The night is cold and bitter and its a surprise to even her that she hadn't returned yet. She hadn't returned to her twolegs in a couple days at this point, too afraid to walk past that house without an escort because what if next time they don't miss? She barely shudders this time, yellow eyes fixed upon the starry sky. She wonders if the star cats are looking over them now, if they approve of the decisions of Windclan. Surely not, surely not, so why don't they intervene? They let parents be seperated, siblings broke apart countless times, they let sootstar murder Haze, keep her tyrant clan. She purses her lips and breaks it with a long, drawn out sigh.

Theres a gust of wind that brings her out of her thoughts, chills her to the bone and she twitches her tail irritably. Shes glad her little cape-like clothing saved her scabbed over wounds from the cold, but it slips under slightly and makes her hiss. Something streaks across the sky, eyes widen. A shooting star, she remembered those from way back when. Perhaps if she were in a better mood she'd make a wish like the rumors told you to do, but she only scoffs and turns her body on the branch.

When she looks down, she finds Red beneath her. Immediately she jumps off the low hanging branch to rub her cheek against his with a tired purr, seating herself besides him. "Hola, cariño! Cold out tonight, si?" she doesn't give him much time to respond until she explodes in to verbalizing her thoughts. "I don't think it's fair, you know. None of this," a scowl crosses her face and she turns her head, suddenly ashamed of the anger she feels. Her shoulders sag forwards from their formally tense position. "I've been thinking..." she looks to him once her anger dissolves. "Of becoming a full-time warrior. No more daylight warrior... My twolegs, I love them. But- but they could always get a new cat." she bites her lip. Why is everything going downhill lately? Why can't the path be clear, like it was when she had first joined? Why did it have to be so muddied?


It was selfish of him, he knows, but he is glad Churrodream has not returned to her humans. He is glad that they get to share a nest at night, him curled tightly around her, tongue rasping gently over her silky curls, a comforting gesture for both of them. For him it is a sign she is still here, still tangible. He is afraid that if he is not touching her she will slip away, and that when he wakes in the morning it will all have been a dream and she will not be there anymore. Stolen from his paws by some invisible force.

Still, he knows the reason she stays is only half him. The other half is her fear of running into the cat who attacked her again. He wants to hunt that bastard down and sink his teeth into his throat. A murderous urge he has only ever felt for two others. At least this cat had not been blessed with nine lives. The only thing stopping him from going to hunt the poor fool down is her. He needed to be here for her.

When she doesn’t come to bed at the normal time he doesn’t panic, no, she was her own cat, capable of her own decisions. But he does push himself to his paws, intent to find her and find her he does. She is perched on a branch just outside of camp, head tilted to the stars. He studies her for a moment, marveling in how beautiful she looks in the moon-light. When she notices him he smiles softly, returning her greeting with his own happy purr as he buries his nose into her head. "It’ll be snowing before we know it" he agrees, fluffing his own fur up against the cold chill that threatens to settle in his bones. He yearns for their nest but he will not push. It is obvious there is something on her mind there must be if she was standing here alone looking up at the sky the way she had been.

The smile slips off his face, replaced by a neutral but sad expression. It isn’t fair she says and he suppresses the urge to agree. Nothing in life is fair but it is a lesson she should not have had to learn. Not like this. Instead he just nods sadly. "I don’t think it is either" he admits softly.

Her next words surprise him. She wants to be a full time warrior, live here, with him. They can sleep next to each other every night, wake up next to each other. He would get to see her every day and not have to worry about her on her long journey to and from her home in twoleg place. He feels a jolt of happiness and then immediately, guilt. He was a selfish cat. He knew that. He wanted her here purely for his own reasons. "Its almost leaf-bare" he points out gently. "It’ll be hard. Prey will be scarce and we will always be hungry and cold and sick" he remembers the winter he had experienced before, back when medicine cats were not a thing. How much they had lost then. "Theres nothing more I would love than to have you here, by my side, but just know it’ll be difficult." he looks at her with sad eyes, imagining her all skin and bones. He would starve himself before he let her go that hungry. "If you’re sure it’s what you want I won’t stop you. I can show you how to fight better, I can show you how to hunt better. We’ll be an unstoppable team" he vows pressing his head to hers once more. Cats had made it through leaf-bare before. He had made it through leaf-bare. But he cannot stop the growing pit of worry in his stomach when he thought about it. But he also couldn’t help the happiness he felt at the idea of her being here full time.

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