pafp lost episode — catch


aerate the embers
May 26, 2024

It'd been a few days since her mentor's disappearance, and there still wasn't a sign of him. Was he dead? Had the twolegs taken him? There were too many plausible causes and not enough evidence to find a suitable reasoning. It was possible he held the same fate as Jaypaw, having got injured and was being tended by the twolegs. Yet, asking hypothetical questions wouldn't have a positive impact on her home. Silversmoke would return if he was alive to where he rightfully belonged, an honored warrior of Skyclan. There wasn't any doubt that he was alive, and perhaps was he proud of her progress within the short moons they've been together? Ember rolled her shoulders as she sat on a pine's branch, her gaze narrowed.

There were a lot of dangers from hunting in the trees, yet it was something that would scare her off. She had dedicated herself to training, refining her muscles to the core, and nothing would stop her from becoming the best Skyclan warrior she could be. Her long tufted tail stays frozen as she stalks her prey, her fiery coat blending in with the bark of the pine she stalked amongst. The second the plump squirrel she stalks turns its head, Ember has become the prowling huntress. Powerful haunches spring off the branch as she sends herself flying her prey, forepaws connecting with the next branch as she twists her body and snatches the squirrel with a clean bite around the neck.

The huntress had successfully claimed her prize, a dauntless task for her. Emberpaw had grown to scale and traverse just as any pureblood Skyclanner had. Her hunt today could've ended terribly if she missed her catch, but she didn't allow to think of failure to plague her mind. Today, she was determined to catch something and wouldn't let fear stop her from feeding those at camp. Thus, the cinnamon smoke scales down safely from the pine she had leapt over to capture her squirrel until a noise catches her attention. Swift as an adder's strike, Ember's fiery gaze snaps alerted until she finds it was only Orangestar (thankfully, it wasn't a rogue).

// wait for @Orangestar to respond first <3
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Silversmoke's absence lingers over SkyClan like heavy fog, obscuring their daily life and making it difficult to fall back into normalcy. A pillar of the Clan, gone. Orangestar thinks of the cats taken by the Shelter seasons ago, picked off one by one until StarClan had to intervene. It makes her uneasy, as if she's being watched in every move she takes. Unfortunately, with her hindleg aching the way it is, she is stranded on the forest floor. All she can do is pick her way around carefully, and hope that more would not disappear.

A rustle from above her head makes Orangestar peer into the trees, eyes narrowing, settling upon the form of Emberpaw among greenery. Her crouching form is impressive, and the leader stops to watch every move the russet she-cat makes with a critical eye. It isn't long before the apprentice snags her prize, an impressively plump squirrel, and descends to the forest floor once more. Orangestar makes an impressed noise, and then returns Emberpaw's surprised look with a critical silence.

She's quiet just long enough that Emberpaw might start to question her stare, before meowing, "That is one of the most impressive catches I've ever seen from an apprentice. Well done."

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    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #D2977D
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


-ˋˏ Emberpaw was one of the most capable apprentices Oakrumble has set her gaze upon. Oakrumble is sure to keep Emberpaw in mind when, she does not bother the hot-headed apprentice with questions, rather Oakrumble observers her. Oakrumble's been mentor to plenty of apprentices, but truthfully she believes that Emberpaw should have been hers to mold into an excellent warrior. Silversmoke... well, now Chrystaliswing are extremely capable in their own rights and Oakrumble does not have to fret about Emberpaw.

"Excellent!" The torbie chirps roughly, coming up behind Orangestar. She says this of course as praise to Emberpaw's excelling skills but also for the fact she has been complimented by her superior. Oakrumble hopes Emberpaw will be able to take the praise to heart, use it to fuel her strength in each hunt to come. The she-cats broad head angles upwards to Orangestar and then tips to Emberpaw, a fanged smile spreading across her wide features. "You'll be a great asset to Skyclan come Leaf-bare!"

  • OAKRUMBLE she/her, warrior of skyclan, 56 moons.
    lh chocolate torbie, stout and muscular she-cat with an overbite.
    important relations blah blah idk
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by @ken_Unot, feel free to dm for plots on disc!


Silversmoke's disappearance was still felt keenly in the clan. It had been some days and there was still no sign of him and little in the way of clues as to what might had happened. Howlfire felt huge empathy for Emberpaw in that regard, losing her mentor, wondering what had had happened to him, and trying to push on all the while.

Like Orangestar and Oakrumble, Howlfire lifted her head when she heard a rustle above and watched as Emberpaw stalked after a plump squirrel. Like the other warriors present, Howlfire is impressed by the apprentice's skill and the calmness with which she executed her kill. "It was very impressive!" Howlfire beamed, adding her words in agreement with what had already been said. "Perhaps I ought to have you racing against my apprentices!" It is a silly little suggestion of course, but one that if taken up, Howlfire hoped might alleviate some of the stresses Emberpaw might have been facing.
Orangestar's praise is not so easily rewarded and yet it is bestowed upon Emberpaw like a figurative crown, securing her position as one of the most skilled apprentices that SkyClan had to offer ( if not the most skilled ). Other warriors, including his sister, chime in and shower the young huntress with compliments on her swift catch. His blue eyes briefly flick toward them, observing their pleased reactions to Emberpaw's success.

The torbie point knows that he should offer his own congratulations as well, that he should feel happy that SkyClan boasts such talent, but he cannot help but let his tail droop slightly as Emberpaw steals the show. It was not that Lionpaw necessarily wanted to be better than his peers—apprenticeship should not be seen as a competition—but seeing another student make more progress than him was slightly discouraging. Lionpaw was the son of Blazestar and Doeblaze — two reputable SkyClanners who each possessed individual strengths and renowned talents. Who would he be if he wasn't as great as they were?

Jaws empty, Lionpaw suddenly felt compelled to track down his own piece of prey to catch. He was not an experienced hunter, at least not yet, but there was no excuse for him not to try. Quietly dipping away from the scene, the tom scents the breeze and gets to work, determination flickering like a flame in his heart.

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    an apprentice of skyclan, lionpaw is eight moons and is mentored by crowsight. he is the son of doeblaze and blazestar. an amalgamation of his parents, lionpaw exhibits splashes of ginger and chocolate tabby patterns against a thick, longhaired cream pelt. 
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