sensitive topics Long live the king || Azaleapaw

Feb 7, 2023

Frost coated the moors in the early morning and Reedstrike was adamant about getting her up at the crack of dawn. She hated it, personally. But she couldn't say anything, or else she'll be dogpiled with insults about her kittypet blood and how she's lazy.

She followed Reedstrike out of camp without a word, he was undeserving of them. As she looked around and noticed the frost, she couldn't help but feel a bit of anticipation. Would today be the day?

She had been planning.

She heard no one but them as they padded along. Good, good.

"Where are we going?" She asked finally.

"To Outlook Rock. I want to talk to you." Reedstrike answered.

Today was the day.

Reedstrike wouldn't be coming home today. Oh, the glee she felt in her heart. It was the best feeling she had ever felt. So she followed him through the grass to the tallest rock she had ever seen, one that was going to aid her in her temporary salvation.

Reedstrike scaled the rock easily, the thin sheet of ice making it slippery. She followed him carefully, the ice making her nervous. It could be that Reedstrike had the same idea, and she wouldn't let him have the satisfaction of her death. The paused at the top of the rock, overlooking the territory.

"You should consider yourself lucky to race these moors." Reedstrike spoke. " A kittypet like you has no place here, and yet you have shown yourself to be quite persistent."

Azaleapaw rolled her eyes. Here he goes....

"I might actually be able to make something of you. Maybe not the best warrior, but you'll make a good meat shield, I'm sure."

Her claws dug into the stone beneath her. Patience. "I'll be better than a meat shield."

"No you won't. Kittypet blood makes for poor warriors. You won't bother us for much longer.... You'll probably die in your first real fight."

Any second now, she could end his life.

"Of course.....I could just be rid of you now."

There it is, she knew it! It was time to act.

She got to her feet and glared up at him just in time to see his paw swinging at her in an attempt to sweep her off the edge. She narrowed her eyes and bore her teeth. Her only regret was that she couldn't hurt him. It was imperative that this look like an accident.

Before his paw returned to the floor, she rammed into him and knocked him off balance. With another shove, he slipped on the ice and in an instant, scrabbling paws were sliding off the edge. Forepaws dug into the stone and Azaleapaw stood tall above her mentor as he dangled perilously over the edge.

"I'm going to become the best warrior this clan has seen. And when I do, I will make everyone's life a living hell, just as they did for me." Azaleapaw said.

"You vile BITCH-"

"No one will mourn your passing. Good riddance, Reedstrike." She said with the widest smile she had made in perhaps her entire life. She knocked his paws loose and just like that....

Reedstrike was yowling as he plummeted to the ground. With a sickening crack, Azaleapaw knew the deed was done. She raced down the rock to look at Reedstrikes body... His neck was broken and glassy eyes stared up at her.

She stared back with a smug grin. Now all she had to do was play the part of a terrified apprentice, running back to camp in tears....
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