private long time no see, uncle [ p . pike ]


Apr 30, 2023

Poppysong sauntered into camp, snatched a few minnows from the pile and then sauntered back out towards the river. She wanted to eat alone and decompress, but it seemed she had some company at the riverbank. As she approached she threw one of the fish to her uncle as a greeting before plopping down across from him. She was close enough to reach out a paw to smack his face, but other than that she made no move to be affectionate. "How's it been, Pike?" She asks around a mouthful of fish, smiling at him after she swallowed.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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( tags ) Riverclan's a mess. It's too much if you ask me. He lets out a sigh, but then is startled when a fish is thrown at him. When he looks up at the perpetrator, his gaze softens when he realizes that it's just his niece. Guilt eats at him because they were family, yet he hasn't really been spending much time with her. With adopting Otterkit as his own son, which he received permission from a fellow queen who was nursing him to be deemed as such. She found no room to argue as he was very active in making sure she along with the other queens and the kits within the nursery were taken care of. A bit strange they deemed, as toms don't really take up a proactive parental role. And then with receiving an apprentice... He was awfully swamped with work and personal relationships, that he had neglected his niece and her mother. When's the last time I talked to Honeystone?

At the question of how it's been, he remains silent for a few moments. "I'm sorry Poppysong. I haven't been a great uncle as of late. I know you're grown up now and I'm not exactly your father either so we wouldn't be super close, but I should've made some time for you." The sudden apology might startle her, but he had meant it. Despite being her uncle, he loved her and would make sure nothing would happen to her. That she would outlive him and that she would be happy. If she were to have a mate one day and she was happy, then he would be happy too. Nevertheless, he paws at the fish she gave him. Didn't Honeystone give you a minnow when you were just big enough to try freshkill? I remember when you were a tiny thing.

"I've just been swamped. Cicadastar transferred Catfishpaw to me, so now I have an apprentice to train. I never knew coming up with plans would be so hard. Half the time we don't get through most of the lesson." It may sound like he has some frustration towards his apprentice, but that is far from the case. He honestly enjoys Catfishpaw as an apprentice. The issue if it can even be called that is he has yet to get this mentor thing down pact. Wait... Does she know? He realizes that Poppysong might not know he has taken in a kit and became a father recently. Maybe she's seen him enter the nursery far too many times and assumed he had a mate or that he simply loved kits and wanted to help the queens out. The first assumption would be wrong.

What would that make you? Cousins? Otterkit isn't related to us by blood, but he's still my son. Maybe... Maybe I'll let Poppy decide what Otterkit is to her? Yeah, that seems right. "Oh, and u-uhm. Not sure if you've heard or know, but I have a son now. His name is Otterkit and he's a feisty one. Trust me when I say that and he bites as if he were a snapping turtle. You can drop by and see him at the nursery if you have time and would like to, I'm sure he would enjoy it." Knowing him, he'd ask so many questions. I hope he doesn't get jealous of Poppysong.

She nodded as he spoke, and when the apology came around she couldn't help but be taken aback. "You are not the only one who has not made the utmost effort to see the other, so do not even sweat it, dear uncle." She smiled apologetically at him, eyes slanted downwards in an attempt to show her apology. "I should have been making time for you as well, but I got busy, and you know how it is..."

Poppysong tilted her head at the ode to Catfishpaw, noting how he wasn't necessarily talking bad on his apprentice but rather venting some frustrations. "Yes, I can see how that could become frustrating in the long run. If you ever need a helping hand feel free to let me know!" The molly smiled at him as he explained of his son, happy to hear about his current affairs. "If you ever need a kit-watcher I would be more than happy to oblige. I enjoy kits, for the most part," She pauses, before continuing, "and if you should ever need another, I'm sure Honeystone would be more than happy to watch him as well-- and psh, the little guy has a bite? I'll take care to watch my ankles then."
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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