log sailors & co | mischief , o


Jul 23, 2022

The sunny bank glistens with pebbly stones and warm sand, licking at the edge the river’s strong current hums with newleaf’s strum and the bustling creatures within the reeds and willows is all that can be heard until Dogteeth wades into the river, webbed paws paddling with ease. His eyes set upon a large piece of wood floating down the river. Forever carried by the tug of the restless waters.

The fisherman’s claws scrabble against rotting black wood, it barely turns under his weight and reveals its mass. A log, not just a piece of driftwood- Dogteeth coils the muscles in his hocks, nails scrabbling under the surface. Wobbly as he pulls himself to an unsteady perch on the waggling boat. Unsteady, his face is pinched with focus but it rocks to the side and he crashes into the water with a flurry of limbs like a shot down duck. He resurfaces, ears let and sagging at the crown of his skull as he blinks through wet lashes to a clanmate.

" Think you can beat my time? Three mouse heartbeats ! " he jokes and challenges them.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite | large teeth
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png

  • Love
Reactions: Magpiepaᴡ
〕They couldn't help it, they really couldn't, as they gave the softest of laughs watching the warrior as he was scrambling on the log of wood. The sun was out and beating down onto the dry sandy beach like it was trying to turn it into molten lava. Or melt the cats under its rays- whichever happened first. Still, time in the water was more than welcomed and they wanted to join in on the fun regardless. Even if it was rare for them to do so. They werent one to enjoy fun things and often practical, but the prospect of winning and sitting in water was appealing to them.

Magpiepaw shifted were they sat as they watched with anticipation as Dogteeth tried to balance, tried to keep afloat on the rotten piece of wood. The young apprentice then broke into a snort as the tomcat evidentially fell into the water below after some time. It was impressive how long he'd managed to stay up there on the log as it was certain they werent going to be able to do it either. However, the young apprentice then got up when Dogteeth asked who could beat his three mouse heartbeats.

"I can! Watch me!" They state firmly and puffed out their chest at the notion. It then crawled to the edge of the water and pawed for the log to bring it in closer, before then shakily climbing aboard it. The log bowed and dipped with its weight and they felt their paws shiver under them. Magpiepaw gritted their teeth and the black and white cat tried to not dig in claws to keep themselves on. It didnt work very well for them and they had to count-




The give a screech as the log then turns suddenly and they are sent thrown into the water, and they land with a loud splash. The black cat quickly surfaced and crowed out, "I almost had it!

  • ooc.” “ mentor tag @Hawkcloud
  • Magpiepaw —— Apprentice of Riverclan , mentored by Hawkcloud . NPC x NPC . littermate to Gladefrost and Frecklepaw ✦ penned by wolfie
    AFAB Agender Masculine / they/it/ze / 10 months & ages every 23ʳᵈ
    single / Demisexual Homoromantic(femme leaning) & polyamorous / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 57858877_QpMTdTTa199ZmQ5.png

    a longhaired black and white cat with blue eyes. write a short description detailing appearance including necessary information.
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Reactions: DogTeeth

Dogteeth's attempts at staying afloat are almost audible. Thin slits of yellow glue themselves to his claws; the way they all but shred that poor bark, and finally, bubbles and waves appearing in their place as he goes under. His gilded curls warp and shift on the surface of the water while his head reemerges, and all Eveningpaw can think is: what a show.

Not a bad one, by any means. There is usual enthusiasm in every taut line of her body — all Dogteeth's performance does is invite, even before he actually vocalizes said invitation, making her quite eager to participate in the fun.

Magpiepaw goes first. Eveningpaw does not even try to cut in line; the more she sees, the more she can learn... or so she thinks. Dogteeth's usage of brute strength hadn't proven to be enough. Perhaps her fellow apprentice would think of a better trick, but it appears the rotten log remains victorious. Magpiepaw follows a similar fate to the contestant before them, screech erupting from their whitened throat, darkened wood flipping them into the water before the goal could be properly met.

"Bet I'll stay on for double! Six mousebeats!"

Ironically enough, Eveningpaw forgets to count altogether in her excitement. Her body snaps to the top of the now lonely log, all four limbs trying their best to wrap around it... Dogteeth made it look so easy! When her abrupt weight and the shifting of the water threaten to tip her over, Eveningpaw moves herself in the opposite direction — a trick that, for what it's worth, works for the first few seconds. It only accelerates its momentum and easily throws her back into the river.
  • Love
Reactions: DogTeeth

”All that fur is dragging you down, Dogteeth,” Snakeblink quips as he watches from the riverbank. He ought to shake his mane-like fluff left and right to keep his balance: there might be enough of it to serve.

Though the much lighter, slightly less fluffy apprentices do not fare much better: Magpiepaw went under almost as soon as their paws touched the waterlogged bark, and Eveningpaw all but launched herself off the thing trying to counter the sway to keep herself on. Snakeblink doubts he could do much better than them. Then again, perhaps…

He slinks into the water in the wake of Eveningpaw’s fall, muttering, ”Pardon me,” towards the two apprentices as he goes. Now how to climb on this thing as it bobs up and down in the current… He places a light paw against its slick surface in consideration. Then he unsheathes his claws and throws both forepaws over the log, tries to haust himself up--

And slowly slides off when his claws do not find purchase, plopping back in the water without getting more than half his body onto the log.

”Ah. It is harder than it looks, isn’t it?”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • apprentice tag @turtlepaw
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    Snakeblink • he / him. 53 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


With only his nose and eyes sticking out of the water, he watches as Magpiepaw declares with confidence that they could do it. " mmhmm " he mrrows, counting as they climb onto the unstable floaty. " Down goes the Magpie! " he whistles as they nearly make it to three. The river surface breaks like glass and splashes around him as the apprentice smacks the water.

Eveningpaw appearing next, looking as foolishly determined as Magpiepaw had. " six?, now that’s ambitious! " he laughs heartily, enjoying the playful moment he could share with others. In a dark world so often warped with duty and sorrow, one can forget to smile.

He chuckles, closing his eyes as another splash rains over his floating head. " That was maybe...mm.... six flaps of a bee’s wings " he teases.

Snakeblink’s voice turns Dogteeth’s smile to one wider in greeting. " Pfft tell me about it! I’m nearly the same size as the apprentices- I thought maybe that’d give me some leverage " he jokes, treading the water in place with spread webbed blonde toes.

" Look at me, dragging lead warriors into my silly antics " he giggles as the thin tabby makes for the log next. A smothered laugh bubbling out his mouth as Snakeblink’s nails scrape uselessly against the slicked black wood, " like trying to wrestle a big slimy catfish " he agrees.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite | large teeth
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png