LONELY JONES ♫ [ intro ]


body & soul, bought & sold
Dec 18, 2023

In a world so rife with half-truths and guile, certainty makes for a precious rarity. Yet, there is one statement with which ThunderClan's cast will confidently bestow their collective agreement: the stars had given Strawfrolic a mouth, and by their heavenly grace, did the tom ever use it.

♫ Had I a wish, oh StarClan sent: Greenleaf's warmth would never, ever end ♫

Harmonies, melodies, limericks, and love poems—a whisker's whim could incite song from his ever-ready lips, acquiring hearts and reproachful frowns in equal measure. While he cannot boast the keen nose of Berryheart, or of Flycatcher's well-adjusted wits, Strawfrolic may own himself a claim to greatness when it came to song. Greatness, after all, is found in the eyes and ears of the beholder, and personal preferences notwithstanding, his clanmates were bound to listen.

♫ This snow's a bother, I'm afraid—let Newleaf sing, and bid it fade! Let the ground warm, and let rain fall—just remember the song that caused it alllllll. ♫

Life holds ups and downs aplenty, hills and valleys left uncrossed—the climb and the drop each a tale and half unto itself—but song makes it all the simpler and easier to navigate. Strawfrolic chose to make his joys resonant, his displeasures just as strong, his yearning a shared experience, his boredom a kinship. All cats dance to their own tunes. He merely sang his out loud.

The dawn patrol winds down, and its members pool into the forest clearing. Strawfrolic knows better than to disrupt when there's prey to be caught or scents to mark(a tough-earned wisdom), so only when camp comes into view does song find his voice. Those bearing fresh-kill wander off to the pile, but the three-limbed warrior tarries near the entrance. Another ditty plays on his breath, put forth in a hushed croon:

♫ Will the cold take my ears this Leaf-bare? ♫

Just then, a violent shiver. From nose to tail-tip, his body seizes, prompting a musical stutter. "Probably, he mutters, a petulant frown all-too apparent in his golden features. His claws extend as muscles tense, trying as one to cope with the chill.
Howlingstar isn’t one to turn away a joyful tune; rather, she listens in silence, a scrawny vole clamped in her jaws as she pads just in front of Strawfrolic. As her hunting patrol slips into camp, she makes her way towards the fresh-kill pile to deposit her only kill, ears folded back to keep listening to the warrior’s song. Singing isn’t a common pastime around here, but that’s what made him unique, she supposes. Turning back in his direction, weariness is heavy on her features as she smiles. “That was lovely,” Comes her gentle praise, old bones shifting into a sitting position. “Did you come up with that yourself, Strawfrolic?” She doesn’t know any songs, only stories. Then again, that’s all songs really are - sung stories. Perhaps she could try it sometime, but she very much doubts her voice would be as pleasant as her clanmate’s. The thought nearly brings a chuckle to her lips as she shakes her head a bit.

Shiningsun had been enraptured by the sound of song and the warrior stood and gawked at Strawfrolic like some frozen stag caught in the illuminating light cast by a thunderpath monster's eyes. He only found the freedom to move again when the song seemingly concluded, and with that freedom he drew closer to the tom, and by extension Howlingstar. "I wish I could sing like that. Last time I sang everyone thought I was losing my mind, heh!" Maybe he had, who knows.

"If you ever fancy teaching us how to carry a tune please give me a shout." Shiningsun added before he looked towards Howlingstar with a warm smile. "How fared the hunt this morning?" He had seen a few prey items being brought in so it gave him some hope, though he wouldn't know how his own chances would be until he joined the dusk patrol later.


"Can you teach me to sing?"

The monochrome kitten, flecked with silvers that were fading to black from fever coat. Cerulean eyes stared curiously as she neared closer to strawfrolic. She liked those noises that came from the others jaws. They were almost soothing, if both her father's voices weren't even more soothing.

"Please?" She figured adding a please might influence the decision. She wanted to have a graceful voice, a soft soothing one- not a squeaky one like hers.

to be reborn , you have to die first .
He remained silent, eerily so, paw coming to usher Vixenkit further away from the entrance where the others stood to listen to Strawfrolic like he’d hung the moon. Spiderlily paid no mind, instead focusing pinkish hues on his kit spoke of learning to sing. He wouldn’t stop her if she wished to learn, even toying with the idea of braiding flowers into his daughter’s fur when leafbare bled out and flowers returned in clusters.

With an amused sigh, Spiderlily brushed his tail against Vixenkit’s flank in a silent ‘well done’ for remembering her manners, as much as her father was unapologetically blunt, no more than rude to a lot of his clanmates that rubbed his fur wrong.
thought speech