private LOOK TO THE FUTURE [ family ]

( ) a relentless sun beats down on the dormant riverbed, parched sand hardening against the heat. the dull water that does rest at the very bottom is dark and muddy, more of a stream than a mighty roaring river. the air shimmers with waves of heat reminiscent of the water that once flowed freely down this expanse. as the family pads through dried grass and wilting reeds, a chorus of cicadas hums on the air. it had rained last night, but even water sent by starclan cannot refill the basin of their dwindling river. willowroot lifts her head to scan the horizon and prays cicadastar will do something soon.

she is not out here to fix the river, though. her family pads behind her as she weaves between trees, finally coming to rest in the shade of her namesake. the willow stretches high into the heavens, providing much needed shade from the sweltering sun. shaking her fur free of dust, the warrior finally turns and smiles. pressing against poppysplash, she waits for her kits to settle down before speaking. "you all are only a few moons away from being warriors," she'll begin, eyes dancing as they sweep between the young cats. "and your mother and i are so proud of you. the past few moons have been difficult, but you are strong and capable. that's why we're so excited to tell you our news." she'll swallow, and glance at poppy for support. starclan willing, her children will understand, be excited, even. "i wanted to tell you guys before we tell the clan. in about a moon, you're going to have more siblings. i'm pregnant. i'm moving into the nursery soon." immediately she internally cringes, heart fluttering anxiously. what if they think they're being replaced? that they're not good enough? stars, let them be excited, let them be the best older siblings.
@POPPYSPLASH. @Hazepaw @Mosspaw (the other two are npcs for the moment, until we adopt them out)
Mosspaw couldn't help how her gaze drifted to her sister when her mother mentioned their approaching warrior ceremonies, their recent argument lingering in her mind. She was certain that she would be ready when the day came. Every moment of her time had been dedicated to her preparation. None of which she could say for Hazepaw.

Her chest puffed up at pride at her mother's compliments, and she dipped her head in thanks for them. Even amongst the praise of all the other warriors in the clan, she still valued that of her parents the most.

At Willowroot's announcement, Mosspaw's head shot back up, her eyes wide. Her mouth opened as if to respond, but for a moment she could not find the words. As she blinked in the face of the news, her smile slowly grew. "That is wonderful!" She exclaimed, her tone uncharacteristically bright with excitement.

She was going to be a big sister.​

If Hazepaw notices Mosspaw’s loaded look, they don’t react to it: they’re too intent on their mother and the words slowly unfurling from her tongue.

you're going to have more siblings.

Unconsciously, Haze’s expression mirrors her sister’s: joy and excitement, open and clear on her face. She bumps shoulders with Mosspaw before rushing to their mothers, rubbing her head under Willowroot’s chin with a deep purr.

”Siblings!” They say, throwing Mosspaw a quick look of shared delight tinted with scheming smugness. The babies would need them around, definitely: Mosspaw would turn them all boring otherwise.