At last- a lucky stone. He'd made a promise, and though Fernpaw had never been a resentful cat, he was not one to break a promise- not now, not ever. Though noticeably he'd been toiling harder at his training, determined to refine the tiny bits of talent that were buried deep, deep, deep down within him... since Boneripple had disappeared, he'd been distracted and determined all at once. Sablepaw needed his support now more than ever, and he had to show her he hadn't forgotten his promise, so the fiery tom had for days been combing RiverClan's shores to find something absolutely perfect.

"Sablepaw!" he called across camp, voice muffled by his prize, When he finally came face to face with the blue-eyes she-cat, he delicately placed the stone on the ground in front of her, lowering himself to a seat and curling his sunset-striped tail around his paws.

It was a stone, just like she had given him- but this one was smooth and oval-shaped. Its colour was a midnight blue, deeply dark but slightly blue-tinted. And even more like a starlit night were the small, sequin-like specks scattered across the stone surface, like silver freckles. In the right light, the flecks glimmered like Silverpelt. "I want you to have this. And I hope it'll bring you luck, like your gift did for me." An eye full of earnest searched her face for her reaction.

\ @Sablepaw
penned by pin
In every situation you give me peace
Ever since the disappearance of Boneripple, Fernpaw had been a firm pillar for her to lean on in times of weakness. A blazing ray of positivity and reassurance she could look to. He truly was the best friend any cat could ever hope to ask for. Much like himself she tried to keep herself busy both physically and mentally. She took extra lessons from Cindershade and even did extra chores to keep her thoughts from drifting to her now estranged mother. At the moment she sat just outside the apprentice den, expression taunt with concentration. With her tongue poking out slightly she attempted to weave together fresh nesting material, working delicately to keep herself from accidentally snapping the reeds under paw. As wayward reed began to bend in an undesirable position she shifted a paw to nudge it the opposite way. Only for it to snap and hang limp.

Irritation seeped from her being in the form of a frustrated sigh as she pulls her paws away from her project. The sudden enthusiastic trill of "Sablepaw!" caught her attention, causing her to temporarily ignore the broken reeds at her paws. Her eyes easily find Fernpaw as he rushes to her side, eagerly placing something before her. Soft blue eyes grow wide as she examines what is gifted to her. A beautiful midnight blue stone etched with flecks of starlight, smooth in texture and a sight to behold. "Oh wow," Words fall breathlessly at first, blue eyes darting back up with a look of hesitation. "Fernpaw it's beautiful, are you sure you want me to have this one?" It would have made an excellent centerpiece to his collection. But his earnest expression wordlessly told her everything she needed to know.

It was then that a bright, toothy smile graced her previously solemn features. "It's perfect, thank you. I'm sure it will bring me plenty of luck." With an appearance like that how could it not? Besides, he had scoured the pebbled shore in search of the perfect rock and that made it all the more special.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

Exchanging gifts was an act Hazecloud had never taken lightly herself. Offerings or favors between herself and those receivers were treated as bonds, and any cat she considered close enough to earn such from her knew the intention behind it.

Some time ago, when she had closer to Fernpaw's age she had found herself so enamored that her muse's nest was laden with the finest accessories she could scrounge for in the marsh. The vibrant feathers of jays, the plushest down that had strayed from passing geese or ducks. Items to signify just how much care and attention she held, how frequently she showed her affections because hardly a day passed where she could contain it.

Of course, in typical Hazecloud fashion, her devotion was solemnly private. With little suspicion even from her own parents who often hovered over their children. Now not even a whisper of such adoration remained. Gifts thrown to the rolling tide of the river. Disposed of like she had of her flame.

Seeing Sablepaw so delighted by Fernpaw's surprise brought a mix of bittersweetness to the blue molly. She would not squander this moment for them, though. Sablepaw especially deserved the moment untouched by her own internal regret.

"That is absolutely beautiful, Fernpaw! A lucky find will surely be an equally lucky gift." Hazecloud reassured with a gentle smile.

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
The flash of orange trotting across camp was a hard one to miss, the abrupt call for Sablepaw only capturing the idle warriors attention with more interest.
As the two excitedly chattered with each other, Lakemoon was recalling the time where the scene before her had been reversed, and then the night she had come across them swimming in the river together, without mentors.
The slight crinkle in her expression is hardly noticeable as the silvery warrior began to wonder if their closeness was born from genuine friendship, or a different kind of fondness.
If anything, Sablepaw and Fernpaw were both promising young warriors, and she would be delighted for them both either way- though she’d still be sure to muse her wonderings to Lilybloom later on, assuming her mate would be interested in discussing something similar to harmless gossip.
After Hazecloud speaks up, Lakemoon wanders over, catching a closer glimpse at the gift.
"You two have a wonderful eye." She’d comment in agreement. Perhaps Lakemoon should task the two with finding gifts for Lilybloom in the future.


Squishpaw had to admit that she felt jealous looking at the scene. She would have loved to receive such a thoughtful gift from a friend or sibling - or maybe even Fernpaw. The very thought had her pelt feeling hot and she glanced away to watch the warriors fawning over the scene. Squishpaw sighed to herself and rolled a more bland pebble under her paw as she disappeared into her own thoughts. The care Fernpaw's action showed was enormous. What would it be like to be the center of that level of care? Of love, whatever form?

Her mind flashed to RiverClan, then. Her foster queens, her siblings, even Ravensong in his own grumpy manner. They all loved her. It was reassuring, even though Squishpaw still longed for something more single-minded and encompassing than unconditional familial love.

But family was important. Maybe Squishpaw could gather some stones of her own. Her eyes glanced once again at Fernpaw. Maybe there was an idea there... She hesitated to approach, but the other warriors hadn't waited to add their own thoughts on Fernpaw and the rock, so Squishpaw took a fortifying breath and forged forth.

"Where did you get the stone, Fernpaw?" she asked. Her eyes blinked with honest curiosity, though a more insightful cat could have caught some scheming taking place behind the hazel color. A nervous flick of her tail and the she-cat continued, "Maybe you could show me?"
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( 🐝 ) She had received a gift of sorts once and it had been from Sablepaw, those very said gifts decorating her curly, dark coat and a part of the nest within the willow den. Her ears perk up at the sound of Fernpaw calling for Sablepaw and it piques her interest, Beekit walking over only to see that the apprentices had already drawn the attention of a few warriors and she couldn't help but feel her own pelt grow hot. She couldn't imagine having so many watchful eyes on her if she ever received such a special gift like Fernpaw had bestowed onto Sablepaw, her bicolored gaze focusing on the stone that had beautiful colors that made her brain itch in the best way possible.

What a special gift. It's a sweet gesture for sure and she ponders where she could potentially find one, she seems about ready to ask a question but Squishpaw beats her to it not that she minds at all. After all, if it's out of camp then she had no business out there currently until she became an apprentice of which she longs for. One day. One day, it'll be her, Cicadakit, and Starlightkit out on their first patrols together and they'd see everything together. She's sure of it or so hopes for it. She glances up to both Fernpaw and Sablepaw deciding to chirp out "It's really gorgeous, Fernpaw. You really have a gift in finding these little..." What was that word she was wanting? Right! "Treasures!"

And the big grin that she offered her dear friend, Sablepaw, would be enough to tell her that she was truly lucky to have a great friend such as Fernpaw.