lofi melodies — robinheart

It had been about four to five days since her collapse and she hadn't been able to see almost anyone since she was stuck in the medicine den. The fever she had lasted two days until it finally decided to settle down, plus the extra two days that Moonpaw kept her for her to relax and catch up on sleep, eating and other necessities that she commonly skipped. Once she was excused and released back to her duties, the first thing she did was seek out her best friend in the nursery. A long tail sways behind her as she finally finds herself to the nursery entrance, chambray gaze blinking at the other queens and kittens before spotting Robinheart. "Robin, sorry I haven't been around."

She takes a big stretch, her dark ears pinning back before giving herself a light shake and observes her friend. "You look ready to explode any moment... What did... Moonpaw say?" Trout inquires softly, a tilt of her head as she sits down nearby and offers a soft smile to the tortie. Robinheart seemed better physically (besides the weight) and looked happier in general, so she assumed things with Brookstorm gotten better since the last time— as long as Robin was happy and healthy then she was fine. Brookstorm seemed to have been avoiding her a moon ago but it seemed as the bond between them was restored and she often seem them on walks or together.

Her long coat still held the faint scent of herbs and she gives herself a faint sniff to make sure it doesn't seem too overwhelming for the queen— but it had faded to almost nothing now. "Do you need help with anything...? Grooming, go on a walk or anything?" The spotted tabby would ask as soft as her chambray gaze was on the other she-cat: a gaze full of warmth and platonic love for her best friend ever since they were apprentices. She was boiling in excitement internally for when the kittens came as they most likely would be the splitting images of the two mothers, and she couldn't wait to spoil them just as she spoiled her siblings (but hopefully they didn't turn out as spoiled as her siblings). Frecklepaw had quite the tantrum sometimes, and the rest were divas or a chaotic fun to deal with.


Robinheart finds that news travels quickly in the nursery - curious minds soaking in any information offered and repeating it back to peers who spent the majority of their time within woven walls. Hearing of Troutsnout’s collapse and stricken illness had the tortoiseshell concerned. Beyond concerned, but utterly worried. Her speckled best friend was unwell and Robinheart could do nothing about it.

Not because she didn’t want to, but because she physically was unable to.

Heavy with kits, the mottled molly rests in her nest with eyes closed but ears open to the hushed murmurs. Reeds part and one citrine eye cracks expecting to see an apprentice delivering prey or hoping to see stone blue fur and grassy glowing eyes. The visitor is neither, but the queen finds her heart elated nevertheless. “Troutsnout!” Robinheart purrs, lifting her head and righting herself slightly as the warrior makes her approach. “Please don’t apologize, I heard what happened. I’m just glad you are better now,” she adds with a soft smile.

The brown spotted molly points out the queen’s… size, and a good natured chuckle escapes Robinheart’s maw. “I feel like I could explode at any moment,” she murmurs, glancing momentarily at her swollen midsection before looking back to Trousnout. “They’ll be here any day now. Moonpaw predicts four - honestly it feels like a dozen rolling around in there sometimes!” Robinheart couldn’t wait to finally meet the little kittens kicking and jabbing her at all hours. It would be such a relief to have her own body back.

Stunning yellow eyes meet chambray gaze and Robinheart’s heart swells with affection (platonic of course) for her best friend. She appreciates the warrior for looking after her. Between Troutsnout, Brookstorm, Willowroot, and so many others, Robinheart was never without anything. She sometimes feels bad, as if exploiting her loved ones, but she knows they all want to help and if the roles were reversed she’d be doing anything to help them. “Honestly a walk sounds wonderful. Just around camp, I don’t think I can get too far anymore,” she answers, pushing herself to her paws. “While we are walking I would like to hear about your siblings. How are they doing? And how are you?”
[ penned by kerms ]
A hearty laugh leaves the maned feline at Robinheart's statement of being ready to explode at any given moment. Her chambray gaze glances down at the queen's heavy stomach and excitement sits in her stomach to little the little bundles of love being carried by her best friend. " Aha, I bet. It must be exhausting but it's thrilling to think that I can watch my best friend's kits grow like my siblings. " She would respond as she reminisces on the moment when her siblings were born and she remembered being introduced to them the first time. Her dark ears flick at hearing prediction of four kits and a shock expression appears as she stammers out. " F-Four? That's a lot! "

A white paw rubs her temple as she does a funny sigh, closing her eyes as she peeks one open to look at the mottled she-cat before she bursts out in laughter. " That just means more to love on. I'll always be here to help you look after them with everyone else. " Warmth swirls in her heart as she tries to imagine what the children of Robinheart and Brookstorm would look like, and she assumes they would look just like miniature carbon copies of their parents. Frecklepaw was a carbon copy of their deceased father with her spotted blue coat, Kestrelpaw also carrying their father's spotted coat just like her in a light color and Magpiepaw looking drastically different from the rest.

Would Robinheart have any kits that looked way different from her and Brookstorm?

" Of course. You can lean on me if you feel tired at any time. " Troutsnout would coo as the queen raises from her nest, and she gently brushes to her side to guide her out the nursery. Her siblings and how she was doing? " Ah... Frecklepaw is just as adorable as ever. She never wants to leave me, someone would think she was my own kit if they saw it. " The spotted tabby would respond with a laugh as she thinks about the other two siblings as she smiles at the thought of her baby siblings, " They're all doing pretty good. Magpiepaw wants to have one on one time sometime so I might take them out for a swim, and Kestrelpaw is still struggling after we lost our parents. "

Her steps are slow and steady so her friend doesn't feel pressure to keep up and move at her own pace, her chambray gaze flicking across the camp as she ponders what to say. Nothing new was going on with her besides the Windclanner she met and was on friendly terms with, and he was similar yet different from her. " I've just been taking it easy. I met a Windclanner at the Beech Copse, me and him were alike. He taught me that I should enjoy the little moments in life, and Foxtail also told me about wishing I would care for myself as much as I do everyone else. " Troutsnout would admit as she didn't keep secrets from her best friend, ands she looks back at the queen for a moment as she offers a soft smile. Though she was hard working, she knew that her hurting herself while helping others probably didn't make her friends happy and they would want the same for her just as she wanted for them.

" How are you? "

Robinheart enjoys these moments - being friendly and open with Troutsnout, unafraid of saying the wrong thing or somehow making a fool of herself. She knows her best friend will only ever have her back, just as she’ll also have her children’s wellbeing in mind. “It has been the most exhausted I’ve ever been, and I spent weeks plucking ticks from the elders under Cicadastar’s command!” Robinheart mews in return, a fondness and subtle sadness in her bright eyes. Her punishment from trying to flee to SkyClan after she escaped the twolegs who had captured her. It was one of her lowest moments, but crucial in shaping her into the adult she is today. If none of that had happened she would have never become rivals with Brookstorm, a rivalry that turned into much more. “They’ll be so lucky to have their Aunt Trouty looking after them.” She replies affectionately, sentimental from hormones and thinking of her personal journey she has been on to get to this moment.

Though the offer is given to lean against the spotted molly, Robinheart finds she is alright for the time being. They are only strolling around camp so she doesn’t anticipate tiring quickly. Besides the kicking kits within her and the chatter of her friend are more than enough to keep her distracted from any fatigue. Triangular ears perk as Troutsnout explains how her siblings fare. They were still young when their parents passed, knowing of them and only just beginning to bond before fate cruelly stepped in. Robinheart mourned their loss with everyone, though her heart primarily went out to Troutsnout - now responsible not only for her own growth but that of her siblings as well. “I’m glad they are doing well. Grief is not linear so I’m sure there will be plenty of good and bad days ahead… they are so lucky to have you in their corner though,” she responds thoughtfully, gaze focused on the brown molly for a long moment before glancing ahead once more, waiting to hear how Troutsnout herself is doing.

Despite their slow and steady pace, Robinheart stops and tilts her head at the mention of a WindClanner. Her brows furrow slightly, concerned for Troutsnout, but she gives her best friend the benefit of the doubt. The bespeckled warrior has always been kind and accepting. “I see. I’m glad it only took a WindClanner and our friend Foxtail to get you to slow down… though I advise you to guard your heart against any other advice that may come from WindClan - our clans have had their differences for a reason,” the tortoiseshell queen instructs, voice low and a touch uncertain. She didn’t want to read into anything or fabricate a tale that wasn’t true… but she also couldn’t leave anything unsaid for fear of hurting her friend.

As for her own wellbeing, the mottled molly allows a small smile to grace her face. “I’ve been well. Brookstorm and I… we are better. She’s determined to fix what had been broken and I trust she will do just that… though having her back by my side feels fixed enough to me,” she admits with ease. “If all goes well I think she will want to be involved with the kits. I hope she’ll want to be. I never knew my father, know nothing about him, and that’s not… it’s not a life I want for my kits.”
[ penned by kerms ]
At Robinheart's response and the reminder of Cicadastar's punishment as she coughs at the memory of her best friend spending countless weeks picking ticks from the elders. The elders loved to talk about anything and everything, not to mention the smell and after taste of mouse bile if you didn't rinse it all the way off properly. " Eugh. I remember that, I felt so bad for you. " She murmurs as she shivers at the thought before laughing softly, her tail swaying slightly as they walked along. They’ll be so lucky to have their Aunt Trouty looking after them. The warrior sheepishly looks down, her ears heating up in embarrassment before responding to being called Aunty Trout. " Anytime and anywhere. You've always been a sister to me. "

Robinheart listens patiently and quietly as they tread along, listening to her talk about her baby siblings. It was the type of person the tortie was, she was a gentle flower who warmed anyone's day up and was as bright as the red patches splotched across her coat. " Mm yeah, they're all handling it different ways. I'm just hoping they don't do something that can hurt them. " The spotted tabby would murmur as she allows her chambray gaze to drift off, pondering on how she could help her siblings grieve better. Eventually, they will move on but she supposes it's still a fresh wound. They'd had been about three or four moons, and had their parents ripped away them at the time.

Her darker toned ears flick as she listens to the queen's words about her slowing down but warns her about the Windclanner. A lot of bad blood ran through the two clans, especially due to Sootstar's reign but they seemed better now. " I know, I know. It was mostly because of Sootstar though, she did kinda have something wrong in the head. " Trout would start but whisper with a toothy grin when mentioning the last part, giggling softly. Sootstar had been an horrible leader who rampaged hatred, bloodshed and negativity across the clans and used her clan as their pawns- her personal soldiers.

Troutsnout listens intently to her best friend's wellbeing and the dilemma of Brookstorm and her. She's never had a negative look or anything overly positive towards Brookstorm, she mostly wanted the best for Robin and if she wanted to be with Brookstorm and it made her happy- she would support the she-cat unless it got too negative and affected her. " I'm sure she will, she most likely got scared or anxious at the thought of being a mother. " The elder sister would coo softly, her tail swaying to the side as her eyes close for a second. " She's doing better and treating you better, and wants to fix her mistakes which is good. I hope everything goes on a smooth path. "