private LOOK TO THE WEST // mini-assessment


WindClan Leader




”I am examining your progress today.” Sootstar informs the trio of apprentices with a flick of her tail. All of them varied in age, and therefore she had varying expectations from all of them. However, Snailpaw was the oldest apprentice in the clan by nearly three moons, she’d be nothing but disappointed if the tabby failed to catch much for prey. ”You will each hunt at a different location. Snakepaw I want you to scour near the Sun-warmed Pool. Goldenpaw I want to see you around the Badgerset Den. And… Snailpaw, you will hunt at the outskirts of the Horseplace.” She scans their gazes for any confused looks before dismissing them with a tail flick. ”Now go, and remember. I am watching.”

She’d be getting a workout today most certainly, but she had her ways. Departing from the trio she dives into a nearby tunnel, where will she pop up first…?

I casually suggest for a one shot style response and writing out your characters whole experience. This is to keep the thread moving & because no one will be with your characters (aside from soot possibly watching) to prompt another rp response out of them. Have them return to the OG meeting spot and Sootstar will reveal her assessments of them !
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i just turned 14 ✧°.☀ ———————————— This was Goldenpaw's dream, to be evaluated by the leader of the clan. He was given the chance to not only prove himself but provide for the clan, and get some bragging rights. Especially if he did better than the other apprentices. Goldenpaw was going to make sure Sootstar knew he was taking his training serious. Goldenpaw gave one sharp nod to his location assignment and in a gallop he was off.

He felt like his feet weren't even hitting the ground as he flew over the moor. He was free for just a couple seconds on his way to the Badgerset den. His lungs were filled to the brim with fresh spring air, being pumped in and out of him, it might have been what was lifting him off the ground with every bound. He wouldn't have dared to enjoy himself this much if he had his mentor with him, or even his siblings for that matter. He didn't like being happy around them, or well he was happy around them, they just weren't allowed to know that. Before he could dive into the thought however he slowed himself and let his breath fall to its typical rhythm, he couldn't be panting when he started stalking some prey. His assigned hunting grounds stood just ahead of him.

Now was the hardest part for Goldenpaw, waiting. His orange eyes scanned the surrounding grass, waiting for movement of any kind, like lightning waiting for the thunder to sound off first. Was his tummy starting to hurt, no, not hurt. He could feel a small pit forming in the depths of himself. "Stop it," he hissed "You are going to distract yourself." he looked at his own stomach for the scolding, making sure to drive the point home. He took a deep breath, he heard somewhere that doing that helps with calming down or something. Maybe Sunflower had told him to do it. Now he was stalling, he couldn't see any prey just yet and he wasn't sure if Sootstar was looking right at him.

Now that the wind had been beaten out of his sail Goldenpaw slowly walked around the old den. Taking carefully placed steps, as to not scare away any unseen prey. The pit was still there, it got bigger even. With the ever growing anxiety in his stomach he started getting more frustrated and mad at the situation he seemed stuck in. His teeth grinded together, and his eyebrows furrowed over his scanning eyes. His legs felt bundled up with unspent momentum. He might have prayed to Starclan if he and thought about it, but they weren't often on his mind, seemed to be more up Vulturemask's lane. That's how it was supposed to be, Vulturemask knew about things, and Goldenpaw hunted. Right?

He had been wandering for what felt like hours, in reality it was maybe only half an hour. That's when he spotted it, a lark! Sitting ever so peacefully in a small pounded down area of grass. His eyes went large and his body tensed up in a hunting position that was much to sloppy, in his excitement he had forgotten the proper technique. But, what was that going to matter? He was going to catch this bird and he was going to bring it to Sootstar and she would be proud of him. That's what he wanted, it wasn't going to be what he got, however.

His muscles released like a tense spring. His mouth opened as he soared through the air and he could taste it. He could taste the victory and pride, it dripped from his tongue. As soon as those tastes filled his mouth however, they vanished. As his claws missed their target and he felt the feathers of the bird hit his face as they ascended in a fear. With the shock at missing his prey Goldenpaw had forgotten that you need to land after a jump and with a TWACK his chin cracked down onto a small rock. Now the only thing he could taste was blood, as he stuck out the only thing that had gotten bit.

He didn't stop his hunt until the sun started to set. He had kept trying. There had been other animals but each of them evaded his claws and bloody jaw. The stinging of tears threatened him as he walked slowly back to the meeting spot the cats had started at. He walked across the moors like he had rocks for legs. He looked dull, with dust coating him thicker than usual and the stain of dark red that painted the cut on his chin and some of the front of his chest. It hadn't stop bleeding very quick, and he didn't want to have to spend the time grooming it off, so he had let it drip down the front of himself. His lilac haunches thumped onto the ground, with nothing but a horribly shameful look and a sore tongue to offer Sootstar.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ and i think this year i'm gonna be mean
❪ TAGS ❫ — It felt as if Snakepaw's ego had ballooned so wide that it would pop at any moment — he had been chosen to demonstrate his hunting skills for none other than the leader herself. Sootstar was the Moorland Queen, who ruled over the entire territory, with hordes of deadly claws and gnashing teeth ready to abide by her commands. Despite hints of jealousy periodically pricking at him, as Sootstar had been chosen by StarClan themselves as opposed to one of his own parents, he knew that it merely stemmed from a place of wanting inherited power and influence. Now, especially since Sootstar had a brood of her own, he had to work extra hard to catch her attention.

Today was the day he was going to prove himself.

A sneer was thrown in the direction of Snailpaw and Goldenpaw after they were given their individual assignments, the midnight black apprentice confident that he could outdo them both with ease. Goldenpaw was a little twerp who would never be anybody more than one of the outsider kits Vulturemask had taken pity on and brought into the clan. Snailpaw was a failure of an apprentice; they had been held back, for StarClan's sake! What an embarrassment. Snakepaw would be the greatest apprentice WindClan had ever seen, and he knows it.

He slithers off toward the sun-warmed pool, ears angled and muscles moving under a sleek dark pelt. Snakepaw didn't blend in very well with the moors, though he had stealth on his side. Some said that such a skill was best reserved for ShadowClanners, but it certainly helped when hunting. Snakepaw had caught plenty of mice in his apprenticeship, though never a rabbit. Would today be his first time?

Snakepaw silently poked his head through the grasses once he reached his destination and, lo and behold, it was as if the stars had bestowed their blessing unto him — a perfectly juicy-looking rabbit was drinking from the water. I'm ready for this. He tells himself, dropping into a hunter's crouch.

However, the mistake of stepping on a twig cost him everything. The rabbit was alerted to Snakepaw's presence immediately and began hopping away, to which the apprentice gasped and scrambled into a hasty sprint. No! As he made a tight turn around the sun-warmed pool, his leg slipped out from under him which caused him to stumble into the shallow water, the bottom half of his body now sopping. The prey had gotten away. "Grrrrrrah!" The tom growls aloud, smacking the surface of the water exasperatedly.

After a little while, Snakepaw returned to the meeting spot holding only a lizard in his jaws, his hindquarters still damp but not as dripping-wet as it had been before. His catch was pathetic and underwhelming, but the apprentice had refused to damage his pride even more and return to Sootstar with nothing. He does not meet the Moorland Queen's gaze, and instead drops the kill at his paws, his ears flicked back awkwardly.

The starry-eyed gazes of their peers did not go unnoticed. Snailpaw, on the other hand, felt a growing pit of dread within their stomach. Hearsay was their best defence against the blue cat's wrath but without the protection of their mentor and the Deputy, all their flaws could be laid bare within an instant. Politely listening, their paws kneaded against the ground, their eyes lighting up in a strange delight as they were designated to hunt by the Horseplace. Ah, he hadn't gotten to go there in forever!. Nodding enthusiastically, they slipped into the tall moorland grasses, their grey pelt giving them all the camouflage they needed to sneak up on some bunnies. They didn't know of any warrens out by the Twoleg's area, but then again, they'd scarcely visited the place for WindClan's benefit. The horses were beautiful, with coat varieties like cats, they'd even named a few of them! As they moved, they wondered if it was Snail Jr. or Clam Jr. that would be out that day, or if the dreaded Spidereater would grace their eyes that day.

Settled atop a moor overlooking the horseplace, they peered through a gap in the trees, nearly falling back at the sight of a large chestnut stallion romping around the enclosed area. 'Of course.... Spidereater...' They shook their head. 'Nope. Not important. Not important. Focus Snaily, focus.' Zigzagging on either side of the hill, sapphire eyes eventually locked onto a fallow creature hopping about in the dandelions. They crouched instantaneously, holding their breath. Snail stalked forwards, tail hovering just above the earth and their belly practically touching the bottom of the grass. It'd never been hunting they struggled with, they thought. Killing prey wasn't always easy, though they'd come to terms with its necessity, yet the running and the stealth were as natural as breathing to the twelve-moon old. It should've been a regular chase and dispatch, even with shot nerves they could focus on the bunny through the long grass. Then, because the universe's cruelty knew no bounds, Snailpaw's nostrils were suddenly alight with a sensation that left their face creasing uncomfortably. They tried to hold it in, but a sneeze soon erupted through the area.

The rabbit bolted immediately, and cursing the very grasses that gave him protection, Snailpaw ran after it in hot pursuit. It briefly disappeared over the hill that the tabby had been using to scout but Snailpaw, even with their littler limbs, bound over it with ease. They spotted the zigzagging lapine once more and darted downwards towards it, ears briefly flattening at the steepness of the hill. A few times Snailpaw was certain their legs would give out from under them, but they managed, barely having time to breathe a sigh of relief as the ground leveled out once more. They followed the rabbit, right into the horseplace, slipping underneath the fence with ease and gaining on the frantic rabbit when.... PHRGEEEE. Their eyes shot up at the sound of such an awful bray, catching the glimpse of hooves the size of their head hovering above them. The tabby scrambled away from their folly, the crunch of grazing grasses cracking in their ears. So narrow-focused on the lapine, they had barely registered that Spidereater was still around. 'Stars, that was almost my face!' Loud stomping behind them caused them to shoot a glance over their shoulder at the horse, its ears pinned back and loud snorts filling the air around them. Snailpaw got the message.

No matter how much he loved to observe the equines, the large creatures were as temperamental as the weather, and technically, Snail had trespassed onto their land. With their prey long since disappearing, Snail flashed a timid grin, their heart damn near beating out of his chest. "Tell me if you see the little fella again, ok? Ok?" The horse's stare was furiously blank at their mews and the apprentice gave a quick nod of understanding (Forged understanding. The horse had no idea what Snailpaw had said) before scurrying out of the horse pen. The aggressive stallion had given them a chance to leave, they weren't going to take that for granted. Death was a terrifying prospect but a fear not suited for a WindClanner. They briefly wondered if it'd been worth pushing their luck, perhaps trying to find a domestic animal to nab, but it wasn't worth the risk to Snailpaw. Their clan favoured boldness, not stupidity, they would not make the mistakes of their elders when they had neither the knowledge nor the failsafe to ensure it would work. He was empty-pawed for now, but he was alive, that had to count for something, right?

Returning to the starting point, fur more than frazzled and carrying a mouse by its tail, they could at least feel relieved that the other apprentice hadn't faired much better. One had caught something meager, the other nothing at all. They didn't have age on their side, but they also hadn't been asked to hunt in one of the more dangerous sections of WindClan land. Their stomach churned at the sight of blood dripping from Goldenpaw's face and they were more than happy to rip their attention away from him to look at Sootstar instead. Disappointing others was something the marbled tabby was used to, but anticipating it when their circumstances had been tumultuous a mere moon ago left them feeling worse than usual. In every other hunting scenario they'd performed excellently, so what was it about the pressure of failure that made them so... weak? Dropping their paltry findings, they took a second to let their lungs recover. "To be fair..." They said through an exerted breath, trying to excuse themselves. "It's not every day a rabbit and a horse are in cahoots." The Queen had eyes and ears everywhere, they didn't doubt she'd seen at least some of the incident at the Horseplace. It wasn't like Snailpaw had eight more goes at living if that place took another life.