lord, give me one more chance [ failed hunt ]




Admittedly, its been quite a while since she had hunted last and it had begun to earn her a few weird stares as she offers yet again to help reinforce dens or take an apprentice out for battle training, so Silk does what she did best: try as hard as she can to prove she can be useful hunting too. It seems she has bitten off more than she could chew as she stomps a frustrated paw against the cooling marsh earth, an exasperated breath leaving her mouth as another frog bested her. It hops a way aways, seemingly taunting her for her lack of skill.

This was hard! Shes lucky that she had even survived this long, but this just wasn't where her expertise was; her paws were too heavy stepped, she'd get excited and flick her tail, or there'd be so many scent trails that she'd get overwhelmed following them. A whine rises in her throat but was suppressed quickly as she stalks after the frog that had begun to chill once more. Quiet, quiet, her plan was thwarted by a brittle branch snapping under her paws which causes her to growl in frustration, bowing and pressing her head in to the dirt with lashes of her tail. Man, shes really, really trying.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Flickerfire is a passing huntress. She had learned young, from Moth, after moons of failing to capture anything or put anything in her belly, and her motivation is still purely selfish. She loves food, loves to spend her free time crunching on bones and sucking the veins dry of marrow, and she still doesn't particularly care for feeding the rest of the ungrateful bastards in ShadowClan ... but alas, it's one of her duties now.

Amusement dances through flame-colored eyes. She materializes through the shadows beside Silkfang, her laughter obnoxious and crude. "Don't worry, you'll get it someday. Maybe you want my apprentice to show you how it's done?" She casts a glance over her shoulder, looking for Siltpaw. The she-cat still hasn't caught anything herself, but even that might be a better display than this.

// obligatory @Siltcloud. tag

- ,,
  • It's a feeling known well to Betonyfrost, to try in earnest, with the whole of oneself, and still fall short. To be left in the wake of that failure with the knowledge that you aren't enough, that even with your heart pressed to the teeth of the task, you aren't good enough. Betonyfrost doesn't feel sympathy for Silkfang, but as she watches the rosetted molly press her head against the ground in apparent defeat, Betonyfrost cannot help but be left with the feeling that Silkfang has the same ache as her. Not kinship, but a near enough approximation.

    And then there is Flickerfire.

    She arrives with encouragement of all things-- and where was that when Betonyfrost had been in the same situation? If her memory was correct, Flickerfire had merely made fun of how muddy Betonyfrost's pelt had gotten. In an instant, Betonyfrost wants to press Silkfang's face further into the dirt. She wants, suddenly and wholly, to sheathe her claws into someone else's skin. She wants with such an intensity that it takes her a moment to realize she hasn't actually followed that impulse. Rather, Betonyfrost stands like the mousebrain she has always known herself to be.

    "Next time," Betonyfrost says, and is surprised at how normal she sounds.

    Her body moves as if controlled by someone else, someone calmer than herself. She swallows her anger, revolting as it tastes, and swallows a second time as if such a thing could offer relief to how dry her mouth has become. "You'll get it next time."​
  • Code:
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 14 moons | tags
siltpaw | 04 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

Following her mentor as always like the tagalong she is, Siltpaw can only cringe at flickerfires words. She has yet to make a successful hunt - and her mentor knows this. She cannot tell if the molly is mocking her with her words or if she truly feels she could do better, so she says nothing - not that she would've said something even if she had know. Dull green eyes flick back and forth between the three felines present before resolutely scanning the undergrowth instead - seeking prey, seeking predator, seeking anything to distract from the awkward tension that seems to linger in the air. Then again, perhaps she's simply imagining it - or it's all her own anxiety pulled to the forefront of her mind. A rustle and her ear flicks, though she doesn't bother to move from her spot as flickerfire's living, breathing shadow.

there is a brief moment of pure silence within the air. it doesn't last but a few heartbeats, and suddenly the sound of a squeal is cut right in half, as chilledgaze managed to punch and catch a scrawny little mouse... it wasn't much at all. it looked like it would barely even feed a kit. with a snort, the deputy stood back up, their head tilted with a silent huff. they looked over at silkfang as a branch snapped beneath her paws, and their brows furrowed with slight confusion, which was then replaced with agitation. call it what you will, but they barely could afford such failures and chilledgaze knew come leafbare that failures would let them starve. their body shivered involuntarily at the thought of it, before they just gritted their teeth. so many softly spoken cats right now, and chilledgaze, for the most part, is biting their tongue.

"i'm sure you're trying your absolute hardest right now but i am not gonna coddle you for not catching anything. watch out next time."

bitterly, they pick up their sorry excuse for prey and turn away, heading straight back for camp.