Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

The blizzard had been unexpected. The previous day, her clanmates had been focused on securing the dens. The snow was still heavy today, and not many patrols dared leave the camp. She could hear the hungry cries from the nursery, and the thought of them going hungry didn’t sit well with her.

She eyed the camp’s exit, knowing she would surely be stopped if she tried to take a patrol out. I’ll slip out, and try to find something. I’ll be back before they notice. Surely there had to be a bird or two out there….anything to fill their bellies.

The red tabby would pad towards the dirt place tunnel, and slip out unnoticed. She had nibbled on a mouse this morning with the other queens, but it hadn’t sat well. It was growing more obvious to her with each passing day that she would have to move to the nursing soon…but she was too stubborn to give up her warrior duties. I can still walk…I’m expecting, not dying. she kept telling herself.

The wind was harsh, and the snow stung her face as she drug her heavy paws through the snow. Her jaws parted as she tried to catch any scent trails, but there was none to be found. A low growl rumbled in her throat, and she padded onwards. I will find something for them..

It was about sunhigh now, and the lead warrior had given up on her hunt. There was truly nothing out here in this mess, except her. I need to head back.. Surely her clanmates had probably noticed her absence by now, and she didn’t even have anything to account for it. Her head hung low as she started back in the direction of the camp….however, she didn’t get very far before an odd feeling crept over her.

The fur on her shoulders began to rise as she slowly turned her head to glance over her shoulder. Behind her, a large russet figure stood…drool dripping from it’s large jaws. As fast as she could, Flamewhisker whipped around to meet it. I can’t fight this! Not now anyways…she had more weight now, and more than one life to protect. A feeling of dread washed over her, but it was quickly replaced by a ferocious feeling…she was going to protect her kits no matter what…but how?

The fox lunged towards her with snapping jaws. Flamewhisker quickly rose her paw and smacked the fox across the eyes, letting out a battle yowl, hoping someone would hear her. She could distract it for a few more moments, but unless someone came soon…she didn’t want to think about it.

I’m sorry Flycatcher.

Sparkpaw was having fun trudging through snow that nearly reached his ears. He was not a cat today.

Today, he was a mole.

A mole who was hard at work, digging tunnels through the snow, working tirelessly to.....Dig more tunnels. He could not be stopped. Utterly unstoppable. He poked his head through the snow to look around when he heard Flamewhisker yowl.

Alarm shot through him. He abandoned his duty as mole and bolted out of the camp, bulldozing through the snow in the direction he heard her.

And there it was, the only creature in the forest as red as he was.


He pounced onto the fox from behind gripping onto it's back and inching forward to grip it's ear into his mouth and YANK.

Theres a cold fear in her heart as she struggles to break away from the very small hunting patrol she had been on. Flamewhiskers yowl meant one of two things: Trufflepelt came back or she was having her kittens and for a second she prays, she hopes its the latter.

Until she bursts through with urgency and Flamewhisker was being attacked by a fox, something Cove immediately deemed worse than Trufflepelt. Oh Starclan, why did I speak up? And… And SPARKPAW out of all cats was on the case which immediately made her grind her teeth together to keep herself from shouting. He had landed on the fox and she nearly freaks out. “Sparkpaw! Get Flamewhisker out of here, you’re faster than me.” its true, while Cove was fast the apprentices were faster, more energetic. They bounced around like they were nothing, stopped at nothing and to be honest they did slightly terrify her.

Cove gets a running jump, hissing as snowflakes fall unto her eyes, blindly attempting to land anywhere on the foxes back, her own jaws snapping open to dig into flesh below. She hopes someone comes along soon, she hopes Sparkpaw listens. If the foc got ahold of Flamewhisker it’d be a bloody mess and a potential death. Cove was not going to risk her friends life making her stand here any longer and she sure as hell wasn’t going to let another apprentice die either. Fear floods through her, yes, but determination outweighs the negatives.


It mattered not how the cold seeped into his bones and drove him to misery, he was going to defend his clanmates! Wildpaw abandoned his original plans of snuffling around for a better dirtplace and instead powered his way towards the fox, determination blazing in his eyes. Though surprisingly he didn't make a direct aim for the large predator, but rather his focus was on that of Flamewhisker. "RUN! GO! GO!" He bellowed as he aimed to shoulder the lead warrior away from the fox with insistence. With luck the likes of Covecatcher and Sparkpaw's attacks would be enough to spare them some time in order to get out of the way.

Though he would have to agree with Covecatcher in one thing; apprentices were faster. Something he intended to put to the ultimate test when he dared to take a swipe in the direction of the fox's nose in order to get its attention. "Chase me you stupid bastard!"

"Away from camp... need to get it far from there!"

//Attempting to shove @Flamewhisker , aiming to strike fox's nose​

Flycatcher knew it had been difficult for Flamewhisker to stay in camp and take minimal duties. She was such an active presence within the clan and how hard it was for her to take a step back and not be able to help the clan to what she deemed her full potential. Still, just because she was a lead warrior and a damn fine warrior overall, didn't mean that she would be an exception to having to stay in the nursery now that she was expecting. Flycatcher had tried his best to dissuade her but couldn't find it in his heart to be too strict with her even though he knew he should. Now if Howling Wind was up on her feet he imagined the deputy would have had Flamewhisker under guard in the nursery, making sure she wasn't putting herself or the kits in any unnecessary danger.

The blue tom had been on the same small hunting patrol as Covecatcher, bemoaning their lack of success thanks to the cold, when the sudden yowl rang in his ears. Covecatcher dashed off without a moment's thought, leaving Flycatcher staring, unable to get out a warning to wait. Not wanting to leave a clanmate alone, and curious about who had made the desperate cry for help, the lead warrior quickly followed.

He hasn't even reached the group when the smell of fox hits his nose and he wrinkles it in disgust. Flycatcher eventually comes across the group and is unsure of how to react for a moment, shocked at seeing Flamewhisker here, Sparkpaw on the fox's back, and Covecatcher and Wildpaw trying their best to distract the fox and get it away. Flycatcher isn't usually the first cat to jump into battle, but seeing his mate in danger, something in him snaps and a ferocious, primal energy surges up from inside him. "Sparkpaw, get Flamewhisker out of here!" He urges, echoing the instruction of Covecatcher. "Run as fast as you can!" And then the blue tom rushes forward, barreling past both Wildpaw and Covecatcher and launching himself at the fox. Claws and teeth are bared and there is intent to do as much harm as possible. If he has to kill the beast he will but for now, he settles with attacking it and trying to get the fox away from Flamewhisker and the rest of his clanmates.
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Yowls made Hollow Tree race towards the fight. Her yellow eyes overcome with worry. Please Starclan, don’t take anyone else. A silent prayer was sent as a small gasp felt her maw. A fox. The brown feline watched as Sparkpaw was ordered to get Flamewhisker out of here. She wanted to help the pair but seeing her clanmates take on the fox, she felt that three warriors and an apprentice would be enough to drive the fox away. Foxes were clever creatures and though it was probably staving it would surely realize it was out numbered.

“We can drive it away!” the brown she-cat called out, letting her clanmates know another warrior had arrived. She raced from her spot, aiming to go between the fox and Sparkpaw who was hopefully helping Flamewhisker. Hollow Tree flatten her ears against her skull and hissed at the fox. Come on stupid flea-bag, there’s no way you can win this. Looking for a moment to attack, she would wait for the perfect time to try to lunge forward and chomp down on one of its paws.
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]

Yowls and caterwhauls pierced the thick air like blades of steel, their shrill tones causing Stormchaser's ears to pull forward in alarm. "What the—" The warrior started, raising his head to pull in the sickly stench of copper and musk tang of fox on the breeze. Before there was any reply, Covecatcher had dove off, followed by Flycatcher and Hollow Tree. He thundered after them, powerful hind legs pushing him forward faster and faster. His heart began to pound like a beating drum, it's rhythmic tune quickening as adrenaline filtered through his body. Someone was in trouble. Someone was in trouble. He exploded from the undergrowth in time to see a fiery fiend, snarling and snapping at Flamewhisker with Sparkpaw hanging onto it's haunches as if it were a bucking bronco. The warrior curled his lips on disgust at the creature, baring incisors as he made himself to be a barrier between the fox, Flamewhisker and Wildpaw. Covecatcher had launched herself onto the canine like a wild woman, tearing into flesh and staining her once cream muzzle into a vibrant crimson. Flycatcher fights the behemoth like he had the strength of ten warriors, aiming deadly strikes wherever he could. Wildpaw strikes at it's nose, aiming to put the attention onto him.
Stormchaser stays alongside the apprentice, lashing at the fox's face with critical and well-timed strikes. He aimed for the weak points, the eyes and nose. He felt flesh tear beneath his strikes, followed by howls of pain and rage. Usually foxes would have taken off by now but, this one seemed more determined. Likely because of the lack of food, hoping to get an easy meal. "Get lost, you piece of shit!" He bellowed with a devilish snarl that ripped from his vocals. The warrior bobbed and weaved from gnashing teeth with lightning speed, his agile frame moving effortlessly.

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

The fox lunged forward yet again, drool flinging from it's jaws as it anticipated sinking it's canines into the fat red tabby. As he lunged forward, his attack was intercepted by something jumping onto his back. The fox let out a vicious growl, and whipped his head around to meet his other attacker. Another cat, how perfect. He was sleeping with a full belly tonight! He debated going ahead and finishing off the pregnant feline, but decided she wouldn't be able to run far anyways. He would kill this one first. Blood dripped from his ear as he attempted to shake Sparkpaw off of his back with a strong, swift motion. If he was successful, he would pad towards the apprentice, his large teeth baring in a snarl as he prepared to attack. As he bunched his muscles, another weight crashed into his back. The fox let out an irritated grumble, and he would attempt to snap his jaws towards Covecatcher, hoping to grab ahold of anything he could. Seconds later, he was surrounded. There were cats clawing his face, biting his paws, screaming at him. Uncertainty flashed in his eyes, before he attempted to shake off the attacker on his back. He attempted to bite at several of them, but they were moving too fast for him to be sure if it made contact or not.

The red figure flashed a hungry look at the direction that the red tabby had run off to, then barreled his way through the warriors. He was hungry, but he could find something easier.

The fox lunged forward towards her, and she closed her eyes. This was it...she was going to die. If only I had stayed home...I'm so sorry.. She waited for the pain to come, but it never did. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes to Sparkpaw on top of the fox's back, biting at his ears. After a few moments, Covecatcher exploded through the undergrowth. Wildpaw, Flycatcher, Hollow Tree, and Stormchaser soon followed, and the fox was surrounded. They ordered her to run, and she obeyed. It felt so horribly wrong abandoning her clanmates, but she could not fight anymore. She knew that now...she was helpless. She ran and ran, until she burst through the camp's entrance, before pausing to catch her breath. Though unwounded, the run and left her breathless and lightheaded. "Fox....there's..a fox...patrol fighting it.."

Everyone was calling for him to get Flamewhisker out of here, and so he would. The fox shook him off and he hit the snow with a thud, quickly rolling back onto his feet to show his teeth and ready his claws to strike again as he realized the fox was focused on him.

The moment it was distracted, he ran to Flamewhisker and quickly nudged her along.

"Let's go!! We gotta get back!!" He said, running alongside her back to camp.

Once they were back and Flamewhisker was safe, he went back to yelling.

"GUYS THERE'S A FOX WE NEED HELP!!!" He shouted, looking around at the camp. He was a little out of breath, but he was still running on adrenaline.