ripple colony look at that fish -- sasha


[ the shuffle of fate ]
Jun 19, 2023
TAGS — Tempest's fur bristles with excitement as she approaches the river. Though its level continues to lower, prompting a frown to settle on her features at the way it's not already back, it's about the same as the last time she'd checked, so it does little to dampen her good mood. Though it's early, it's warm, and the clear blue sky doesn't show a wisp of a cloud yet. Today would shape up to be a scorcher, as one of the other colonists would put it, and then refuse to elaborate on why it was called that.

Looking to her left and right, Tempest does a double take when she sees a familiar brown tabby pelt standing on the water's edge; with her shadow stretching behind her, away from the current. She brightens, and pads over towards Sasha with her tail held high in a friendly greeting.

"Hi Sasha! You're up early."

Posey is gonna regret saying that to me. I am going to catch something today so help me. Can't stand her smug higher than thou attitude. Her issues with one of their colonymates, cough Posey and what transpired when she failed to catch a fish didn't sit well with her. Hemlock had told her to try again and here she was trying again because there was no way she was going to let Posey get the last laugh. I'll be so much better than her that she'll regret challenging me! For now, she was staring intensely at the water in front of her. She recalled what Tempest had told her and made sure this time she would be silent and that her shadow wouldn't be seen by the fish.

It's then that her concentration drifts to Tempest calling out to her. She simply tilts her head and flicks her tail in greeting as Tempest draws near. "Hey Temp, and really?" Her face scrunches and looks up. It is indeed early as Tempest had told her, "Huh. Guess it is early." The statement she makes is more for herself than anything. She returns her attention to the water in front her. The fish stay near this time, perhaps thinking they are safe from her vicious claws. "You were right, they were scared of my shadow. Look, they're swimming pretty close."

Tempest is younger than her, but she wouldn't say that Tempest didn't posses wisdom. In fact, the only reason why this time around she's having a better time with fish is by following Tempest's suggestions. Anything to beat Posey. Amber eyes glance at Tempest, "I'm not gonna stop till I catch one stupid fish today, so... You got any pointers to help me out?" Usually a please was required when asking for help. It would appear as if Sasha was ordering Tempest to help her when that was not the case. If Tempest didn't want to, then she would figure it out on her own.