a mistake.

"You've no right to throw your weight around like we're less than you," they shout, begging and willing the way tears sting at their eyes to go away. Who cared what the crowd had become? Howlfire is complicit, just content to steal away Hawkpaw and Blazingpaw and pretend nothing else happening here matters. Those were their friends! She should care about Edenpaw too!

"Just because... because I was born in a house! Just because you were born in the trash!"

Sourly, a thought comes to them that hadn't felt quite so heavy until now. They didn't have Howlfire... didn't have Butterflytuft to save them. No mother to cry to. No sisters or brothers to press up against them the way Blazingpaw did against his sibling now. Just Hazelbeam... and only by stupid chance and wishful thinking did they get to call her family. "Orangestar's not going to love you more for pushing us around," they hiss at Slate. "Cherrypaw isn't going to look up to you more for bullying her-" Her what? They weren't mates, they were still too young for that.. still just... fooling around and figuring things out. Girlfriend? It wasn't really a perfect fit but.. "Bullying her friends." It'd have to suffice. He'd spurned more than just Edenpaw anyways...​

"Then do it." She challenges, meeting Slate's fiery gaze with her own cool blue one, "I will be speaking to Orangestar about this, about how you both act to your clanmates who aren't clanborn, who go home to a different nest every night. Every little remark you make, every look, I will not forget it. I will NEVER forget it."
Her apprentice is riled up now and she feels herself bristle in response as she turns to the black and white molly sputtering and hissing out in distress. It shouldn't have come to this.
"Edenpaw, enough." Her tone is curt, stern but not harsh - she understands the anger, its the same fury that ripples beneath her own pelt at the very fact kittypet was used as a means to mock her even from a cat she should respect but doesn't. If Slate had used her name, she might not have glared at him as well as annoyed as she did, but he also decided to make clear where he stood when it had been unecessary.
"We're going for a walk." Her apprentice deserved a scolding for mouthing off, certainly, but these two would rather use it as fuel for their biased flames and she wasn't going to tolerate it. Let them go run to Orangestar and cry they were disrespected, she hardly cared - if she was thrown from the clan for her defiance then so be it, she didn't want to be in a place that allowed daylight warriors to be treated this way; might as well just abolish the entire rank and system while they were at it.
With a flick of her tail she followed after Beetleback, insisting her apprentice come with. She'd need to find Beetle later and thank him for his words, it was at least a little warming to know the opinions of her so-called lead warriors were not the common viewpoint of her clanmates.

  • //out!

  • 75204766_i8QXUtYv5cuKxDF.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.



"That's enough!" Johnny practically barked as he made his way over, shoulders stiff and lips pulled into a disapproving frown as golden eyes moved over the arguing cats. He hadn't caught the whole thing, but Beetleback and Edenpaw had given him a good enough idea just now. Johnny knew well enough that kittypets didn't have it easy in the clan, and the only thing that kept his scowl from being trained on Slate and Silversmoke alone was the fact that he also didn't appreciate that comment about 'being born in the trash'. Even if the two other leads were asking for a taste of their own medicine. Hell, even Johnny was no stranger to trading unfriendly words with the silver brute.

"If there's an issue here that's worth causing an argument in the middle of camp than it needs to be taken up with Orangestar or her Deputy- not aired out when there are kits around."

Poor Fluffykit already looked scared out of her wits, and having a mob start protesting around them wasn't going to de-escalate things.

"Everyone needs to cool off- anyone who doesn't have anything nice to say to each other can take a walk." he huffed, making sure both Slate and Silversmoke knew that went for them, too. Gaze shifting back to Howl, he added, "Orangestar and Twitchbolt are fair- if you really feel like Silversmokes being unreasonable I'm sure she'll hear you out. Or you the four of you can take it out of to the ravine and duke it out." the last part was accompanied by a wink, clearly in jest... mostly.

OOC- edited the end for Hazel so he's just talking to Howl, didn't see your post saying they were out lol

A bored rasp of her tongue over her foreleg served a good front of acting too involved with her own grooming to eavesdrop. Something regarding Slate and Orangestar's suspicious development, which she assumed was about how Slate had been caught leaving her sisters den in the early morning with scraps of moss still attached to his fur. It was quite obvious, after all he hadn't been in his own nest that night, but she was curious to hear the youths opinion about it.

It's innocent babble, truthfully. Gossip was an occasion that bonded Clanmates like sap on bark. Unexpectedly a certain crowd found offense, flinging their authority as if Edenpaw dishonored the stars before them. Applefrost flexed her claws between licks as she readied herself to step in, but Hazelbeam beat her to it. A former fellow daylighter, when she still held the title. Howlfire stepped in next though, curiously, the molly is absent of any protest on how their leads wield the word used to undermine her Clanmates. That was once used to undermine her own father.

Her teeth grit together and while they begin to spread out and leave, Applefrost has her own to say. "Your behavior is disgusting." An icy stare rest between Silversmoke and Slate, unmoving from her own position. "Do you hear yourselves, either of you? Slate, brandishing the word kittypet against someone who actually bares a warrior name. Do you think anyone here feels safe, the way you speak? Like they're dirt beneath your paws? Is that what you think the duty of a lead warrior is?" A breathy laugh exhaled from her maw, a disturbing lack of anger in her tone.

"And don't think it's not obvious, Silversmoke, how you're practically jumping at the chance to throw your authority around. Your behavior is excessive, it's inappropriate, it's cruel. You make Blazestar look like a fool for giving you power at all, the way you abuse it." Applefrost tore her gaze away to look at where her sister's den lay, tempted to speak to her now. Another moment and she decided against it- she didn't need to hide behind her sister. She could handle herself.

"I'm tired of this, Johnnyflame. How long have we allowed them to speak to us like this? How long will we let it continue? It's not like NO ONE knows the council has been allowed to act this way towards their Clanmates. You know what? I'm... I'm sick of it." Claws dig into the earth and quickly, she forces them to stay sheathed. "Speak to your Clanmates, my Clanmates like this again and I will see justice given for it. I will make you feel just as unsafe, just as small as you've made us." It was a promise. Her frustration exhaled in a hot huff of breath as she stood, challenging them.
