camp long, long ago. . . | telling a story


*:・゚✧ this is dedicated to the one i love
Dec 10, 2022
finding himself settling by the nursery, fawncloud had decided he would entertain the newest generation of thunderclan kits with a tale he's heard back when he used to still be a kittypet, of course they will leave out that unimportant detail since it is common knowledge by now that quite a few of their clanmates hold quite a disdain for housepets which he never quite understood. lanky limbs will tuck comfortable inwards beneath his chest, viridescent eyes twinkling with mirth as stubby legged kittens began to trickle in with a curious expression.

"come youngsters! i'm here to tell you a stellar story about a fearless hero." he announces, giving a minute or two to allow anyone to get settled in if they were also interested in listening.

| no need to wait for them to post !
Duskkit didn't really know much about kittypets yet. She knew they weren't allowed in, and to her that was just fine. Why would they want to be here, anyway? They had their soft houses and soft paws, and they'd have all sorts of trouble here. Not that she'd ever want anything different, but....they lived there. They chose there, just the way that Duskkit chose here. It doesn't make sense. Her mind's tangling up in knots whenever she hears about it. Better to just focus on the story. Tangling her way out of her own nest and closer to Fawncloud, where she sits with an awkward sprawl of limbs and tail. "What hero?" she asks, dark eyes shining with joyful curiosity. "Howlingstar?"

  • ooc:
  • ──── duskkit. kitten of thunderclan. she - her - hers.
    ──── blazestar x little wolf, older littermate of skykit.
    ──── does not know of her father / skyclan heritage.

    ──── an undefined kitten with long, dark brown fur that fades just slightly near the chest, throat, and ears, while the tip of her tail burns with the bright orange tabby flame. eyes are a deep, rich amber-brown, seeming red.
  • "speech"
Stormkit purred, drawing herself out of the bramble thicket to gather around Fawncloud. A good story would always draw the young cat out of her hiding place. She glanced back at the nursery and called out for her brother. "Falconkit! Come quick, Fawncloud is telling a story!" Her brother was fearless—Stormkit had thought she was very courageous, but the dogs had stunted that confidence for now.

Attentive pupil she was, Stormkit settled down quietly beside Duskkit, waiting for Fawncloud to begin. Whatever hero the older cat would tell off, Stormkit would imagine herself in that cat's paws.

// @FALCONKIT obligatory bro tag <3​

Being confined to camp had given him a limited perspective on life, so it was hard for him to imagine a world beyond his own. Hell, it was hard for Duckkit to imagine anything outside the nursery. Kittypets, twolegs, houses, it was all nonsense to Duckkit. For all he knew, his clanmates could easily be lying about what lay beyond their gorse tunnel. Not that he cared, Duckkit was not immune to the charms of a good story.

So when the word "hero" fell from Fawncloud's lips, Duckkit felt as though it floated over to his heart and gave it a small prick. The stout boy stirred a bit, rearranging himself from where he had been cozied in his nest. Extending his short legs out from underneath him, he toddled over to join the rest of the kits with a snaillike pace. He settles down on the other side of Duskkit, deciding to best to leave room to incase Stormkit's brother wanted to join.

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A small gathering of kittens clamped in a clowder around Spindles, eager- Berryheart was awoken from his minor slumber by the footfall, ears moving oh-so-slightly in an angle to attention. Grey-green eyes clouded with drowsiness creaked open, no hint of annoyance found within them; his sleep was often light and frequent, and any minor interruption was easily remedied. Besides... stories were among the many volumes of knowledge he intended to gather, and thus would never shirk an opportunity to hear one. What wisdom would he have without stories?

He did not join the ranks of the kits... in the haze of his sleep, he could pick out Kindles, Little Blue and Tousles in the small crowd, but did not attempt fully to recognise each and every neck craning forward, excitement doubtlessly rippling from them. His whiskers did not twitch with that same inquisitiveness... his trio of paws did not dance upon the earth in a tango of thrill. In fact, the medic did not move from where he lay, content in letting this story overtake the quiet hum of his thoughts. Those well-tuned to his subtle body language might be able to tell he was listening.

Head popping up from the blades of grass he has been playing with the young tom blinks those blue green eyes of his. Lately he has been feeling weird but he doesn't say anything about it. Doesn't think much about it. He just quickly makes his way over as he hears his sister. A bright grin pulls against his muzzle as he attempts to jump on her before pawing gently at her nose. He loves his sister, and in his tiny world she is one of the most important. But he finally settles down and looks up at Fawncloud expectantly. "It's mom or dad for sure!" He squeaks out with a more raspy voice than normal. Clearing his throat he plops down and he is ready to hear this story. Grinning wide and chuckling softly at the idea of a victorious adventure with his parents as the main characters.
Tybalt had been sprawled nearby in a patch of sun, dozing lightly. He grunted as small paws clambered over him, sitting up to see the clan's kits gathering to listen to a story. He made no move to scold the NPC kit who had traipsed over him, instead heaving himself into a sitting position to listen with interest to Fawncloud's tale. He let out a quiet, rumbling purr as Falconkit insisted that it must be a story about one of his parents, amused by the young tom's enthusiasm.