sensitive topics LOOK AT WHAT LOVE DID || confession


die young or get old trying
Oct 4, 2022
The fear hadn't set in until Loampelt had gotten home, back to camp, and settled in his nest. He's supposed to be feeling better by now — he's supposed to have gathered himself into something presentable. He's supposed to think in near enough to a straight line that others can confuse his words for linear, and he's supposed to stutter over his words rather than slur them together. Dread builds in his chest, has built in his chest, will build — Loampelt swallows it down dutifully, and reminds himself that all he needs to do is get a good rest, and then everything will sort itself in the morning.

And if it doesn't —

"Yuh-yuh-yuh-you're here," Loampelt says around a genuine smile.

Loampelt knew Siltcloud would come, had she known Loampelt had asked after her. The question would always be whether or not Siltcloud would know, or if she would be too busy being off wherever it is she goes. He's never asked, and she's never offered to tell, and that had been one of Loampelt's grand hesitations. It feels small now, he doesn't remember how it could have been so insurmountable that he had thrown the idea of him and Siltcloud out at its face.

"Chuh-chuh-changed—changed my mind," He reaches out with his bad paw, leg uncomfortably angled so that its softer pad is facing skyward, "Uh-uh-about us. Shouldn't've s-suh-ssss-said those things, buh-buh-before."

tags ∘ shadowclan warrior ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 15 moons

siltcloud & 16 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan warrior

Siltcloud has been around more, though its not as though her activities have ceased. She simply refuses to be like flickerfire - wandering off whenever she pleases, leaving her poor apprentice to fend for herself. No, siltcloud will train caterpillarpaw properly, the way she never was. And so when someone comes to fetch her, she is there to hear it - eyes wide in shock as she darts off without even caring to hear the specifics.

When she arrives, it's painfully clear what has happened - it's not the first time after all. He must've had one of his fits, his strange sickness again. Limbs quiver anxiously for a moment before she stills, pushing her way forwards to look her friend over. "Are you alright? What happened? They said you-" words are cut short by loampelts own, and she cannot help but stare. Had she heard that right?

It's not as though she hadn't seen this coming - she was still steadfast in her certainty. They were two parts of a whole, an inevitability - it was only loampelts silly worries keeping her at bay. She'd assumed he'd turn around after - when granitepelt had finished his plans, when she'd shown how strong she could be. But... this- this isn't all that bad an outcome, either.

A shy smile on her lips, eyes all but sparkling with warmth. She doesn't shy away from the closeness, though her frantic worrying has been replaced with something duller, perhaps a calm before the storm. "You thought about it then? Made up your mind?" words are quieter, warbling with anticipation and anxiety alike. Had she done enough, proved herself enough? He'd said he'd changed his mind - so certainly, he must have - right?

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a dust hued cinnamon tabby with white markings and sage green eyes. her fur is dull and unkept, her figure frail and slight. she's usually quite passive, and rarely makes eye contact or speaks above a whisper. she has five toes upon all four paws.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#905d5d]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Not for the first time, Loampelt wishes for simplicity. He wishes he could speak freely, or he wishes he hadn't any need for words at all. He wishes he could be understood without — Loampelt lets his paw drop, and immediately replaces it with his other, so that he may press it to Siltcloud's flank. He nods as emphatically as he can manage without his world sloshing around the edges and then lets out a labored exhale. It isn't enough.

"Yes," He's always been fine after, and he will be fine now, "I-ee-uh want — want tuh-to wake up weh-weh-with you here tuh-tuh-tomorrow," I want to wake up tomorrow, "Want a-a-a-a life wuh-with you."

He's worried about nothing, he's going to be fine. He's got plans to attend.

"Stay?" Loampelt already knows she will — she wouldn't have needed to be invited. He cranes his neck from where he lays, and hopes, hopes, this is the right thing to do. Nothing bad is going to happen, nothing bad ever happens after, and now nothing bad can happen. ​
tags ∘ shadowclan warrior ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 15 moons

siltcloud & 16 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan warrior

Her paw comes up to touch his, gently, as though worried even her touch might break him. It's a useless worry she thinks, loampelt is made of sturdier stuff than shadowclan thinks, but she doesn't know how else to express her worry except to cling tight. Possession and feirce protection - the only form of love she knows how to show.

The smile that lights her faceis, perhaps, one of the most genuine expressions she's ever shown. "Of course," she agrees easily, unable to keep back the purr that rises in her chest. They will be together, not just tonight and in the morning, but forever. A life together - though she knows it's much to early to bring up such a topic to him when he's laying here sick, she can't help but remember past musings of cats she wouldn't mind kissing, of passing down her bloodline with someone at her side, kits that look like her, and like him. For siltcloud, it has always been loampelt who's come to mind first - and now, perhaps, it will be a reality.

She settles down to lay beside him, soaking in the warmth of touch - something she's so rarely shared with anyone. An affectionate lick against his ear, a silent 'I'm here with you.' Things will be fine, because how could they not be? She has everything she has ever wanted, here in this den - for the first time in her life, she is content.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a dust hued cinnamon tabby with white markings and sage green eyes. her fur is dull and unkept, her figure frail and slight. she's usually quite passive, and rarely makes eye contact or speaks above a whisper. she has five toes upon all four paws.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#905d5d]action here[/color][/b] and tag account