lord of the flies [open, hunting patrol]



OOC- retro to Silversmokes disappearance! Hunting patrol prompt; the flies are getting really annoying on this patrol; how do you deal with it? apprentice tag @SANGRIAPAW

Johnny considered himself lucky to have short fur, particularly after what happened with Violetnose. Heatstroke was no joke out here, and he’d rather not cook in his fur. But these warm summer days brought more to be annoyed by than mere heat, if the insistent buzzing around his ears was anything to go by.

It nearly cost him the vole he was now carrying back toward camp, having caught up with the rest of the hunting patrol. They’d paused to take a breather from the heat but the flies weren’t exactly making it nice for them.

”I swear to starclan, I’m one more fly bite away from jumping nose first into the river.” he growled, an ear twitching aggressively in an attempt to chase the pesky things away. ”I don’t remember the damn things being this bad last year.” he huffed.


Conscious of her apprentice's ( hopefully ) attentive gaze on the ground below, Doeblaze stalks through the branches, her pawsteps feather - soft on the thin wind - whipped bark of the branch. The warm prey - scent the breeze carries her way brings with it undertones of musty leaves and dirt not unlike the forest floor where @cloudypaw~ waits below her; a junco, she realizes, sharpening her eyes for the plump silvered - grey body of the little bird. She leaps from her branch to the next, tucking her hind limbs carefully under her as she lands, and spots it, slowing her pace so her footfalls whisper on the grooved surface of the bough, blending with the soft rustling of the needles in the midsummer wind.

She braces her powerful hind limbs—pounces—and the junco's hers, warm and squawking and then quickly still between her jaws. The warrior turns, hooking herself into the crook of the tree and then darting down the trunk to meet her apprentice on the ground. " Something like that, " she mrrows in explanation around the junco, flicking her ears against an irritating buzz. " I find hunting in trees much easier than on the ground, and in time, you will too. " She hopes so, at least, beckoning Cloudypaw forth with a swish of her deerish tail as she squints through the trunks. " I think I see Johnnyflame. We ought to go meet back up with the patrol. "

As they grow nearer to the reconvened hunting patrol, Doeblaze's brow furrows in irritation; the mild buzzing sound has grown stronger, fat black summer flies whizzing around her ears. The torn appendages feather back and forth in a constant effort to deter the things, an unpleasant scenario when you factored in the baking heat of the day. " I will if you will, " she half - jokes in reply to Johnnyflame; she's no RiverClanner, but the faux - torbie's right that the water is looking increasingly appealing. She nods, mrrowing around the small body of the junco, " I'm sure they must have been, but they certainly feel about ten times worse. "
" speech. "

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