pafp LONESOME LOVE \ incident

Another patrol together, and Twitchbolt and Quillstrike had strayed a little further ahead than the rest, carried away by their conversation. Though the threat of what might have happened to Howlpaw and Ashenclaw still hung above the Clan, a choking mist of panic that in Twitchbolt’s case often obscured his sense, it… helped to have Quillstrike alongside him. With the taller tom, he often felt as if he could take on anything. Not simply because he knew that he had his back, but because with their combined strength Twitchbolt was imbued with a healthy dose of confidence. Alone, he might have had more reservations in being separated from the rest of the patrol.

Always had the mahogany-and-white tom been a good tracker- it’d been something Daisyflight had praised him for during one of their earliest lessons. But- even if there was something lacking about his abilities, there was a scent on the breeze that he couldn’t have missed. “Can- can you smell that, Quill?” Ahead, he could sense food strongly- signalling to his companion, he nudged his head in the direction of the scent.

It did not take long to find the source- a burrow, or what looked like one. It seemed relatively spacious, too… had some predator nested here and left a few kills for them to harvest? Seemed… uncharacteristically generous for a fox or a badger or what have you, but Twitchbolt could not complain, and with a wavering smile he beckoned Quillstrike with his kinked tail. “There’s gotta be- something in here,” he remarked, curiosity twitching his whiskers and his eyelids as he moved through the threshold of the burrow’s entrance.

/ please wait for @QUILLSTRIKE !
penned by pin ✧
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For the first time since becoming warriors, he and Twitch finally had a patrol that wasn't overflowing with urgency. Sure, there was still a tension about the cats regarding their missing clanmates, but it seemed that an unwanted acceptance had fallen over them all that the lost would not be found immediately despite their efforts to keep their eyes and ears open. And so he was trying to just enjoy it.

The pair had broken off from the main group, and maybe it was a dumb idea, but Quill had been happy to stray with Twitchbolt, wandering off into the pine forest, sharing silence and easy conversation. It was only when his friend asked him if he smelled something that chimera found himself nodding, because yeah he did smell that.

"I can't tell what it is though..." he noted as he made his way to the entrance of the burrow. It was definitely food, but he couldn't name it a squirrel or mouse or anything specific.

The burrow itself was oddly large, the gaping mouth to it most definitely a new thing in the territory because he surely would have seen this before. "We'll have to report this to Blazestar when we're done. I've never seen this den and whatever made it could still be nearby." he noted, but the obvious lack of any predatory scent gave him confidence that they could rob the animal of their meal easily enough. After all, it wouldn't be the first time he'd snagged food from another animal, the raccoon and its fish coming to mind.

Not willing to let the other go in alone, Quillstrike was close behind as they slipped into the darkness of the den. The scent of food was overpowering in here, but there was something beneath it as well, a smell like cold iron that reminded him of twoleg place.

He didn't like this.

No sooner had he opened his mouth to say as much though, did a loud clang! sound from behind them. Quillstrike whirled on his heel to try and shove his way out of the burrow, but the entrance was now blocked by something.

They were trapped.

From there, things happened quickly. Stuck in the darkness, trying to calm a panicking Twitch, there was nothing Quill could do. Claws met something cold and hard that he couldn't dig through, his shoulders bruised themselves slamming against whatever was blocking the entrance to the burrow, and no amount of strength of will could break them free.

And then there was a sound, the footsteps of something large and heavy coming toward them, something with only two legs. They were pulled from the burrow- not just them- but whatever they were stuck inside as well. It reminded Quill of some of the fences lining the twolegs yard, shiny grey wires all around them, keeping them in like the twolegs kept their dogs.

Caged. They were caged.

The twolegs carried them through the pine forest, all the way to a thunderpath where a monster sat waiting. They were loaded into the back, and just like that, Quill and Twitch were gone.

OOC- for clarification, Quill and Twitch were caught in a cage trap and taken away by twolegs! You are free to witness the car driving away with them inside it, but it's unfortunately too late for anything to be done about it, so please take that into consideration and don't try to stop it. Feel free to have your characters react to the situation though!

skyclan - male - 13 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several old scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.
Blazestar had let the patrol streak ahead of him; his mind is elsewhere, and he can hardly concentrate on hunting. It would hardly be fair for him to hold them back when he's so slow and distracted. Regardless of Howlpaw's possible death and Ashenclaw's disappearance, of Sharpeye's betrayal, of Thistleback's brutality in their camp, of his ThunderClan kin fighting his allied Clan -- life must somehow go on.

And every time he thinks he's learned this lesson, it presents itself to him again, mocking him for his inflexibility. Blazestar's Clan is dwindling around him, and he's beginning to wonder if all of them are leaving because of him. Had they all felt him incompetent? Do they all think I don't deserve the star in my name?

A sharp, almost grating sound clangs throughout the pine forest, and Blazestar is jerked from his thoughts. He can hear the yowls of two of his warriors, shocked and furious, echoing as though contained. Twoleg scent hits his senses bitterly.

"Twitchbolt and Quillstrike!" He gasps, and suddenly the lead leaves his paws. He's far from speedy, though, and he can only watch in horror as the young warriors are trapped in shining metallic dens and shoved into a monster's belly. His fur begins to bristle, but he is too late to do more. The Twolegs have disappeared with both of his warriors before he can blink.

"Why... why is this happening?" He tilts his face toward the sky, his eyes dark with his misery. "StarClan, what have we done?"

// sorry not the best post lol


" if we dig under a log, we can store prey for a day longer before taking it back to camp. t- " he’s in the middle of explaining something to Snowpaw, Thistleback hears the caterwaul and a strange sound that clangs sharp. " lets go. Let’s go " he urges and kicks off, rushing through the loblollies with haste.

He can see a large pale form and long hair, Blazestar is running through the forest too- adjacent to the warrior and apprentice duo. Twitchbolt and Quillstrike, their names are gushed from his maw. Twolegs are clambering into a monster with trapped warriors almost as if weightless in their contraption. His former apprentice, is being stolen away right before his eyes along with Twitchbolt. No less beloved in the beast’s heart was the boy he too watched grow up to be a man. No matter how doubted he was.

Thistleback’s eyes are bullets of grey, piercing and stagnant in shock upon the disappearing monster. " NO. NO. QUILLSTRIKE!… TWITCHBOLT… " there is spittle dripping from his lips from his growlish yowls and he whips around on Snowpaw, eyes twin orbs of madness in the moment. There was nothing to be done. Nothing, to destroy for the crimes he just wore witness to. " Blazestar…. Blazestar- " he’s reminded, grounded in this dizzying moment and he sprints to his leader’s side. His nose is pointed to the skies and he’s speaking, the black and white tom couldn’t hear anything because his rage is rushing the blood to his tattered ears.

" cursed upwalking beasts!" he shouts maniacally, his stomach is in a knot and his eyes are glazed over. He’s seething blindly with quivering hackles, he’s just lost Quillstrike hadn’t he? He had been perfected. A warrior made of a bumbling rebellious troublemaker, a god-son made of a compassionate brave warrior. Taken by furless hand. He’d smash every goddamn twolegplace window in the concrete kingdom to find them.

  • @Snowpaw

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

Orangeblossom lingers nearby Thistleback, listening to his lesson to the apprentices on storing prey. It's a good reminder for her too, the deputy often preoccupied with her own thoughts and sense of urgency to not bring her catches back to camp immediately. But it's true, they do have about a day to spare if they can find a suitable log to hide prey under - that way, they wouldn't attract foxes or dogs.

"It's easier in leafba-"

Just like the lead warrior, her sentence is cut short by a clang! that sets her teeth on edge, and the immediate wails and snarls of Twitchbolt and Quillstrike respectively. Thistleback tears ahead of them, and between trees Orangeblossom catches sight of a familiar cream pelt right as Blazestar's voice catches her ears. The rumble of a twoleg monster recedes into the distance - and with it, the cries of two of their young warriors. Not again. And two this time ...

Were the stars picking and choosing their victims to create the most disharmony? Decided by chance or fate, the cats that bound SkyClan together to pluck from their - wait. Pluck. Boughs, plucked from the pine. Silversmoke's voice, surprisingly, is the one to surface in her memory: I don't think it's about the forest. Orangeblossom's eyes widen. Dammit Haku, couldn't you have at least told him how we get them back?

"It's," she huffs, "the dream. Call an emergency meeting, you have to tell them. We have to make sure we don't lose any more."

// mobile & @eveningpaw
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A loud snap throughout the vicinity caused Silversmoke's head to shoot upwards like a meerkat, his attention immediately shifting away from his apprentice. It was supposed to be an ordinary day of training, life had gone back to normal after he'd gotten a little beaten up fighting a dog (totally a dog, just not in the literal sense his clan had described, totally not Slate). Silence told the pair they should leave, but as soon as the Lead Warrior was about to give the order, the protests of SkyClan cats rang in his ears, a sense of dread kicking him in the stomach. "Stay behind me." He warned Chrysalispaw, turning on his heels and sprinting towards where the noises were coming from. He ran and ran and ran and yet they still seemed to get further and further away, echoes haunting him and driving Silversmoke to sprint faster than he'd ever done before. Bursting into the clearing with claws unsheathed, he skidded to a halt as his stare settled upon the council members before him. Wide eyes watched the empty space before them, a thousand truths and theories hitting his head all that the same time.

Twolegs picking the cats up and taking them away - was that why no one had been able to track the scents of their lost clanmates!? He shook his head, fear suffocating them. Perhaps Slate was right, perhaps he could picture himself the hero, charging against whatever had stolen his friends and bringing them back to safety for the good of all. But, he was not strong enough to deal with twolegs. Vicious, vicious twolegs, with their claws like rocks jabbing into you and their laughter like the cries of a swooping eagle. He didn't know what business they would have with wild cats, to a Twoleg, their blood would be worthless. The usually proud tom's posture was hunched as he imagined the worst. He leaped like a cougar towards the nearest tree, bounding up it near effortlessly, only scrambling when he had to choose a branch to settle upon. Silversmoke moved towards the edge of it, trying to peer out over the horizon for any signs of life, but all he saw was the damned greenery he'd praised so much. It was becoming clearer now it was a double-edged sword, able to hide predator and prey, good and evil - he was starting to understand the lack of effort WindClan put into living in a more-sheltered place.

"Whatever conversations you're having down there, we should take them elsewhere!" He called down to the group, his paws shifting uncomfortably on the branch, unable to find the proper balance. He looked like a tiger that'd chosen to sit on a twig, but even as he wobbled on sentry duty, he never fell. If his heart kept on pounding the way it did though, Silversmoke wasn't sure how long he could keep his balance without fainting. "We can't get caught out like this if there's another trap nearby. I will fight a great many things for SkyClan, but fuck fighting them." Silversmoke hissed, his ears pinned back against his skull as he conveyed the urgency of the situation.

[ apprentice tag: @CHRYSALISPAW ]


Johnnys head shot up at the sound of a loud metal clang echoing througout the forest, followed shortly by the crys of several of his clanmates. Short fur bristled in alarm as the bobtail abandoned his hunt to sprint in the direction of the commontion, veins thrumming with the beginning of adreniline at the thought of trouble. Skyclan had lost so much lately, and the tomcat couldn't stand the thought of seeing them have to mourn even more.

Sadly though, there was nothing to be done.

He realized it the moment he saw the twolegs carrying the pair of warriors away, and yet a part of him still considered it, muscles tensing at the thought of charging forward and -for the first time in his life- attacking a human. It felt like a betrayal to not even try, to just let be taken by these strangers. He rooted himself to the spot though, because his clanmates seemed to realize it was too late, the pair loaded into the monster and carried off.

Amber eyes flashed toward Thistleback as their grief echoed througout the pine forest, and perhaps foolishly so his paws carried him closer to the enraged tomcat. Quillstrike had been their apprentice, a cat forged in the kingdom of fire and twisted metal that lived within the piebald warrior, and now he was gone. Because of twolegs.

His paws stopped.

What right did Johnny have to try and comfort him when, in a few hours from now, he'd be back at home with the very things that were ripping Thistlebacks clan apart?

Orangeblossoms arrival pulls him from his thoughts, and regretfully, he steps back into line. He wasn't sure what she was talking about, but it's clear the higher ups do so he leaves it to them.


eve followed along, hanging slightly behind her mentor as she and thistleback shared an explanation of how to store prey. they didn't get too far into it, both cut off by a sharp sound that had her ears flying up. her father tears off after the sound without a second thought, his bravery unmatched by the tortie who remained glued to orangeblossom's side.

her heart pounded in her ears but she could hear the lead warrior call out after quillstrike and twitchbolt. it was clear what had happened to them as a monster growled in the distance, the sound mingling with that of the skyclanners. had they been taken right in front of their face? her pale gaze flickers to her mentor, despite the suddenness of it all the deputy seemed to have an answer. the dream, she says. eve blinks in confusion, starclan had bestowed upon them a prophecy, or what now seemed more like a warning.

there wasn't much time to worry about the meaning, a voice from above chastised them for remaining on the ground. although her opinion of silversmoke was not all that great following his sharp words at the trial, she couldn't help but agree with him. they were just sitting here, easy prey for the twolegs if they decided to return. her paws fidgeted in the direction of nearby trees, but her body wouldn't move until more direction was instilled upon the patrol.