pafp LOOK AT THIS // open

Nov 14, 2023

Basilpaw had woken up to find the most prettiest thing ever this morning!. A white stone had been find in his nest which he was sure he hadn't placed there!. He couldn't remember such a thing anyway and he was sure he would have rememberd it if so. With himself out of the picture who could have placed it there?. Basilpaw had been wondering about this during the whole day while being out with his mentor!. He had barely paid attention to anything else even less so Spiderwing herself. This just happened to be more important then him having to listen to Spiderwing all day long. Finally after a long and tiresome day Basilpaw had freetime to spare and so he didn't waste even one second to rush inside of the apprentice den again to check up on the white stone to make sure it still was there and left undisturbed. Much to his delight it was still there. Basilpaw jumped into his nest to wrap his forepaws around the white stone and started to nuzzle it with his cheek. This stone had now become the most precious thing he had in his possession. It was his first ever gift after all!, so how could he not cherish it with his whole heart?.

Dying to show it off to someone Basilpaw's eyes shine up when he spotted Snowpaw entering the den. Awesome!. Just the she-kit he had been hoping to meet today!, and now out of all times. " psst Snowpaw!, i've something i wanna show you!, come and look! " he would call out for her and waved her over with his tail while carrying the biggest grin ever. Come and look what i have!. Oh boy, he wondered what Snowpaw would say about his stone!. He was sure she would love it just as much like he did!.



[ ༻❄༺ ] The day had felt longer than usual, and perhaps it was because they had done more that day than she had expected and had been eager to go take a nap, but of course her plans were staunched the moment she entered the apprentice den and had been called over by an excited... very excited Bssilpaw which made her hum in greetings, her yellow gaze dancing on the other calmly. She padded over with a confused look on her face while a yawn slip from her maw. "You seriously have a lot of energy still? Impressive" she remarked betore tiltingnhe head.

"What did you want to show me?" she'd asked coolly. Had Basilpaw already caught his first catch? Or maybe he wanted to show her something that Spiderwing had taught him, all her mind went to was things dealing with training and skills, not something as being gifted a rock. Of course, that morning Snowpaw herself had been gifted a pretty bluejay feather in which she safely tucked into her nest, and was the only thing besides the green of moss that had any color to it.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


It was true!. He did have tons of energy!. But that was not importand right now so he just brushed it of with a twitch of his ear tip, too much focused and excited to show off his pretty stone!. " This, look at how pretty it is!." he said as he revealed the stone to his denmate even pushing it a bit forward so she could get a closer look, his eyes captivated by it. " It looks just like your fur!." Both being white. It was a perfect match. Basilpaw looked back and forth from the stone and Snowpaw like he was searching to read of her reaction. She liked it too right?. He then moved on with his fascination of his gift. " Someone gave this to me while i was sleeping!. I don't know who it is...could it be..." he paused, thinking for a long hard moment before something clicked and he looked up at his friend again with wide eyes. " You?. Was it you who gave me this stone?." It was not impossible after all!. Snowpaw was the only one he could think about who would do something nice like this for him. So it had to be!. If it wasn't her then who could it?. His only other guess would have to be Lividpaw.

Fleabounce's eyes squint, amused by what she catches of the exchange. Such little baubles felt like important things when one was so young—how long would Basilpaw keep an interest in such things. She needs to lean to see the stone, white as Basilpaw had promised it would be, but otherwise nondescript. Fleabounce never did hold more than a passing interest in such things. Had it been her gifted with something of the sort, she would have held onto it for an amount of time considered polite, and then would have quietly passed it off to another.

"Whoever gave it to you has a good eye," Fleabounce adds, careful to not make the same assumptions as Basilpaw as to who had been the gift-giver. Her green eyes glance Snowpaw's way, and then back to the stone, "But they must have been someone shy, to give it while you were asleep."​

[ ༻❄༺ ] Soon he would present her with a rock that had someone gifted to him whillist he slept and then even asked if she had gifted him the rock in his sleep and she shook her head gently. If she was to gift one friend it would not have been fair to not gift another friend, her thought going to Thornpaw and wondering if she had gifted Basilpaw something would Thornpaw had been upset if she hadn't given her anything?

"Wasn't me, but someone did gift me a feather last night" she said calmly before glancing at Fleabounce who made a comment that the cat who gave Basilpaw his gift had a good eye and admittingly she would agree to it, yet shy? She doubted it since some apprentices seem to murmur that gifts each have been presented to them over the night. "Maybe they just did it out of kindness of their hearts" she said smoothly.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.