look how they shine for you [open/returning with Brightflame]



Johnnyflame was exhausted by the time he made it back to camp.

It felt like all they'd done that day was run back and forth- from Shadowclan to the battlefield, then back to Shadowclan to collect their cats, then back to Skyclan to deliver the sick and injured. And now, once more, Johnny left camp to retrace his steps back into the pines. There were dead rogues that would need to be cleared out before they drew in predators, but there was one among them who did not belong, a cat who would not be given such a thoughtless disposal.


His heart felt like lead in his chest as his gaze found her; still, quiet, surrounded by blood. For the first time he allowed himself to truly feel the weight of it, let it pull him down until he felt like he might drown in it.

She was so young- even with her warrior name. What kind of monsters came into someones home and did these kinds of things?

Despite his exhaustion, his anger failed to leave him, failed to be put out even in the ocean of his grief- a flame, ever burning.

"Lets get you home, aye?"

The words were soft and hardly steady, and he dipped his head to brush his nose to her forehead in a silent apology. Nothing he could se would ever be enough to express how sorry he was.

The walk back to camp was slow and left his paws aching, but eventually he made it back. Silently he went to the medicine cats den, gently laying her down outside of it.

"We're back." he called inside to Fireflypaw, eyes damp but jaw set determinedly.


Ever since he had given Dawnglare the Lungwort, he'd been waiting impatiently for the strawberry-and-cream tom to heal up completely so he could go back to work. So Fireflypaw wouldn't have to be alone, healing injuries and gathering herbs all by his lonesome. He could go back to being the annoying apprentice who wanted to learn, wanted to hear Dawnglare complain about him aloud again. His tail twitches as Johnnyflame signals his return, the seal point leaning down to snatch a stalk of lavender from its hidey hole so he could walk out of the heather den with it.

"It is underneath the stars that we mourn the loss of Brightflame, a she-cat that was kind and loving to everyone around her." He begins, his tail twitching as he gently brushes the lavender over the femme's body to spread the scent before settling the purple flower onto her frame. "May her soul have a safe trip to StarClan, and may she watch over us all from above in kind." He didn't know her that well, but a loss was a loss to the Clan nonetheless. If he had been there during the battle, maybe he could have saved her before she bled out. Maybe's were always his worst enemy, but would he find peace in such tribulations? Most likely not. He steps away from Brightflame then, allowing cats to come over and mourn the deceased.

For now, he would remain quiet. This is his first funeral he's hosted alone- he wouldn't let Dawnglare or Brightflame down.​

He'd seen it before. An apprentice on the brink of warriorhood, snuffed out before the beginning of their fully-bloomed life. Constantly he thought back to Centipedepaw, to Spiderpaw- but this above all reminded him of Snowpath. A noble death, a heroic burst of energy that had helped SkyClan in ways that could only be rewarded with a deathbed warrior name. Even that didn't seem good enough.

It'd have to do, though. If anything could do, when dealing with something like this. His heart thumped in his chest as he heard the words, Johnnyflame's return and Fireflypaw's final goodbye. The vigil was starting, then. Swallowing his nerves past the lump in his throat, Twitchbolt rose to his tired paws, even tireder eyes settled weakly upon the young warrior's body. Throat desert-dry, he could only stand- could only despair atthe tragedy.

Past the scratchy dryness, he finally let himself speak. The words weren't dwelled on for very long, given in a melancholy sigh, muscles spasming as a bothersome backdrop. "Thank you, Brightflame..." He swallowed as if gulping river water. He remembered Centipedepaw's blood-droplets on the dirt, a body never found. "Thank you. SkyClan is worse off without your- your bravery." She would have been a wonderful warrior. She had been a wonderful warrior.
penned by pin ✧
Johnnyflame brings his fallen apprentice back to camp. The world seems to mourn with SkyClan—the air feels heavy, dreary, as Blazestar pads forward to brush his muzzle against Brightflame’s tawny fur. Fireflypaw gives her a solemn vigil, asking for her spirit to journey safely to StarClan. Blazestar brushes his flank against Twitchbolt’s, both seeking comfort and offering it, and gives Johnnyflame a long look filled with sorrow and appreciation.

It's then he turns to back to Brightflame, and though his words are spoken lowly, they are full of regret, heartfelt. “You broke the warrior code once, but StarClan knows you died defending it, and so do I.” He remembers the bravery she’d exhibited, coming to his den for her punishment, to discuss what had happened, even though he’d seen the trepidation in her eyes and the tremble in her paws. Blazestar could wail for what SkyClan has lost in Brightflame. “We will honor you,” he promises her quietly, “and we will never forget your sacrifice.

After a heartbeat, he withdraws from Brightflame’s body, joining his lead warriors and medicine cat apprentice once more.

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