border LOOK TO THE SKY — skyclan dawn patrol

It just keeps getting colder and colder,” Blazestar says, watching his breath materialize, pale and frothy, before his broad face. His fur is fluffed up against the cold, thickening his near-comically large golden frame as he leads his procession down the shore of the river. There’s ice collecting along the shallowest, stillest sections, though he imagines one the sun rises in full, those little pieces will break away. As sharp as the wind feels in his fur, there is no snow on the ground today, and the sky, pink and rosy around the treeline, looks clear and cloudless.

He half-turns to look at Hazelbeam, Dogbite, Edenpaw, and Littlepaw. His gaze lingers briefly on the black-and-white apprentice, wondering how they feel about returning to this border so soon, but he says nothing aloud. To Edenpaw, he gives a small tilt of his head, as if to ask if they’re okay, but soon pawsteps crunching pebbles on the other shore draws his attention away. “RiverClan. Good morning! Hope the prey is running well on that side of the river,” he mews, his breath rolling like steam into the air.

[ @Hazelbeam @edenpaw ?! @Dogbite @LITTLEPAW! but no need to wait!! ]

, ”
Sticking close to the ragdolls side and his shorter student he braved the treachery of leafbare between them If not for safety but for the warmth radiating from both pelts. Still the scarred warrior continued to shake like a leaf. Shaggy pelt doing a sorry job of insulating him as their scars burned from the wind. Tattered ears squished flat to their head and his tail felt as stiff as a tree trunk. Dogbite did not miss the unforgiving alleys but the added barrier of two-leg dens had been a gift they'd taken for granted.

Blazestar's astute observation nearly made him fall face first into the snow with distress. Holding back his tongue from the desire of an expletive their angry rush melted into dry bemusement. Rather than give it up to their poor mood he instead chuckled aloud. "Yeah. Newleaf can't come soon enough" His pelt doubled in size as the cool air grazed the waters surface and billowed through. He missed the warm rays of sun that came with the bloom of flowers. Now Dogbite felt as if he were an exposed twig getting strewn about.

Upon arriving to the shore his blue eye blinked while cats bustled about on the opposite bank. Politely, he raised a feathery tail in greeting, his coat shivering comically as they went. Looking out of the corner of their eye at his apprentice. I hope you're feeling okay. The tabby smiled gently with a curious glimmer before focusing back to the Riverclanners. It took twice the willpower to cease the chatter in their fangs as he prepared to pass around pleasantries.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
It feels as though since having to room with SkyClan Moonpaw had been to the border of the forest-dwelling clan more often than not. It was the main place she knew where herbs could be gathered this season and if she had to choose a border to fish at it was the SkyClan border, her distaste for being interrupted by ThunderClan and the potential for skirmishes at the WindClan border too much of a hassle for her. Never had she thought that she'd enjoy the company of SkyClanners, but when she saw the patrol coming to the border the medicine cat apprentice offered a smile to Blazestar and his patrol, tail waiving in an odd form of a "hello" before words were cast over the river and the small apprentice's head would nod. "It is, I hope it's doing the same on your side." The RiverClan prey was swimming and running well, even if it was harder to catch the fish in the frigid waters now.

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || sister to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Ravensong.
    -- She/Her || 8 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling

FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — Even if Skyclan had been kind enough to provide refuge for Riverclan in their time of need and their alliance had been solidified by Smokestar's visit, she still regards the other clan with caution but respect as well. Much like the forest dwellers across from them, she wishes that she had a longer coat instead of the short fur that she had been born with and a soft huff leaves her maw in a small wisp of mist. Moonpaw's quick to greet their neighbors, the daughter of the river king walking over with a brief sweep of her feathery tail to stand next to the snowy molly trying to stick to her side for warmth and not lose her amongst all the snow. "It's frickin' freezing," She hisses playfully to her friend pushing dark charcoal fur into the soft milky fur of her best friend then turns to nod a greeting in the direction of Blazestar. With the water becoming colder by the day, they had to get accustomed to land hunting and Beepaw didn't think she was much of a fan but whatever allowed them to live and being a meal to their clanmates.

She wonders if she'll be able to catch anything for her cousins or Hazecloud today, she hopes to Starclan that she does. It makes her wonder if frost covers the bark of the trees that live on Skyclan's land and if that stops their neighbors from climbing on them. A part of her wants to ask but the other half decides to remain quiet unless spoken to.

- mentor tag @SMOKESTAR

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 6 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed

Ferngill did not find himself as self-conscious in front of leaders as he used to be. In fact, an air of pride shone from him, like sun-fire refracting from seaglass, whenever he met them on border patrols. Undoubtedly, he was prod to bear his warrior name, to walk before them as a dutiful RiverClan warrior, as someone capable and worth knowing. It was easier with SkyClan, really... they'd always been a Clan to depend on, to strive against WindClan alongside.

Talks of prey peppered the air, and mentors spoke to their apprentices- Ferngill's singular eye of bright green sought an unengaged Skyclanner. None of the faces were those that he recognised from the journey, but he gleamed with gladness when faced with them regardless. "Hi," he called, beaming- a friendly wave of his fiery tale accompanied, graceful steps carrying him along the riverside. "How are Figfeather and Fantastream?" he asked after his friend and her mate- last he'd seen them they'd seemed pretty happy, but it'd been a while now. Realisation glittered in his eyes. "Oh, and Bobbie! She's a lead warrior now, isn't she?"
penned by pin
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 They practically sulk the entire walk to the border, shuffling behind Hazelbeam and Blazestar with ears pinned so tightly to their head it almost looks like they don't have any. Did Orangeblossom just hate them or something? Sending me to RiverClan... she's gotta have it out for me about that dumb berry picking argument... What a petty old crone... to have held a grudge through an entire journey and back! They glance up with a hard glare plastered to their face to catch onto a pair of soft blues showing a silent understanding, a modest show of support. At least it was him... at least he knew why they were in such a piss-poor mood about being here. He cranes his neck in a silent question and Edenpaw is grateful for it, even if they don't show it past a vocalized huff of frustration. I don't want to be here.

But they would be. Because they had been told to.

And they practically leap out of their skin to hear voices across the river already, taking two tiny, quick strides to cower behind Blazestar for fear of a familiar ruddy pelt being there. They don't hear his voice... they're thankful enough for that. One of them asks about Fantastream and with a sort of seething defensiveness, they wanna tell that orange hairball to shove his questions where the sunlight doesn't shine- mind your own business, RiverClanner. Peeking from behind a plume of dandelion fur, they realize it to be that one really friendly sunflower-hued apprentice from before.. he's probably too old to still be a 'paw right?

"Miss Fanta is with her house folk because she's having babies soon," they answer with an uncertain glance towards their leader. He wouldn't be upset they'd shared good news right? They scan the rest of the faces that shelter near the rippling half-frozen river and don't see Otterpaw so far. Orangeblossom would be spared their ire if their luck stayed this good today.​
SkyClan's border had led to nothing but misfortune in Otterpaw's case. Though he would never know too sure, his distaste for the cats of the Clan led him to strongly believe it was their fault he had come down with yellowcough at all. His fault for ever letting himself get so close, and only soon after being cured was his entire Clan thrown into their camp. There he had met Edenpaw, and there he had found his duty to dispel the forest from weak little kittypets that weren't worthy to fight.

"I guess this beats hunting..." He muttered under his breath as he padded alongside Coyotecreek. He had reached above the former barncats shoulder now, but wasn't much taller. With so much of his focus set on his fighting skills he nearly matched the tom in muscle, but the spoils of leafbare had kept him on the thinner side this moon. Blazestar's voice pulled his natural frown into a scowl.

He couldn't get away from this border fast enough. A bored kick sent a pebble skipping across the river and he groaned with a dramatic roll of his eyes. Did they need to bother with this useless small talk? Just rub your fur against some bushes and leave! He wanted to get into the heat of a spar before his paws froze off.

His attitude switched on its heel the moment he heard the other apprentice. He wondered what came of the little striped runt after he threw their hide in their face. Had they told Blazestar? Maybe not, since nothing came back to Smokestar after it happened. Or maybe even Blazestar had agreed they deserved it. His eyes rake over pale fur and see the scars from his attack streaking down their back. Their eye, marred by his teeth. Pride bloomed like newleaf sprouts in his chest. Edenpaw would never forget him if they tried. Stuck with his memory lashed across their own pelt.

"Might be smart to just keep them there." Otterpaw scoffed as he appeared for a moment to see Edenpaw's reaction, scouring for the changes in their expression for shrugging his shoulders. "Nice to see you're still trying to become a warrior, Edenpaw. Figured out how to use your claws yet?"

-- mentor tag @coyotecreek
  • Angry
Reactions: edenberry ?!
The scraggly tabby, not one to typically seek out conversation, found himself surprisingly at ease in the company of the Riverclan felines. Blinking curiously, he listened and observed, noting the lack of hostility in the air. A ghostly she-cat approached first, with a wavy-furred tuxedo in tow, chattering away about the frosty day—a topic he had similarly broached earlier. Following them was a fiery orange tom, a mirror to his own absent eye, but with turquoise instead of his oceanic blue.

Ferngill's enigmatic nature easily captivated him, and they turned towards the tom-cat as he mentioned their friends. Chipper and welcoming, he added on to Edenpaw's meow, having little fear of immersing himself in the conversation. "She is indeed expecting and Figfeather's also in good spirits." He explained kindly, scarred muzzle crinkling into a polite smile while he settled onto pale haunches. The cinnamon and white Skyclanner passes an appreciative glance to Blazestar. Leaving the older ragdoll to speak on behalf of his mate.

Their pink nose twitched absently as flurries kissed and chilled exposed skin. "Skyclan's nursery is fixing to get pretty crowded here soon." They remarked with a touch of humored fondness in his tone. His mind briefly wandered to the little bundle they had recently scooped from the border. Antkit seemed to be integrating well enough, and under Mottledove's care, he had little doubt they'd have a loving start in Skyclan. However, the pleasant thoughts were interrupted by the tense commentary from Otterpaw.

Unaware of the underlying conflict, he chose to ignore the snide remark and aimed for a distraction. "How has Smokestar been faring?" Dogbite inquired carefully and genuinely, dipping into the heavier topic one paw at a time. The black and white leader looked well and thriving last they had seen. Silently, he hoped that no lines had been teetered over or undermined in the presence of his own leader. Having attended both gatherings, he was well aware of the circumstances surrounding Smokestar's leadership.

Despite past interactions, which were far from positive, they couldn't fathom siding with Sootstar in any capacity after such an evil act. Which he was certain the inky Riverclanner and themselves could agree on.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Blazestar turns from appraising Edenpaw to Dogbite, the pale warrior’s fur fluffed out against the cold as he hums agreement. Before he can say anything further, a small voice calls back to them from across the river. He recognizes the moon-pale figure of RiverClan’s medicine cat apprentice, her tail crooked into a friendly hello. There’s a smoke-pelted apprentice with her, one eye a familiar scrap of flame, the other a chip of ice reminiscent of Cicadastar. The leader trills a wordless greeting to both she-cats, and to the ginger-pelted warrior who comes to the water’s edge.

The older tom asks about Figfeather, Fantastream, and Bobbie, and the leader’s whiskers quiver with hesitation. Edenpaw offers their voice—Miss Fanta is with her housefolk because she’s having babies, they say, seemingly uncertain. Blazestar catches the olive gleam of their eyes and he gives them a small nod of approval. He supposes there’s no harm—after all, RiverClan is still a solid ally, according to Smokestar, and these same cats had shared dens with them for half a moon not so long ago. As for the young tom who inquires after his warriors, his mate… he recognizes that fallen eye, that brilliant pelt. He’d been one of the RiverClan warriors to go on the journey. Blazestar forces himself to smile. “Figfeather and Bobbie have their paws full with their new apprentices,” he mews in tandem with Dogbite.

Then there’s a speckled dark apprentice, one whose green eyes seek Edenpaw and then linger on the scars left on their streaked fur. Blazestar stiffens, his smile fading at the taunts delivered cruelly across the water. “All of SkyClan knows how to use their claws,” he says, his voice stern. “Just as we know the value of friendship between our Clans.” The friendliness leaves Blazestar’s expression, and he gestures with his tail for the patrol to move on.

, ”
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
The small apprentice was rather apprehensive, nearing RiverClan’s border, although nothing like the prickling fear he got whenever he drew near the unclaimed border, blue hues rapidly staring off in search of wicked hues and loud laughter that burned like hot iron against pale flesh, singeing black-and-white fur.

Regardless, Littlepaw enjoyed keeping himself busy, even if his throat tickled, feeling worn-out and tired, mind begging for sleep, a pleasantry he refused. He didn’t need it when he could be training, doing something rather than letting his mind wander into sensitive territory.

Fiery blue hues snapped in Otterpaw’s direction, hackle rising along his spine. He wasn’t particularly fond of Edenpaw, nor did he like Crowpaw, but that didn’t give others a right to spew senseless comments. He wasn’t always open-mouthed with displeasure, biting his tongue until the nauseating copper pooled down his throat. “A better warrior than you’ll ever be.” He commented, barely audible, but within earshot of his patrol, the small apprentice shivered, breath shuddering, did he follow Blazestar, searing hues staring at Otterpaw’s form before he slipped away.
thought speech

Maplepaw had done her best on the patrol, observing carefully everything her mentor was doing. Even if it was just a border patrol, it was still better than nothing. It was to learn and repeat what the other clans could do, would do, and so on. Any information she could grasp, she would take.

Shed answer her mentors questions on the new border without a heartbeat of hesitation, a grin spreading across her fawn and cream features as she was met with praise. Sage eyes sparkled a bit as well, eager to listen as he spoke further- though her ear flicked as she heard the oncoming patrol.

It seemed common courtesy they would greet each other casually, ensure the other was doing alright. But- her smile turned to a frown as Otterpaw only had negativity on his own mind. She watched for a moment with narrowed eyes as he targeted the other apprentice- and what she could only assume was a daylight warrior. What an awful way to encounter Skyclan. "How could ya say that? What makes any of that okay?" She scoffed. Her head turned to the skyclanners, her voice a bit louder. "Don't mind him! He gots fish fer brains! I'm sure y'all are lovely folk, really. I wish yall luck on yer patrols, and I do hope everything's works out! "

She wanted so badly to like her clanmates, but sometimes, it was really hard. It seemed apprentices were at each other's throats anymore, and she really didn't like any of it. She just wanted everyone happy, was that too much to ask for?


"Smokestar is fine, thank you." The dark tom appears, he is late behind the patrol, having paused to show something to Beepaw as they moved past the water and Otterpaw's bold shout across the river had left his lips curling in disdain; he was not fond of the abrasive young tom and was more than a little glad he'd ended up having the brat assigned to Coyotecreek rather than having to train them himself.
"Otterpaw the only thing I want to see your mouth doing today is carrying prey back to camp, get going." A mental note was made to have a talk with the gray tom's mentor about his attitude, it had gone unchecked for too long and was only getting worse as time progressed. Seeing the tiny SkyClan apprentice he had been mocking has him narrowing his eyes in thought, it wasn't uncommon for apprentice rivalries to build between clans but RiverClan had never had much of an opposition with the kittypet clan; quite the opposite.
He wasn't sure how their friendly alliance would withstand the test of time, he was quite convinced that Blazestar's end of leadership would also end it as well and he wouldn't bat an eye at the loss. It was one less thing Cicadastar had built that would come crashing down and seeing the kingdom his mate had molded so carefully crumble bit by bit brought him more solace over time than dread.

  • Apprentice Tag- @BEEPAW

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.