Dec 21, 2022

    From beyond the Clans, past SkyClan's Twolegplace, resides a rogue group led by an iron-fist tom.. this is where our story begins. Huge and special thank you to Rae for collaborating with me for this as the queen, and for writing the backstory below!

    CW for mentions of death and maiming.

    Lovage was born to two loving parents insignificantly. Her upbringing had lent her all she knew of the world - a sheltered view, no doubt, but one of starlit wonders and hopes. Her parents lived to an old age and as Lovage grew in her little colony, she never wanted for more than she had.

    At some point early into her adulthood, she fell for a tom. Laurel, he was named, and their love flourished beneath open skies. Those in their colony knew of their courtship, and yet still Lovage found herself confronting the fact of her betrothal. Nightshade, the leader of their rogue group, confessed to her in front of all present. And fearing for her life, she reciprocated. She told Laurel that she cannot see him any further, breaking his heart in the meanwhile.

    Moons passed and Lovage rekindled her friendship with Laurel, all whilst enjoying her life as Nightshade's mate. She slipped away at night to see her former lover, however unfortunately it seems that she did not do so carefully. Lovage learned of her pregnancy and shortly after did her fellow rogues expose her escapades. Nightshade did not react well.

    The rogue leader had Laurel killed in front of the entire colony, Lovage included. Turning on her, he hooked his claws into her eye, marring the flesh around it. He then told Lovage that she would be kept alive until their children are weaned - and only then will she be “set free.” Lovage in all of her moons living in beside Nightshade knew what this meant - a death was coming her way. And there was nothing she could do.

    In the interim, Lovage gave birth to a healthy litter and through word of mouth learned of the Clans - large, colony-like groups that fostered love and care for one another. They were just beyond the twoleggedplace - they only had to follow the stars… Lovage made her decision then that in the dead of night, she would escape. She would take her young and leave.

    And leave she did. Regretfully Lovage killed her guard and guided young, crying kittens out of their lot of land as quickly as she could. Now, days later she arrives at SkyClan's border, tired and hungry with her children, hoping for some sort of asylum.

    • This is not FCFS. Choosing date is July 20th. This may be extended depending on how many forms are finished closer to the date.
    • Kits will be intro'd at two moons aging realistically every 20th. They will be intro'd in a specific joining thread within a few days of the choosing date - please do not post with your kitten in SkyClan before this thread is posted!
    • There is no post quota and casual characters are welcome, but I reserve the right to rehome slots if kits are not played for two consecutive months without notice from the player.
    • Disabilities and birth defects are allowed with adequate research and must be played out appropriately and realistically.
    • Being a casual litter, kits are expected to stay alive and in SkyClan until at least ~mid apprenticehood (9 moons give or take), at which point they may leave, die, etc. if a plot calls for it.
    • Please stick to the naming theme and genetics! The theme is woodland plants and trees; animals and descriptor names (color, size) are not in the loner group's custom. Names not on the list are allowed as long as they follow the theme and are found in TT's regions! Kits may be giving the -kit suffix by their mother after joining SkyClan, and will be expected to have traditional apprentice and warrior names from thereon out.
    • Kittens will know where they came from, and know of their father and the situation they were born into. To combat this, they are taught a sort of dreamy way to perceive the world - that being said, there is room for both angst and positive dynamics (or any other) based on how each kitten grows to perceive their background and their new home!
    • There is no form, but please include the basics and what kind of dynamics you're planning your kit to have with the queen and their siblings!

    QUEEN: lovage

    RESERVED: birch

    SLOT ONE: oleanderkit

    SLOT TWO: mercurykit
  • Sire: LH silver ticked tabby (carrying dilute, solid, non-silver)
    Dam: SH blue tortoiseshell w/ low white (carrying longhaired)
    Toms can be black, blue, black tabby, blue tabby, black smoke, blue smoke, silver tabby, blue silver tabby, red tabby, cream tabby, red cameo, or cream cameo
    Mollies can be black, blue, black tabby, blue tabby, black smoke, blue smoke, silver tabby, blue silver tabby, tortoiseshell, blue tortie, torbie, blue torbie, tortie smoke, blue tortie smoke, silver torbie, or blue silver torbie
    Kits can be longhaired or shorthaired
    Kits can have no white or low white
    Kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue; kits with white may have any realistic eye color
    Tabby kits will display the ticked tabby pattern; solid kits will mask the ticked tabby pattern
    Red-based kits will mask black or black tabby
    Silver kits will carry non-silver; shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; non-dilute kits will carry dilute; tabby kits will carry solid; kits will carry non-ticked

    Lovage is Gen 1 | Laurel is Gen 1 | Kits will be Gen 2
  • Names not on the list are allowed and encouraged, as long as they follow the theme (no specific type of forest) and are found within TT's regions!

    oak, beech, hemlock, ash, oak, hickory, maple, elm, cedar, pine, alder, fir, willow, sycamore, cypress, aspen, laurel, etc . . .

    lichen, moss, fern, shrub, aster, lily, rose, bramble, bracken, thistle, thorn, briar, hazel, lavender, poppy, ivy, yew, primrose, etc . . .
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A strange kitten with grandiose ideals, who remains optimistic despite her dangerous upbringing.
SH tortoiseshell smoke / blue ticked tabby chimera with low white. TH
Medium length fur that curls, wisps and kinks at every rough edge. Will never grow out of her 'scruffy kitten fur'.
With long, lanky legs, Birch stands at just above average height.

◆◆◇◇◇ STR —— ◆◆◆◆◇ CON
◆◆◆◆◆ DEX —— ◆◆◆◇◇ INT
◆◇◇◇◇ WIS —— ◆◆◆◆◇ CHA

Excels at running, climbing, storytelling
Poor at fighting, enduring, secret-keeping
Mentoring style . . .​
Birchkit is a girl who approaches life with childlike innocence and unyielding optimism. She sports an abundance of creativity, with a vivid imagination and a flair for the dramatic - she is eccentric, valuing individuality and striving to be unapologetically herself. Though she is unpredictable, often surprising others with her seeming inability to think before she speaks, Birchkit is authentic and always tells her mind true. Despite her troubling upbringing, Birchkit sees the good in all cats and has grandiose expectations of all the wonders the world can offer, often leading to naivety that leaves her surprised at rejection or misbehavior.




Easy to interact with; will try to befriend anyone and everyone, looking past their faults.
Will not start fights; will not kill; will flee; will show mercy.
Often idolizes others, especially cats she believes to be predominantly good.
Seeks to redeem or 'save' cats that are viewed as "bad".
Puppy crushes easily, often mistakes for true love.

LOVAGE x LAUREL, GEN 2 — lonerborn
Sister to TBA and TBA
Undiscovered sexuality.
Parent to none.
Mentoring none.

Friends with -
Enemy of -


    History goes here.

Make sure to add the [ code ] brackets!
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↳ Penned by Meghan | Heartchart | Pinterest | Playlist
—— OLEANDER. Noun. A poisonous evergreen Old World shrub that is widely grown in warm countries for its clusters of white, pink, or red flowers. | KIT. The kitten suffix.
*✶。 AFAB girl [♀] | She / her pronouns
*✶。 02 moons old | Ages every 20th | Created ?
*✶。Kit of SkyClan | Lonerborn; came to the Clans with her mother, Lovage

    ↳ LH blue silver ticked torbie with low white; carries non-silver, solid, non-ticked
    *✶。 Scent: Milkweed, spring water, salt
    *✶。 Voiceclaim: Dark Sun Gwyndolin

    Small and willowy, Oleander is as delicate as her namesake. She is not only short, but thin as the stalks of her namesake, limbs long and knotty, paws big, kitten belly round compared to the rest of her. Her ears stand too tall on her slim, angular face; her tail is too long, and easily stepped on. Her fur hangs off of her in long, thin ribbons, like shallow rivulets running down a stone. But as Ollie grows into her frame, her proportions will even out, and she will become an undeniably beautiful warrior.

    Bright pink skin rings her ice-light eyes, mouth, and ears like halos. Her nose is a berry bloom on her face, further accentuated by the white stripe that licks up her thin, protruding muzzle. Oleander's pearl-blue and oat-cream fur knits together with the help of white lace splashed about her pelt.

    In adulthood, Ollie is still thin as a rail and cut like a cold, gleaming opal. Her bones are sharp and visible beneath her skin, but not for lack of nutrition. Her long fur is thin, skirting just beyond her skin and then fading into thin wisps. She is still delicate, but she is sharp and not so easily blown over; not so petal-soft.

    —— Scars: An insignificant nick on the nose from her journey to the Clans that will heal and fade in time. Otherwise, no scars to speak of.
    —— Accessories: Decorates herself with small wildflowers and leaves


    ( + ): Curious, investigative, risk-averse, imaginative
    ( / ): Dreamy, aloof, independent, superstitious
    ( - ): Suspicious, icy, selfish, unempathetic

    Oleander's primary objective is to survive. Born of an unstable home and thrust into one that may not entirely accept her, she concerns herself quickly with understanding the new rules of her life. She takes a passionate interest in her clanmates, though not as their peer; rather, her curiosity drives her to investigate them as a researcher investigates her rats. She constructs ideas of ideal SkyClan warriors who do not exist (yet). She makes suggestions to change the rules that all of the Clans have already agreed to. Her curiosity and drive for problem-solving do not heed social convention. Despite her wish to succeed as a SkyClanner and fit in, she stands out sorely among her new clanmates.

    But for as clinical as she can be in her studies, Oleander is quite imaginative, often lost to her daydreams at the edges of camp. In kithood she loves to indulge in games with her siblings and whatever friends she makes, often taking on villainous roles with gumption. She enjoys pretending, imagining herself in other bodies, imagining others in her own, projecting her spirit across space and time. Part of her curiosity extends into the lives of others — into realities she has dodged. Could a version of herself be a rogue in Nightshade's colony now? What if her mother had found ThunderClan, or RiverClan instead of SkyClan? All of these possibilities entertain Oleander in her isolated play.

    While her education on Clan life begins early, Oleander takes great investigative interest in the teachings that SkyClan passes down onto its young. StarClan, the warrior code, and other such ideas are all foreign to her. Assimilation is not necessarily her goal, either — rather, she enjoys challenging these notions with the learning she has done already. She carries different dreamy superstitions with her than most of the Clans obey. She takes an interest in scrying, interpreting certain natural phenomena as ‘omens’ from mother nature, or StarClan, or whatever she’s supposed to believe in.

    At her worst, Oleander is a frigid girl with little regard or care for others. She loves her family, but beyond them she cares not for SkyClan’s cast of characters. If she feels her needs are not met, she will meet them herself, no matter what it takes; she will break rules fearlessly, though not before calculating the risk of doing so. She also thinks little of casting others aside for her own benefit. If they want to stand in her way, they can — but they should not expect her to step over them softly.

    With an imagination as active as hers, Oleander is also prone to overthinking. The trauma she endured, however secondhand, has shaped her industrious mind into an anxious one. Her anxiety manifests as a general awareness of the dangers that may come to pass, and the intrusive thoughts that accompany them. She may act irrationally in response to these fears, such as opting to sleep outside of a den to avoid a collapse, or refusing to eat certain pieces of prey that she feels could be unsafe or on the pile too long. Oleander will not realize that these thoughts are irrational without IC intervention, and will believe that she is perfectly logical about avoiding danger. Anxious episodes will be properly tagged and come from my own experience with general anxiety disorder.

    TV Tropes: Creepy child, wise beyond their years, dissonant serenity, light is not good
    Motifs & themes: Unicorns, cream, sinew and fish bones, mercury, antlers, moonlight on the water, moths, poison, fawns and the white wolves that eat them, opalescence, iridescence
    Inspirations: Loosely inspired by Dulcinea Septimus and Ianthe Tridentarius of The Locked Tomb series

    —— Important notes: I would like her personality to be largely determined by IC dev, so this is subject to change!
    *✶。 Driving motivations: Maintaining what she has, succeeding for the sake of her family and reputation in SkyClan, her innate curiosity for how the world works
    *✶。 Fears: Losing access to her family or interests, being unsuccessful as a warrior, her former rogue colony (specifically Nightshade), death
  • LOVAGE xx LAUREL | Generation 2 | Sibling to Birchkit and Who
    ↳ Mentored by N/A | Mentoring no one

    Oleander loves her family fiercely. They are the only constant in her short life wrought by change. She seeks the company of her siblings and seeks the love of her mother more than she ever approaches strangers. Strangers even within her own Clan are potentially dangerous individuals — while Oleander isn't completely averse to making new friends, she likes to observe before she takes the leap.

    With Lovage, Oleander feels a stone in her chest. Something horrible happened to her mother. She cannot understand it in her youth, though she consistently engages in kit games based on the story she has heard in an attempt at understanding and sympathy. She may ask her mother uncomfortable questions without realizing it. I'm open to whatever IC consequences this will bring Ollie!

    With Birchkit, Oleander feels much lighter. Her sister is bright, beaming, and unafraid of the world that Oleander has grown suspicious of. She will often engage her littermate in scientific pursuits like figuring out the best ratio of dirt to water to make perfect mud, or counting distinct geological features about camp (read: anthills). She envies Birchkit's kindness and may also use her as a tool to meet others. They are similar, holding similar values and being curious about similar things, but still distinct in their own ways. Oleander is an icicle of a girl when compared to her sister. She does not resent her for this.

    *✶。 Loves Lovage, Birchkit, Sibling 2
    *✶。 Friends with Who
    *✶。 Likes Who
    *✶。 Dislikes Nightshade
    *✶。 Loathes Who

    All opinions are in-character and do not reflect that of the roleplayer.
    ↳ Speaks in #D1E6F0 | Thinks in italics

    Towards her clanmates, Oleander is generally neutral; she wants to fit in to the Clan, sure, but she does not feel the need to be particularly liked in order to be successful. She accepts engagements easily, though she will not initiate such things as freely. Generally disposed to neither kindness nor unkindness.

    Towards other Clans, Oleander is infinitely curious: with laws that forbid her entry or fraternization with them, her curiosity can only intensify. Once apprenticed Ollie will certainly participate in as many border patrols as possible in an attempt to study the cats she is forbidden from engaging with. Gatherings will also be a favorite event of hers. This rule against cross-clan friendships and relationships is one I anticipate Ollie breaking, though not for sure.

    Towards cats outside the Clans, Oleander is sympathetic. She was once among this caste, after all, though she remembers very little of that time. However, her sympathy does not extend to them all: Nightshade's colony is one entity that Ollie feels very strongly about. Her fear-born vitriol for them is so acidic it could melt steel. She tends to regard all outer-clan cats with suspicion for this reason, though can easily put herself in their paws, unlike some of her Clanmates. Her sympathies may end her up in trouble.

    As for romantic interests, Oleander... doesn't often have any. Maybe once she grows up a little!

    ↳ Open to: N/A ; Closed to: permanent maiming, death ; Reach out about anything else!

    —— A kitten, Oleanderkit cannot put up a fight. She is defenseless and will only hide or flee if faced with battle.

    *✶。 I like to roll for attacks but will adjust to keep in line with my character's strengths / weaknesses. I do always strive for fairness in battles & try to let most hits land, unless I'm avoiding certain injuries. Please feel free to reach out for battle plots, as I love plotted fights as well! I also tend to write battles aggressively, but don't take this to mean all attacks should be hitting — that is up to your discretion.
  • Note: All of Ollie's plots are subject to change as she develops ICly! These are what I have in mind as I create her but if she ends up a very different character I don't want to force her into these paths.

    CARS, THEY WERE PASSING: I think it would be interesting for Oleander to have suffered some sort of respiratory illness as a kitten as a result of the strain of her journey with her family to SkyClan. She would be treated for this and make a full recovery, but would suffer certain long-term effects like asthma. The illness would not prevent her from performing well as a warrior, but would certainly present challenges as she trains. She would not see it as a deterrent to her becoming a warrior.

    WAVES, THEY WERE CRASHING ON THE SHORE: I'd like Oleander to eventually become an antagonist or villain of some sort! Not necessarily an evil character; she has morals and loves her family. But coming from a cruel place can influence a young mind — as can instilling a dreamlike view of the world on them. I think this in combination with her willingness to challenge SkyClan's way of doing things could turn her into quite an antagonistic character among the Clan.

    I definitely believe she would break the cross-clan relationship rule, though this might not be necessary; but on an even darker level, I feel that she could potentially find herself in a similar situation to her mother down the line. Afraid of romance but caught between the affections of someone in SkyClan who loves her and someone outside of SkyClan who she loves, what might Oleander do to resolve herself of the stress of choice? IDK I'm really just spitballing.

    FINGERS WERE BURNING THE PAGES THEY'RE TURNING: Although Nightshade is an NPC, I think some sort of reckoning with his rogue colony would be appropriate for her character and closure. Oleander worries that Nightshade and his cronies will come back for her and her littermates — an idea not helped by the general hostility for rogues that SkyClan holds. I think it would be interesting for Ollie to talk to other former rogues in the Clan about their lives before SkyClan in an attempt to understand how they are different from Nightshade and his gang.

    As for the reckoning itself, I think it could be awesome for Oleander (including siblings / Lovage if desired!) to face Nightshade and kill him for what he did to their family <3 Fulfilling my dream of awesome coolgirl committing righteous violence covered in blood. Admittedly a self indulgent plot LOL but could be fun regardless :- ) And again could be fun for the whole family if desired!

    AND I WANT MORE: Birchkit's noble attitude and ability to see the good in cats is one that Oleander struggles to keep up with. While she certainly doesn't believe every cat to be evil, everyone has undeniable qualities that could taint them — including Oleander herself. Her own struggle to fully relate to others can make it difficult for her to see the good in them or herself. I could see this attitude rubbing up against Birchkit's, producing a worry in Ollie that she might not be 'good enough' for her sister, or that her sister sees her as something that needs fixing. I think these possibilities could be interesting and should be explored as long as IC allows. Would this fear drive them apart? Would it bring them together? Is Oleander's fear even founded in reality? If Oleander were a truly bad cat, would Birchkit still seek to cleanse her of that sin? These are all compelling questions to me!

    blue: #d1e6f0
    purple: #C9CBEC
    pink: #F5D7D7
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(alt names: meadowsweetkit, oxlipkit)



masking nothing; carrying non-silver, longhaired, solid, non-ticked; no mutations

a mosaic of different parts, mercury is interesting to look upon. his fur is swirled between two main patterns, the first of which is a cool shade of black. this color covers most of his left side, with silver smoky plumes wisping through the darker sections of his fur. most portions of his face are this color, though there are parts in which it is cut through with the other color that makes up his patchwork pelt. this other color is silver as its base, striped through with a warm shade of blue that makes up the tabby markings. spread throughout the silver-blue are distinct patches of white.

it’s this white that accounts for the fact that his right eye is a bright, saturated shade of blue, not unlike one might see when they gaze up at the sky on a clear, sunny day, which, ironically, is what his other eye resembles. his left eye is an intense shade of yellow, reminiscent of the warm rays of sunlight that cut through to warm the soil. his face is like the rest of his body; slightly thin, rather narrow, and more than a bit scraggly in regards to the fur.

  • summary.

    CON ●●●●●●●●○○
    DEX ●●●●●●○○○○
    INT ●●●●●○○○○○
    WIS ●●●●○○○○○○
    CHA ●●●●○○○○○○

    mercury is a whirlwind of emotions and energy, a kit who seems to embody the spirit of the wind. their excitable nature is evident in the way they dash around the camp, eyes wide with wonder at every new sight and sound that they encounter. from the rustling of leaves to the whisper of the breeze, everything captures their attention. their curiosity knows no bounds; they are always the first to venture into new places within the camp, and when older, the territory, poking their nose into places they shouldn't, driven by an insatiable need to know and experience everything.

    this boundless enthusiasm, however, has a flip side. mercury is quick-tempered, their fiery spirit flaring up at the slightest provocation. when things don't go their way or they feel slighted, their temper can be as sudden and fierce as a summer storm blowing through, coming in out of nowhere and disappearing just as quickly. they’ve been known to lash out with sharp words or even a smack of a paw before retreating from the situation to brood in a quiet corner. during these brooding spells, they become withdrawn, their usually bright eyes clouded with dark thoughts as they mull over perceived wrongs.

    their absent-mindedness adds another layer to them. mercury often loses track of tasks or forgets things, such as where they left their favorite rock, their mind a flurry of thoughts that makes it hard for them to focus. it’s not uncommon to find them staring off into the distance, lost in their own world, seemingly unaware of the bustle around them. nor is it strange for them to get distracted in the middle of a conversation, even mid-sentence, trailing off and wandering away to go find something that captures their interest more.

    what truly defines mercury, though, is their changeable nature. their moods change in the blink of an eye, making them unpredictable to friends and enemies alike. one moment they might be the life of the camp, their laughter ringing out as they play with their littermates and the other kittens, and the next they could be sulking in the shadows, a dark cloud hanging over them as a result of some minor provocation. this capriciousness makes it challenging for others to keep up with them, or to befriend them without setting them off in some way or another.

  • PLOT: details

    PLOT: details

    PLOT: details

  • overcompensate - twenty one pilots

    stall me - panic at the disco

    tangerine - glass animals

    under my skin - jukebox the ghost

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the slots are going to @meghan with oleanderkit and @vulture with mercurykit! welcome aboard and thank you for the interest! <3

there will be a family group chat or server made at some point, possibly tomorrow as i have work most of today but feel free to make your subaccounts in the meantime!
  • Love
Reactions: meghan