lone ruin (elkpaw)

Jan 5, 2023
It still rubs her fur the wrong way. Bunnywhisker is unsure how to feel about the chaos unfolding within their camp - she knows how she's supposed to feel. She's supposed to feel righteous that the poison in their Clan is being washed away, but what of Vulturemask? The tom's training is likely to be half assed or rushed given Dandelionwish's imprisonment. Or of Galeforce, who had been simply angry that his lover died on the battlefield, or Yewberry, who has children, a lover? Should she feel vindicated for them? That all is right now that they're gone? (She supposes as much, given the finality of their exiles, however she departed long before the event finished. She couldn't take it anymore.)

With her mind unwilling to rest, she's at least partially grateful that Elkpaw continues to tolerate her company. She's far from being his mentor (some days she feels he's better at their craft of tracking and hunting than she is,) but given her full moor runner status, she does have some leeway with dragging apprentices elsewhere. And it's not like the white tom is unwilling. Whereas she felt overwhelmed and fritzed because of the noise, he had simply grown bored. His attention was no longer captured by the traitorous schemes of their former Clanmates, falling to the wayside instead. Bunnywhisker almost wishes she could adopt the tom's apathy, however at the end of the day, that's not something she can entirely control.

"D'you smell anything yet?" She asks her companion, tail twitching. Messing with her scab easily reopened the frozen wound, and the blood is hard to smell beyond. She doesn't complain, however. She would happily be her own undoing on a failed hunting trip, she supposes. Her gaze falls upon Elkpaw, hoping he's caught something in the wind.


Here out in the snow he allows himself to think. To wonder. Despite being bored of the commotion back at camp he knows that things will be changing again. For better or for worse he doesn't know given the circumstances but now they are down three abled bodied warriors and during mother nature's wailing. Such a silly thing to do when all of them are suffering. Such a near sighted thing to do when they needed a medicine cat worth their salt. But he is not their caretakers. He is a mere child, he wants to keep these moons for himself. The adults look after him and he watches with always that same amusement twinkling in his chilling blue gaze. Always. Perhaps that is why it bored him. Because they acted like he should be acting. Throwing tantrums. Sunset could have stayed home and their death did not mean much to him. Because they had chosen to go. To face death and try to survive. All of them did.

He is a little ill though as they try to blame Skyclan like Windclan had never killed a Skyclanner. Shaking his head his eyes wander over the frigid landscape, pushing what he feels is an unnecessary qualm from his mind. These are not his issues. What he needs to focus on is hunting with Bunnywhisker. Bringing something home he guesses. As he steps up along the hill of snow he sniffs at the snow laden ground before sharp ears pull backwards to hear his companion. "Maybe? Maybe. The snow may have tunnels, temporary. A rabbit might be in it." They just gotta find the entrance, find the exit and they can scare it into waitint paws.

His eyes glimmer with his mirth at the idea before he steps forth along the area, nose shifting against snow and then he finds it. "Here. Now we need to find the other end and we can have at least a meal for a few." Maybe not for himself which he does find to be a little annoying. But it doesn't sjow on his face.