( tags ) By Starclan's will or simply a stroke of luck, Lupinepaw and Drowsypaw were able to find a quiet moment to themselves. Though, the privacy was only granted by the fact that they were assigned to clean out the bedding of the elder's den while the senior cats sunned themselves in the warm Greenleaf sunhigh. One elder on their way out had croaked to the brother-sister pair, "You two'd best be getting as much sunlight as you could while it lasted, leafbare's 'bout to show her nasty head sooner than y'all'd think." Lupinepaw nodded dutifully along, assuring them that they would appreciate the sun as much as they could today, but for now they enjoyed the quiet darkness of the den just as well.

"Oh! You said you wanted to talk about something, yes?" Lupinepaw said as he gathered up old moss into a pile, recalling her soft pawprod and whispered request in the apprentice's den earlier that morning, "Duskpool's not being mean to you or anything, right..? Cause we can tell Mommy and then she can probably tell Blazestar if he's impeeeding on your learning and stuff..." Lupinepaw assured her seriously, that sounded like a mature thing to do, surely Blazestar would know that they weren't just being whiny babies, but mature apprentices who cared about their training and such! He had been more concerned about Crowpaw's mentor assignment, Silversmoke sure seemed to be determined to be a thorn in Lupine's paw by the way he shot glares at their ceremony, but he was on high alert for any unfairness from arrogant adults since then.

ooc: content warning for the continuation of this thread !! Addresses the topic of gender dysphoria and related emotions/topics surrounding it.

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this talk was something that made... dread sit within her stomach. she knew it was the right thing to do but what if... what if lupinepaw didn't like her anymore for it? looked at her differently, or even hated her? still, she knows she needs to do this. there is an ache anytime she is addressed, hearing words that don't quite align with her. her. even thinking like this makes a shiver crawl along drowsypaw's spine and she sighs heavily.

"no he's nice but i... it's... lupinepaw. i think... no. I know I'm not... a she cat. I can't really explain it but anytime someone calls me a molly, or addresses me like that it makes my stomach curl. I feel gross. I can't think about anything else and it... messes with me. remember when... when we were playing as each other? someone... said he. he is a silly kit. they thought they were talking about you but really it was directed at me and I..."

by now, tears have already overflown. they're unstoppable as she sniffles.

"i'm pretty sure I'm a tom cat. that im supposed to be your brother. do... do you understand? is it okay if you call me your brother, now?"

he asked, blinking the tears from his eyes, his body beginning to shiver. he desperately wants to cuddle up to lupinepaw right now but his body doesn't even move. he can't move.

( tags ) "Oh, Drowsy..." Lupinepaw murmured as words fell from his sibling's mouth. Sympathetic tears welled up in his eyes at the distraught evident in Drowsypaw's voice. Old moss was forgotten at their feet as Lupinepaw rushed over to press against the other's side, "O-of course it's okay, it's more than okay." A long tail would rest upon his, a wordless comfort, "I'm so glad that I get to have you as a brother, Drowsy." It hurt Lupinepaw's heart to wonder how long he had been dealing with it on his own, to hear him describe its ache.

It was an ache he knew all too well. Something scary rose in Lupinepaw's chest, equal parts panic and giddiness. Drowsypaw was brave enough to confront it, and Lupinepaw... Lupinepaw had been frightened. The numerous doubts and anxieties that resided permanently in Lupinepaw's brain along with the vast sea of unknowability that was change had held the youth captive. So the feelings were swallowed down. Drowsypaw, however, had changed this.

"I do understand, I-I do..." Lupinepaw hadn't planned for this to happen. Drowsypaw may have agonized over this moment for days or more, but Lupinepaw had no intention of voicing any discomfort if it didn't seem necessary. But at this moment, any fear shuttering down these feelings was overshadowed by love for a brother, and an overwhelming need to let him know that he wasn't alone. Words stuttered awkwardly forth from Lupine's mouth, unrehearsed and awkward, "I do because, uhm, because I... I am. too. I mean- like, I'm your sister, I think."

Drowsypaw had proven to be much better at this.