private LONG LIVE [ smoke ]

( ) she’s honestly not sure where she stands with smokethroat. he’s been by her side for moons, ever since the very beginning of the clan, and she has relied on him like another limb. he is steadfast, reliable, and although he is gruff on the outside, she feels she has seen his soft heart. still, over the past few moons, tensions have risen and suddenly she doesn’t know how he feels about her. there’s an awkward sense of betrayal between the both of them, pushed primarily by herself, she knows. stepping down from her position as lead warrior has hurt the tomcat, hurt all those counting on her within cicadastar’s council. it is easier to justify her actions to herself than to explain to her friends. she hasn’t spoken to smokethroat properly since stepping down. something in her is scared to.

deep down, willowroot seeks the dark tom’s approval like a younger sister seeks her elder brother’s. the deputy is everything she wishes to be, from his high position within the clan to his dependability and strict moral code. he trained a strong warrior, made iciclefang vicious and hardened. meanwhile, willow has only let her apprentices down. steep is a warrior, yes, but only after much trial. ashpaw’s disappearance is partially willow’s own fault for not training the girl to be stronger. it seems the former lead’s weakness is the same as her strength. her love for her close peers drives her but it also clings to her, makes her irrational and weak. she has no idea how smoke has managed to harden himself against attachment. stars how she wishes she could be like him.

smokethroat is pregnant now, happily in love with his king. willowroot remembers her own unfortunately timed pregnancy, her stubbornness, and tried not to despair. it seems that whatever she does, the white spotted tomcat does it better, more responsibly. he has his kids in green-leaf, rests and retires to the nursery when he is told to. how he balances his work ethic with his personal life is something willowroot will never figure out. she wonders if there is anything he gains from their friendship anymore. her own emotions weigh her down like a stone stuck to the riverbed. depression, self doubt, anxiety, pain, they all cling to her fur, swirl in her eyes as she goes about her business.

when the femme spots her deputy seated beside the river, there is a hesitation in her pawsteps that she would’ve never recognized three moons ago. she resents her fear, hates that she can look at smokethroat and be unable to recognize his emotions. once, she would’ve been stuck to his side, sharing tongues as equals. now, as she approaches with a hesitancy. pawsteps light, the warrior slips to smoke’s side. “good morning,” she’ll greet, emerald eyes flicking anxiously from the water to her companion. “i never said a proper congratulations.”

her vocals are quiet, with a ripple of emotion behind them. “you’ve made a fantastic deputy so far. cicadastar chose wisely, my friend.” jaws snap shut, and she sits, wrapping her long tail around her limbs. “i also never said i’m sorry. i think i made it difficult for you to speak about your relationship with him. i get so caught up in my excitement that it’s like words just come out of my mouth unchecked. but you two are great together. your kits are going to be the strongest the clans have seen.”

she finally turns her face up to make eye contact, and smiles with a bit of hesitance. “i’m sorry for avoiding you, i’m sorry for stepping down. i left you and the team without any warning. i just… you all deserve someone who can focus on helping with leadership wholeheartedly. i couldn’t, not then.” not when ashpaw had been missing for so long, not when buckgait had been despairing in the nursery. she knows he understands, but there’s a part of her that still seeks his approval. clearing her throat, she’ll wait for a moment to see if he replies. dusky green eyes fix on her paws, heart pattering harder than she can justify.

@Smokethroat <33


Being unable to leave camp kept him restless, he was back to his old habits of napping periodically for short moments through the day and wandering at night but never far from the reed shrouded safety of the clan dens. The river was thankfully within this range, a place he could sit and stare at the churning waters for hours in idle thought, the sound of it bubbling and splashing against the shoreline stones as it moved had always been calming in a way and right now was no different. His paws were kept tucked close to him, though he noted with some dismay he can not sit the way he used to, stalward and upright with all four paws touching in a neat square; instead he feels awkward, having to hunch slightly and adjust for the every rounding edges of his sides and belly area. It was a minor annoyance but he managed to push it aside to simple examine his reflection in silence; nothing else about him looked different thankfully, maybe his fur was longer in some places but that was more a warning to come of the leaves changing color soon than anything relating to the kits. The approach of pawsteps is ignored, at first, until the familiar voice greets him and he turns to regard his once fellow lead with a quiet surprise. She'd been avoiding him, it was hard not to notice, so he wasn't sure how to respond to her sudden presence once more at his side.
"...morning." Its uncharacteristically quiet, he doesn't have the energy for his usual stoicism these days. Ears pin back to the congratulations and he only nods in reply to that; he was never sure how to respond to it and it made him feel strange. What had he done to be congratulated for other than turn into a veritable waste of space to incubate kittens for several moons; lacking in his duties in response but he won't be rude and scoff at it-it was sincere all the same.
His feelings for Willowroot were complicated now, he didn't know exactly what changed but something did. Certainly not her, she was the same as ever and he didn't feel any different himself; he felt softer in a way, like he were a battered stone in the river rubbed smooth and unoffending. Maybe it was his perception that shifted, maybe he didn't view her the same anymore though even that in itself was hard to understand because he still cared for her. They had been promoted together, they had worked together for so long, grieved with one another; he remembers frantically pacing camp alongside her when they lost Cicadastar and Buckgait during the raid on the two-leg camp, he remembers helping dig the hole for her kits that didn't make it; wishing he could comfort and knowing his edges were to sharp to help then.
She goes on about him and Cicadastar now and he listens mutely, cheerfully optimistic for their kits in a way not even he was right now; he only feels unsure and afraid. She apologies for teasing him before, picking at him in a way that made him have an outburst at her-its funny she still thinks of that, he'd long since gotten over it. Or maybe it wasn't funny. He finds he has nothing to say until she comes to her stepping down, her leaving them (of leaving him) and she seems unsure in a way he doesn't know he's ever seen her reflect on.

"I've missed you." He blurts out, before clearing his throat in a way that made clear he hadn't meant to just say that without thinking, "...I'll miss you on the council, but I'm glad your still here. If its what you needed then its fine..."
He HAD, in a way, taken it as a betrayal of sorts but after Hyacinthbreath being such a fresh wound it was hard not to. But it never meant Willowroot wasn't still his friend.