pafp LONG LIVE US [ ✦ ] "exile"

Ever since her subsequent return to ShadowClan, Halfkit has been subdued. She has learned to listen more and talk less because sometimes the adults said and did some really interesting things. Like the day she had gotten back, when she stood in the entrance of the nursery and she watched as her best friends father was put on trial for a subsequent number of things. Murder they had said. Halfkit knew what murder was. She had heard about it in the stories that the elders and the queens sometimes told her though she is not quite old enough to grasp the concept of death yet, is lucky enough that the time she had experienced it first hand was when she was too young to remember The gravity of Granitepelt's crimes does not fully touch her, not yet. But she understands that it had upset many adults, understands that it had upset her friend. If she were in his paws she would want a more satisfying ending than the one he got. Chased out, but by the paws of cats that were not him. Would Nettlepaw want that? She is uncertain but regardless she puts her plan into action.

For poor unfortunate Pondkit that means being dragged out in front of the clan by his scruff. Halfkit is big for a cat her age, long legs she has inherited from her shadow of a mother making her rise above others who were not so... fortunate. Poolkit is one of these others. He is smaller than her and that's what makes this so easy. She deposits him in front of Nettlepaw and then places a paw on his shoulder to keep him from getting up. "Nettlestar!" she calls out "Look who I found trying to sneak out of camp!" Pondkit had indeed been trying to creep out of a small hole in the thorn barrier, and Halfkit had indeed caught him. Justice would be served. "What do you think we should do with him? Exile him back to the nursery where he belongs?" and stars she hopes that Nettlepaw understands that this is just a game but just to be sure she sends a wink in his direction. "Just give the word, my fearless leader, and I'll chase him out and tell his mother!" she would be like a dog on his heels, all the way across camp and back to the nursery.

// please wait for @NETTLEPAW


Exile was a funny word, because now everyone was whispering it around him. Like saying it quieter would make it mean something different. It was funny, really- or, he chose to find it funny, which meant it had to be. How could it be anything else? So maybe he needed to make some kinda statement. Something to say that he didn't care, that he wasn't nasty like his father and he wasn't weepy about it like his mother... even if some of it did make him sad. Even if he'd cried.

But he wasn't crying anymore. He was fine, honestly- there had to be a way for him to show that...

Halfkit's voice jerked him right out of his stupor- wide jay-blue eyes flickered to meet her and the poor victim in her grasp. Or, the pooroutlaw she'd captured.

Look who I found trying to sneak out of camp! Nettlepaw's face collapsed into one of exaggerate shock and horror, faux-condemnation glimmering in his eyes. It took him all but a second to start playing along with the game.

"Oh, exile, unequivocally!" He was louder than he should have been. His pelt prickled with thrill- look at me, look at me. "Chase him out- have my warriors hunt him like prey, and if they should kill him on the way, so be it!" His voice was grand and exaggerated, a theatrical breeze whipping through his words.
penned by pin ♡

The violence and tragedy that had befallen Shadowclan these past moons - Wheattail found it interesting (admittedly, in a macabre fashion) just how the kits were being shaped by it. Amber eyes silently watched the proceedings from the center of camp, slowly chewing on a frog like someone at the circus would popcorn. A small frown crosses autumn features at the rough treatment of Pondkit. Kits picking on each other was certain as sunrise, but apprentices dragging them around was a bridge too far in the warrior’s mind.

What to do? The former loner let out a small huff at Halfpaw’s sycophantic actions, and Nettlepaw’s - no, star’s, the she-cat silently corrected herself - subsequent speech. The Somali lookalike wouldn’t put a stop to their game entirely, that would simply leave a sour taste in everyone’s mouths. Perhaps… a sly smile appeared on scheming features as she sprung into action.

“Please, Nettlestar, have mercy!” The elegant she-cat would lay herself low before the apprentice, the experienced liar making for a good actor in the game of pretend. “My child, Pondkit, was attempting to leave so he could hunt for the clan. Is it really such a crime to care too much? And…” Faux tears would begin spilling from amber eyes, another of the schemer’s talents used in a life of deception long since passed. “The thought of losing my only kit is simply…oh, I could not bear it! I beseech you, spare the life of Pondkit.”
Frostbite watches and isn't sure if he should be worried or not. Was this just....A coping method? The actions of Granitepelt and Siltcloud have scarred this clan deeper than any claw or fang, and it has left the most horrid of marks on those who were involved. Starlingheart's family and her kits especially. Seeing Nettlepaw and Halfkit play this game made him worry about how they were taking it, but what was he to say? If this was how they coped, then he would let them. Besides, the theatrics were amusing.

He can only pray that they will have a healthy recovery from all that had happened. Especially Starlingheart and her kits. While the game does remind him of that accursed day, he simply supervises with a small smile as Wheattail joins in with her own dramatics. He does have to wonder how Pondkit feels about all this, though. Will the little guy play along, or will they get upset at the sudden spotlight put on them?

Either way, he will be here in case anything goes wrong. He's not sure what he should say if it does, or even what to say right now, but he's here.​
He towered over the apprentices present, well into adulthood but still carrying the title of 'paw' upon himself with grace. His training was not complete, after all, he would eventually be given a name but until then he only mused ideas in his head of what he thought might suit him best. The black and white apprentice approached the scene, brushing past Frostbite with a calm expression and for a moment he lingered as if to just watch before striding toward Starlingheart's young son with his head high and his gait uneven.
"Nettlestar, as your loyal medicine cat, Magpieheart - I insist you be more merciful than to simple exile. Death is a release when the alternative is to wander alone and lost in despair, never to know the warmth of kinship and clan again."
His words were cold, calculated, he regarded Pondkit with perhaps a little too much false animosity to be merely play even if he was only acting a part he'd chosen. Heart, as a suffix, was one he had considered for himself heavily. To match his beloved mentor, a more soulful name he could not imagine. His other thoughts wandered to parts, a wing, a feather, perhaps even an entire action of flight itself. Who was to say what would be chosen, he trusted Starlingheart enough to make such a call for him when he was ready but he couldn't help but muse.
  • OOC can go here.

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)