pafp losing touch-cicada days ❄ gift

He was not stranger to uncertainty. His head had been held low for so long it was a wonder he recognized any cat by their face and not their paws. Snowpaw felt almost normal again, he would never truly be but this was a start. In his keen observation of his clanmates he noted their peculiarities, their misgivings, their hesitations. It was hard not to see, it was all so familiar to him now. He wore his burden upon his shoulders and it never grew smaller but the weight began to seem less crushing over time. Snowpaw was growing into it, adapting to it, understanding how to exist with it. Even still he found his ears flatten at sharp voices, would recoil when a cat bumped into him accidentally or friendly; he still had nightmates, but that was the thing about pushing forward-eventually they stopped being so overpowering. He did not run, he did not cower, but his reactions displayed he was still not recovered.

The blue tabby was sitting in the camp, dawn patrol left him groggy and morose and he glanced at the prize he had stumbled across during it that almost made the early venture worthwhile. Pristine, unbroken, a flawless cicadashell; round glassy eyes and a seamlessly torn back where the insect had emerged. He had given one of these to Greenpaw a long time ago, so long it felt like another life entirely, another cat; blissful kittens unaware of the world and all its struggles. He wondered if Greenpaw kept his, he wondered if it was smashed and forgotten like so many things left behind in the nursery. Snowpaw glanced up from his staring at the carapace, golden gaze drifting listlessly until they settled upon black and white fur huddled off to the side and pressed back into the trunk of a tree in what he could clearly tell was a defensive position. Nothing was happening to Termitepaw, not that he could see, but the signs of fear were so thickly plastered over the other apprentice it was hard not to think they were under attack given their posture. Sometimes, he realized, the scariest things were the ones you couldn't see.

The dappled tom rose to stand, teeth gingerly picking up his insect shell by one curled leg to carry it with him over to the and he paused to make his steps heavy, his presence known to not startled before promptly setting it down in front of her with care and stepping back; distance for security.
"Did you know.." He started, voice heavy from his lack of use of it-he rarely spoke unless necessary anymore, "...that Cicada start like this? Crawling insects, low to the earth. When they come from the shell they have wings."

  • Love
( 𓆣 ) It seems that the whole world is out to get her today. She'd tried to go hunting, always a mistake, why'd she even think that she could try, she never seems to get it right. Stupid squirrel climbing up a tree, her claws not quick enough to catch it, never quick enough to catch anything. She'd tried to follow, her second mistake, thinking she could just power through her fear of heights. Chrysalispaw had some choice words for her, because of course he did.

But then. She'd gone back out, determined to catch something, to be of some use, and what had she found?

A dead magpie.

Rotting and worm-eaten, it was clearly not fit for eating. Termitepaw is not squeamish, finds the process of decay interesting rather than frightening, so normally she may have been inclined to watch the worms and flies having their meal, but this was different. A magpie, black-and-white, and right after she'd failed another hunt. It wasn't hard to figure out what that meant. She'd ran back to camp, frightened, and now she stands with fur on end, pressed back against a wide tree.

Camp is safe, right? Nothing can sneak up on her now. Something is angry with her, someone, maybe, but she doesn't know who. Is the magpie a warning or a threat? Wings broken, mouth agape. Is it StarClan? She wishes she knew.

Frightened as she is, Termitepaw doesn't even notice when Snowpaw comes up to her. She doesn't know the tom well, his quietness and her timidness resulting in little words exchanged between the two. She knows of him, though, knows of the border skirmish that's haunted his every step. Though she startles at his approach, she's never had any reason to fear him. His lingering flinch tells far more than does the long-dried blood on his paws.

Still, though, she tenses as he sets something in front of her, eyes finally focusing as she stares at it. A... cicada shell? For a moment, the fear is replaced by curiosity, as she tentatively creeps forwards and brushes a paw against the delicate shell. She looks up at Snowpaw in confusion. It's a rare treasure, and certainly she loves it, but why is he showing it to her? Why, especially after the warning-threat she'd found just shortly prior?

Snowpaw's words ring clear in her ears, laser-focus shifted to the apprentice. She's only ever seen the winged cicadas before... "No-o... Di-idn't know that..." she murmurs, turning her wide eyed gaze back to the cicada shell. Well, if the magpie's meaning was clear, then it doesn't take much to figure out this one either. Everyone in the Clan knows of her fear of heights, her broken-wing cowardice. But this...

Termitepaw's fear is muddled now, a tiny spark of hopefulness, of gratitude, fluttering against her heart, trying to break from her chest. Her eyes are watery when she speaks again, "Is i-it for me-e...?"

Aware, as she always was, of those coming and going from camp, Daisyflight was surprised to see Snowpaw shepherding some sort of prize in his pewter paw. Her approach was blunted by the sight of her son communing with another. Quiet words were exchanged across the gingerly placed object and the warrior was struck with a muddled sense of fondness and relief.

It was good to see them talking- the pair were quiet, isolated, in their own ways. She hoped this might be a first step to a friendship, perhaps they could help each other along. Still curious to what had been so sweetly passed over, Daisyflight strayed to Termitepaw's shoulder. If looked to, the calico offered a warm smile to the apprentices.

"How pretty- you have quite the skill for picking up trinkets." She peered at the waxen husk, its crystalline fringes tugging at her vision for a beat. There was a charm to nature's artefacts, their organic shapes far more intriguing than that of the twolegs'. Wicked edges and puddle-smooth surfaces could only remain novel for so long. Daisyflight's tail spiralled at her back as she withdrew, giving the two space.