camp LOOKING OUT FOR YOU ⚔︎ sunbathing

The sun was stronger and the lands weren't as covered with the blank sheet the fatal season cursed the world with. Winter was coming to a close. Bless of vegatation and prey was starting to appear. It was like the birds were voicing their welcome of new leaf and the sun seemed equally enthusiastic. Warmth blessed her pelt today as she began her first fish of the season, being a bit more successful than she had during leafbare. She knew all would be more successful as the season deepened. Although, she was satisfied with her hunt today. A few more fish was placed upon the pile and she decided to reward herself to rest upon a rock that settled within the sun. Muscles sore, she worked herself hard after her return to clan chores. The sun welcomed her in praise, limbs outstretched to relax as she watched the small stream calmly lap at her paws. Goodness was to come after the decay, it always did. She was happy she made it another season.

Lone peace and satisfaction was pulled away as her ears caught a clanmate's pawsteps, glancing over her shoulder through squinted eyes of the sun's glare, "What do you need? I assume you want to share my spot?" tone neutral but her limbs tucked as of to make room. Petalnose wasn't the welcoming type, serious tones that could be mistaken as a warning to walk away, but she seemed to be wanting to draw closer to her clan members. Even if she was rude at times or even simply come off that way.


Her darkening shadow loomed over the riverclan lead as Petalnose turned her head to address her. A small sheepish smile touched split colored lips as her head ducked a bit in response to the molly's gruff, albeit neutral words. "Only if you would allow it." Sablemist chirped quietly with a languid flick of her tail. The emergence of spring and the welcoming warmth that accompanied it prompted her to bask for just a little while. To enjoy the pleasant weather after a long and tiresome season of biting snow and stinging cold.

Soft blue eyes notate the tucked position of the lead's limbs and her lack of movement thereafter. Taking this as an invitation to settle, Sablemist gingerly lowered herself down beside the older molly. "Thank you Petalnose," She murmured with a gracious expression brightening her features further. "Prey is beginning to run well again. I believe it is a sign of good things to come." She added shortly after. Outstretching her forelegs, Sablemist opted to lay her head upon now crossed paws.

≖≖ riverclan warrior / seventeen moons old / she/her ≖≖
Cicadapaw is glad to see the dregs of leaf - bare finally, blessedly draining away. The colder seasons had brought unspoken tragedy, evident in the ridge of leathery skin marring his shoulder and the empty spot in his gums. Evident in his sister's flint - flecked eyes and his sibling's starry proclamations, evident in a river glazed with ice and water cold enough to kill. He wouldn't miss it, the empty - bellied suffering and the constant struggle to survive. He might miss it, the taste of copper and tang of cleansing suffering.

When he makes his way towards a sun - warmed rock, it's with discomfort so tangible he might as well be wearing it. Pain is familiar enough; Iciclefang works ( worked ) him hard, held her expectations so loftily it was a battle to meet everyone. Smokestar is little different. He's more used to a hollow belly and frigid flesh than her is to warmth and fullness, and pain is what he inhabits, not pleasure. The presence of Petalnose and Sablemist is enough to nearly deter him from basking in the unfamiliar warmth, feathers of fur spiking around his shoulders until he forces them flat.

The river is still bracing and a tremble holds stubborn to his limbs, though, and so he steps forward, trying to present with the cool confidence he's used to watching from Iciclefang. " If you don't mind, " he rasps in agreement with the black - and - white, warrior, dipping his head respectfully before he clambers awkwardly up, fighting his ungainly limbs every step of the way. The apprentice settles onto the rock, sitting up and with every overlong appendage drawn carefully away from his Clanmates. Still, the sun on his back feels nice.

" Yes, " he agrees awkwardly, bi - colored eyes looking everywhere but his Clanmates' own. He had never been a conversationalist and that skill has deteriorated, if anything, under Iciclefang's brisk and clipped guidance. " We — the Clan — we could use some good things. "



Leaf-bare was finally releasing its icy hold over the forest. The rocks were no longer ice-touched but rather they had become sun-warmed once again. Her Clanmates were certainly taking advantage of the better weather if her eyes are to be believed. She watches silently as Sablemist and Cicadapaw scrabble up stone to join Petalnose in her respite and for a moment, she feels only a pang in her heart. No space left for her. Typical. She glances away and is about to leave but for some reason her legs are reluctant, unwilling to carry her away.

Instead, she finds herself moving to the base of the rock, settling into the shade as a yawn overtakes her features and she pulls her legs underneath her, sweeps her feathered tail close to her body. "Leaf-bare can bring good things, you just have to know where to look" there is hardship, yes, but there is also beauty in the way the snow silences the land, in the way the sky looks just after a winter storm breaks and you can see blue again. "The fish will be leaping into our paws in no time" she agrees finally.


In the sunlight, Ferngill's pelt blazed; it felt like he hadn't glowed like this in moons. At the sight of a considerable group of his friends, joined by his sister's apprentice, the ginger tom's face shone with sunny excitement- squeezing himself into a slice of sunlight, he padded up to Sablemist's side. "Mind if I join you?" his tone was warm, gladdened, as he swept a bright green eye over those gathered, offering Petalnose, Cicadapaw and Dipperfrost each their own distinct smile.

At Dipperfrost's optimism, a burst of laughter left him- but no, he wasn't laughing at her. It was purely a firework of excitement, of realisation- yes, leafbare was loosening its grip on the Clans. Diving for fishing would be much easier in warmer waters- though, as ever, Ferngill wasn't entirely focused on what was functional. "I just can't wait to go swimming again..."

It was no secret his preference lay in swimming at night. With the dark's frigid fangs beginning to fall off, he could enter starlit waters again. And... maybe he'd invite Sablemist, came a whispery little thought.
penned by pin
Tell me about it,” the tortoiseshell trills, padding after her brother, her apprentice, and Dipperfrost to join Petalnose and Sablemist. She has strayed again from the nursery; the sunshine and the fresh, sweet smell of burgeoning newleaf on the air has drawn her toward her Clanmates. She settles next to Cicadapaw, watching her brother squeeze himself into the tight space at Sablemist’s ivory-streaked flank. She stares for a second, then averts her gaze, thinking of nothing in particular.

Her Clanmates chat about the good things to come. Iciclefang’s blue gaze narrows thoughtfully. “The only thing that could make this better is if we still had Sunningrocks. Do you think ThunderClan is out there sunning themselves on our rocks as we speak?” She flicks her tail lazily behind her, feeling a stirring in her middlesection that can only mean ramping-up kitten activity.

  • ooc:
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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 21 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


Sablemist was the precense of a polite question, allowing her to take the place of where her outstretched limbs previously laid without complaint. Despite her tendancy to stray alone, she was fine sharing her downtime to the ones she fought for. They were her only family, the first thing she connected to when memories went lost. Sharing comfort was a good way to connect, something she didn't particularly enjoy in her youth. But after many battles and losses, it was important to connect. Especially when you didn't know when the clan would lose the next.

A thanks was voiced and Petalnose rumbled in return to acknowledge it, her tail neatly tucking against her body as she listened to the next comment, "I agree, many times I've watched this happen but haven't really sat down to enjoy it. It was a rough winter." Her eyes shut temporarily to enjoy the expanding rays peaking through the blossoming willows. The rush of the stream was a comforting sound.

Lashes softly raised and fluttered in the direction of Cicadapaw, the spitting image of his father whom she loyally followed without question. A quiet question to join and she tipped her head in direction of the rocks in acceptance. A statement followed to add to Sablemist's meow, she watched the stream flow around her paws within deep thought. Their clan had gone through a lot, ever since she knew it. It was like a curse was planted at their paws, something that made her distant from the stars. "Indeed." She quietly agreed before raising strength of tone, "So lets enjoy the little things such as this. We need it." The little things is all we have.

Instinctively her eyes followed another meow, watching Dipperfrost move to the base of the rock. She had watched the youth grow, a bit pessimistic and crestfallen it seemed. Atleast, that was what she saw. She knew at times she came off guarding and angry through her permanent frowns and sharp gaze, but she had her soft points. Dipperfrost had meowed of optimistic points instead, she hummed in agreement, "I hope the fish are bigger these moons, I look forward to the next fishing competition."

Ferngill was next to the growing party, watching the sunshine blaze his pelt and the smile she had watched shine from his youth. "I don't see a reason why I shouldn't, I'd always accept another ray." She jested, gesturing towards a spot near them. Then a comment of Greenleaf's activity, the prime of their clan. Petalnose watched the stream once more, "Mhm, I'd like to sharpen my diving skills."

Iciclefang was to join her brother, an expected presence. The two had seemed to begin to grow closer than they had before. Something that was understood, more members were expected to blossom into new leaf and it was an exciting thing to behold. Especially for those in the familiarity. Petalnose wondered how much longer the kits were to be introduced to the world.

Iciclefang then brought up Sunningrocks, nodding thoughtfully. "Certainly, we wouldn't have to share little room. I feel they are, if they fought so hard for it. Maybe someday we'll get it back." It was a fun battle, although from what Aspenhaze had told her from one of them- it made her hold a grudge for a different reason. Ignorant the clan was in her eyes. All was up to Smokestar if that decision was to be determined, she knew she'd strike once her clan was in good health and supply. It belonged to Riverclan.

Petalnose shook herself out of the thought temporarily, sitting up to gaze down at Iciclefang, "Here. Take my spot, it's warmer. It'll be good for the kits." She moved to settle beside Dipperfrost, watching the sun rays begin to expand upon them. Weak, but it'll do. She flicked her tail to Dipperfrost, "Lean into me, I've been in the sun long enough." Sharing warmth wasn't familiar of her, but for once she convinced herself to share with her clan. She sacrificed the safety of her life, so what was a spot in the sun. Anything to be closer.
