camp LOST FOR A LONG TIME ⚔︎ Discharged

New strength was slowly brought upon Petalnose, but every day the guilt sunk deeper. The lack of responsibility of work while she gained seemed unfair. Cruel. Her plans were twisted into disaster of a body of mere bone and flesh. Still, she was nearly nothing more. However, flame lit fire in those eyes once again. Consciousness didn't waver anymore, energy lit alight. She wanted to work again. This time, without careless plans. Not without her team. Trust was needed of this season. Trust in others.

Petalnose had been taught it once, but this time she had learned it. It would latch onto her face just like the ugly reminder that scarred upon it. "You need to change, Petal." The firm words of her mother clung to her guilty soul. It had made her compliant upon her treatment, not daring to creep outside like a curious kit as she once had. She didn't just need to take care of her clan, she needed to take care of herself too.

With words of dismissal, she turned to let the icy ground of camp grip at her paws. Petalnose welcomed the chill despite its eruptive sensations. Long frail limbs stretched out in front of her, enjoying the freedom she had been allowed to. But eyes she had felt hot upon her pelt, casting her gaze to meet the stare with an ill grumble of curiosity, "What..?"

I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — It would've been difficult for Swiftfire to forget the fear that had lanced through her upon first learning about the condition that Petalnose was in not all that long ago. Though the two of them weren't close by any means, Petalnose was a name that she had heard quite a lot about. A name that she respected, and not one that she had expected to be anywhere near the word starved. Realizing that truly any of them could end up suffering because of leafbare had been enough to send Swiftfire out on hunting patrol after hunting patrol, no matter how boring the process got. Or how disappointing, considering how many of the patrols ended with them bringing back mere scraps for the rest of the clan.

Unfortunately, her respect, admiration, and worry had all melded into a combination that led to her staring in Petalnose's direction the moment she stepped out into camp once more. She didn't even notice she was staring until the lead warrior looked in her direction, her grumbled voice causing Swiftfire to jump in surprise. "Oh! Oh, sorry, I really didn't mean to stare, I promise..." Her green gaze flicked down to her paws instead, shifting them nervously as she thought of a way to put her thoughts that wouldn't seem insulting - or worse, pitying. "It's just nice to see you out and about again, after everything. You look good." Perhaps her words would be hard for Petalnose to believe, considering she looked like she hardly had more meat on her bones then when she had first been exiled into rest. However, Swiftfire didn't necessarily mean it physically - instead she meant the determination that gleamed in the older warrior's gaze. The want to work, and no longer feel like a burden on her clan.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    38 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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Rimefang found himself woefully unsympathetic towards Petalnose's plight. How could you let yourself fall to such a state? You're an adult, you shouldn't have to be reminded to feed yourself. He had always kept in mind the state of his health, because any weakness could spell his downfall. But he and Petalnose were different cats, and Rimefang acknowledges this. She chose to worry about others more than herself, and he chose to care about himself so that he could care about others. He wouldn't burden her with his coldness, it wasn't like she starved herself on purpose. Besides, shes not even the first cat he's known to neglect themselves this way. Perhaps his heart is just too small to fully understand.

But still, his eyes retained their cold, tired stare as he looked back at her. "I suppose this means you're feeling better?" He asks. "Swiftfire is right, It's good to see you out and about after....That." He adds, glancing away. Words of warmth and comfort weren't his forte. He is genuinely glad that nothing terrible happened, even if he looks like he doesn't care.

Which is all the time. What is Rimefang truly feeling at any given moment? Nobody knows but him.​
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tags! ₊˚✧ ゚.duckpaw remembers she had heard a murmur, whispers of 'starvation' and 'petalnose', often strung together in a muted breath into the ears of another, but she had never seen the state of the warrior for herself. it was leaf-bare, and par for the course, most of the clan was looking small, ribs jutting out here and there, and daily hunting patrols returning only with meagre scraps to feed the most vulnerable. how bad could it be? duckpaw quietly thinks, there is no commotion about the whole situation to which she had witnessed, just rumours dropped from ends of grapevines for her to lap at. duckpaw knew not the full extent of the cruelty of leafbare; as a kit she had been fed first and foremost, however now that she was an apprentice she was exerting herself physically and eating much less. as such, she was really feeling the sting of hunger that others used to talk about. even now it curdled in her stomach, she could almost feel it suckling the fat from her bones.

duckpaw pins her ears back as she watched petalnose emerge from the medicine den, as if her musings had summoned the warrior. she definetly looked smaller ... frail limbs maybe atrophied from underuse, ribs more jagged than most. she had been absent for a long period of time, and duckpaw dared not set foot in the medicine den. it was a place of healing, but it was also a morgue. people lived and died in that den, it felt a bit too haunted for her approach. olive green gaze tracks petalnose's small excursion into the clearing before she challenges a lingering gaze. swiftfire makes a pretty good recovery for what could've been an awkward moment. duckpaw should've taken that as a cue to avert her eyes, but she can't help but approach the gathering of warriors, now with the rimefang, who added to the conversation, gently tap-dancing around the condition that had felled the great lead warrior. "what are you going to do on your first day out?" duckpaw would tack on light-heartedly, a feathered tail curling around her paws to keep them warm.​

He'd panicked when Petalnose had her wobble, that much was obvious. Who could blame him, though? A cat worthy of admiration, Petalnose was someone Ferngill had found an unlikely friend in. Through hardships she had stuck at his side with hardy wisdom, all whilst being a fierce RiverClan warrior. He hoped, in leading his hurried hunting patrol to help her, he'd been even a quarter of the friend she was to him.

The fiery tom's expression lit up like new dawn when he saw her- his hurried pace carried him over, drawing up beside Swiftfire. He offered the blue-and-red molly a bright grin of greeting before settling his eye upon Petalnose. She was met with eager questioning, of course- he hoped on some level this would show to her that RiverClan cared for her. Desperately, desperately, he hoped she would not hurt herself like that again. Selfishly, Ferngill didn't think he could stand it.

"I don't imagine you had much fun in there," he jerked his head toward the medicine den, voice bright and jovial. It was time to focus on the future, wasn't it? Duckpaw had the right idea.
penned by pin

The response was interesting, especially from a cat Petalnose didn't personally know well. Endearing, just as if she were family. Her stare of warning relaxed into dismissal, potential hostility swept underneath for the time being. "It's good to be back. Hopefully I can assist on these filthy rouges I've been hearing about." A flat tongued jest with a nerved snarl, she was ready to get back to work. She was ready to defend. She was ready to serve her clan. Especially if something was threatening them, oh how her body failed on her in the worst moments. Nightmarish it was to lack use in a time of need. Riverclan didn't need their strong warriors to falter in such times. She didn't look to be too late, another claw to the face she was willing to take to defend her clan again once more from rouges.

Rimeflame was next to speak with a question, twitching her tail towards the medicine den with a hum, "Wouldn't want to question Ravensong's wisdom... Yes, I am not dying anymore. Maybe I should visit Smokethroat, he may send me back though if he takes his word." It was a serious touch to tongue even if it had humourous meaning, she was sure he wanted to speak to her. Petalnose wouldn't flee or hide away from punishment, no, that was what cowards would do. Who knew, she couldn't read the white speckled leader well.

A voice of curiosity chimed in her ears, attention swiveling to a black and white youth. It was a good question, one that she didn't have full control of despite her position. "I'll assist in a patrol if Lichentail allows. I'll find myself useful in some other chore if not. Maybe I'll stand guard tonight, there's many responsibilities to tend to." Responsibilites she nearly worked herself to death for. Hopefully, she'd be allowed to work now, she needed to stretch her wings after catching up upon her sleep for once.

The attention made the tip of her tail pat against the earth in faltering patience. However, a friendly face allowed a soft trill escape her jaws. Ferngill, one whom had saved her life. He had led the patrol to fetch her what her body ever so needed. One she had considered a young friend, one she had seen grow into the ambitious tom he was. Her whiskers twitched humourously at the point with a grumble, "I've never had fun when I'm confined."

Petalnose then searched the campground, siren like eyes narrowing for another familiar face as she scouted. "Has anyone seen Aspenhaze?" Curious she was, had she upset them? Had she hurt them too? As more had surrounded her, the more concerned she would be. Petalnose had done them wrong. She had done most of her loved ones wrong, surprise would be far from her emotions if her mate had avoided her. Surprised she'd be if they weren't upset at her, but they deserved to know that she was okay atleast.

@Aspenhaze :3


tags! ₊˚✧ ゚.duckpaw's pink lips move to suggest the warrior take it easy, but the words die in her throat as she thinks. from what she has gathered, petalnose is a busy-body who likes to work. she likes to work so much she forgot it wasn't a substitue for food and that work could never fill your belly in the same way that a salmon could. she is fiery-eyed, despite ruffled appearances, and her paws seemed to be trembling with energy that had nowhere to go. petalnose may not be so receptive to the idea when it came from some random apprentice. duckpaw elects not to air this thought, thinking it was a bit audacious of her. she privately admires the warriors passion, but she was also kind of scared of it. she supposes that level of dedication is what smokestar sought after when promoting her to a lead warrior. "a patrol might be nice, just to get your bearings again!" duckpaw replies cheerily, privately hoping that the work wouldn't be too heavy duty, but she was certain lichentail was smarter than that.

ferngill joins the conversation, and the two of them strike it up like old friends. duckpaw feels slightly awkward upon hearing their light jabs, knowing that she doesn't have the same relationship and camraderie that entitled her to insult her superiors. "to be fair, nobody has fun when their confined..except maybe bubblepaw." her denmate was pretty excitable, and had a unique zest for life that very few possessed. she probably had the power to make anything fun, even just being confined in the medicine den for a long period of time. upon petalnoses request to see aspenhaze, duckpaw just deferred to ferngill with a pointed glance. she was fresh out the nursery, and not entirely too sure on the whereabouts of all the warriors, but she was sure that in due time she would be able to track her clanmates more diligently. being selected to go on patrols and gatherings meant she was learning new names and faces all the time, and she got a more intimate glimpse into the inner-workings of everyones lives. it was nearly overwhelming.​
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It isn’t long after their name is mentioned that Aspenhaze makes an appearance. They’ve been counting the days, hoping they wouldn’t have to sleep all alone in the warrior’s den much longer. It felt like an eternity, but luckily it wasn’t so bad as to keep her confined for too long. They have much to talk about, after all. Right now though, all they care about is being able to see her back in shape.

“It’s nice to see you after so long, Petalnose,” Aspenhaze purrs. “I’ve been taking over your duties, and I definitely don’t envy your position.” It would make them feel bad to immediately start scolding her, and that’s not the type of cat they are anyways. They go right back to her side where they fit so perfectly, wrapping their tail around her and giving her a loving lick on her forehead.

After they dote on her a little longer, they get serious for a moment. “You better not pull anything like that again, you hear? The clan needs you in tip top shape. You can even eat some of my fur if you’re that desperate to starve yourself, yeah?” Aspenhaze chuckles after that comment. But in all seriousness, she better not try something like that again. Next time they would definitely chide her even more so than they did originally.​