loonatic [ o, joining ]



Fuck, FUCK, she didn't mean to lead her momma to the dogs. Fuck, fuck, fuck, tiny paws thump against the ground and her hearts roaring in her ears and she feels like shes gonna collapse. She feels so incredibly guilty, oh Stars, she plead for forgiveness but it only fell upon deaf ears for they have finally turned their back on her (mama, mama its not my fault). She squeaks as theres pawsteps drumming behind her and shes making a beeline to the swampy forest that lays before her. She'll live, she'll live just for mama.

And... Now shes hopelessly lost. Blood painted white fur though not hers, it felt like it was all the same. The kitten stands there with heaving sides, wide blue eyes and a broken heart. Stars she didn't mean it, she just wanted to show mama the rock she had found and now mama was dead and its all her fault. But was it her fault? Yes, no, she fights a losing battle with herself. Theres small snowflakes that land on her nose, like mamas namesake and silently she begins to cry, a back leg thumping against the frozen marsh ground in irritation and fear. She doesn't know what to do at this point because now shes alone and shes afraid and shes hopelessly lost.

// @Snailcurl. not pafp!! snail will just be taking her in as her own :)
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snails shell | 30 months | female | she/her | physically easy (heavily pregnant) | mentally medium | attack in bold pink

The more the days pass her by the more she mourns what could have been. Instead of home curled up in her nest with her lover, she's in a foreign land catching prey to buy her safety and shelter. To prove she brings more to shadowclan that just more mouths to feed. A pitiful scrap of feathers hanging from her jaws after what feels like hours of lying in wait for the sickly bird to leave its perch, she's waddling her way back to camp when the all to familiar scent of blood and dog hits her nose.

Laughter like barks echo in her ears as her heart races - no no no no no, not again, she thinks, claws digging into the earth. It takes another terrifying moment for her to realize the stench is stale - wiped away by the crisp scent of snow. There are no dogs here - but there is something out there. Carefully, cautiously - hoping she is not walking towards her doom - Snail's Shell peeks around a fallen log and sets eyes upon the source.

A child. Without thinking the petite molly is dropping her prey in the snow and striding forwards, green gaze worried as she looks over the bloodied kit. Posture low and relaxed, she gives a kind, reassuring smile as she speaks in gentle tones. "Hi there sweetheart.... are you lost?" she'd wait a moment for a response, before carefully questioning further - "are you hurt little one?" there seems to be an awful lot of blood - or maybe it just seems that way because it's on a small child, but either way it has the queen worrying.
  • Betonyfrost tries, she well and truly tries, to remain calm.

    There is a kit, snow dappled and blood covered, apparently by its lonesome out in the marsh. Snailcurl is the one to have found it, and she talks to it so sweetly, as if it were her own. Is that it then? With so much to worry about, with the strain of Leafbare already being felt, Snailcurl is just going to coo at yet another mouth to feed? Wouldn't it be better to leave it out here and let the cold do its work?

    But Betonyfrost shouldn't bring that up. She shouldn't even be thinking like that. She shouldn't, she shouldn't, and yet the thought remains stuck in her head, not easily shaken loose. She shouldn't, and yet it sticks in her head and crawls out of her mouth without her bidding.

    "Another kit?" Betonyfrost gripes, "Are you going to keep it fed with those feathers or should we start sending out extra patrols to make sure it gets real food?"

    Just what is Snailcurl thinking?​
  • Code:
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 15 moons | tags

Hearing the voices in the sheer cold makes the molly lift her head from the small and feeble plants she was scrapping mud and debris off of. It's pitiful and probably is noy going to help them so she just leaves it. The queen of the shadows walks with silence as she eases her way around the pine trees. Pulling her ears forward the woman finally emerges and hears the words spoken by someone. She didn't think that Betony would say such a thing and her own words screw up in slight ill. "It's not the kit's fault." But at the same time they all know that right now leafbare is not the place for a child to be roaming.

Shifting her eyes to Snailcurl then she gives a sigh before shaking her head a little. They can't just leave the child out here alone and in the cold. It'll surely die. Unable to feed itself makes her understsnd the plight. They could ask another clan to take the child....maybe.
Theres a woman. Shes older. She has what looks like to be all feathers in her mouth but she drops them once she sees her. Comets stomach turns and all of the sudden she regrets even stepping foot in to the marshes. She fixes Snail with a glare despite the tears falling down her cheeks. Comet was angry and had just lost her mother, but Snail was speaking so kindly… A gentle tone that her mother never used with her and for a couple of seconds she lets her guard down. "Not hurt… My mom is, though. Uhm…" she trails off, hoping Snail gets the memo.

But then theres another one and shes pulling back her lips in a hiss, tiny ears flatten against her head as claws unsheathe. She makes a comment and if she had been in any other mood then it wouldn’t have bothered her. Snail had been the first cat to show her anything more than a blank stare and though she does not fully trust her she comes to her rescue. "I don’t see anything you brought." she sneers. It was a mistake. All of this a big mistake, she should have ran the other way when she had the chance. The tears are hot and angry now and something terrible is brewing inside her chest. She holds her tongue.

She holds her tongue because all she wants to do it bend these cat, push until they break. She wants them to feel the pain she feels, wants to make them cry. Wants to rub the lack of prey one brought in to the others face.

Her shoulders slump. What is wrong with me? Bitter thoughts. Theres another she-cat that approaches. "You here to belittle her too?" her body tenses but when Bonejaw speaks she only says its not her fault. Damn right it isn’t, she glares daggers in to the ground as she continues to thump her leg in sheer frustration and anger. Her chest hurts. "I’d be on my way with my mother if she didn’t die." another sneer. Cynical, wants to push their buttons despite the guilt that rises in her throat and so she waits. She waits for another one of them to pipe up again.
"no need to be so feisty. we have to think of all the other cats within the clan, too. we weren't going to turn you away, kit, but snailcurl's gotta know the consequences of bringing you in. and under her fur."

chilledgaze speaks from behind them, giving a gentle nudge to bonejaw as a greeting, and nodding to betonyfrost before just sighing. another mouth to feed. they were going to starve, all of them, and there was no wat that chilled could stop it. they felt sick. some deputy they were! couldnt even keep their own clan fed, and safe from starvation. another mouth, one they couldnt even dare to turn away because surely starclan would punish them if the poor thing died. nor that their conscience would allow them to turn the kit away, anyways.

"lets just get you back and fed. i dont have time to argue with a kit, and i certainly don't wanna hear anymore complaints."
another day, another random ass kid pitchstar's to take into his already-starving clan. it's almost depressin' that this occurrence is becoming routine for them. this one, insinuating that her mother is dead. well, she's not the first orphan to come crawling to shadowclan's borders. she certainly won't be the damn last.

deep down, pitchstar pities her. he knows the pain of losing a mother. maybe it's this shared parental loss between the two that has pitchstar's scowl softening ever so slightly as he trods over to his clanmates, regarding the young girl with a gaze that is not unkind but not overly friendly, either.

chilledgaze says all that needed to be said, and pitchstar chimes in with an approving, "hm." he glances in snailcurl's direction, his eyes narrowing in appraisal. "are you takin' the little shit in, then?" he knows betonyfrost is right, and he knows that he should just leave this kit in the snow to let nature reclaim her instead of taking away food from his clan. or maybe it would be best to put her out of her misery now with a simple snap of her neck. but pitchstar couldn't bring himself to kill a child.

he's so fuckin' pathetic.

another child. alone and washed up upon the frozen wasteland that is the marshes with no parental figure in sight which means another mouth to feed that geckoscreech isn't sure shadowclan can even afford right now. just how many stragglers are they willing to take underneath their wing when there's hardly enough to go around for the ones who have been here since the beginning?

it's a horrible thought to have, to reject a child in need but wouldn't it be better to drop them off to their neighbors instead where they'd have a much better chance of surviving through this harsh leaf-bare? there's no doubt others feel the same but to turn away such a young life would be frowned upon by any sane person.

geckoscreech continues to listen from afar, expression remaining neutral with the small change of furrowing brows as it's already been decided they will take in yet another into their arms. there's no point in joining them but the warrior is starting to fear for the worse in the future. with nothing to give, she turns on silent paws and disappears back into the shadows.

// a quick in and out bc i had this typed out already but didnt want to waste it
snails shell | 30 months | female | she/her | physically easy (heavily pregnant) | mentally medium | attack in bold pink

Green gaze turns toxic as her head snaps towards betonyfrost, fur ruffling in irritation. She doesn't understand how any cat could turn away a child in need - shortage of prey or not. She doesn't even get the chance to snap at the other however, as first bonejaw approaches and then the child is suddenly answering. Gaze softens with understanding - the little one is all alone now... judging by the blood and the look upon her face, she sincerely doubts the kits mother will be returning for her. She is about to offer safety, sanctuary, when chilledgaze does it for her. Relaxing minimally, she aims to nudge the smaller figure forwards, towards the pile of feathers that might not fill their bellies but will at least keep the cold and sickness away. It's almost immediately ruined by pitchstars arrival, and her pelt visibly bristles, a quiet rumble in her chest as her gaze narrows. "If that's a problem I'm more than happy to hunt for her myself," she says, tone polite even as she gives an insincere smile. She picks up the feathers without another word, she doesn't want to linger any longer lest they change their minds. Shadowclan seems to be a fickle lot after all.