LOST IN THE FEEL OF IT ALL &. intro / eating prey




//tw for mild gore gjdnfks he is disgusting i am sorry

"mmm mmm mmm! delicious treat for meeee to eeaaat! hehe! down the hatch you go friiiiend of miiiine!"

the unusual tom swayed his hips before he crouched down to take a chunk out of his prey. he leaned further into it, blood soaking his muzzle as he looked up, crunching obnoxiously loud. the crimson dripped off his chin, as he grinned, his tail swaying a few good times before he then lowered himself once more, biting into the corpse once more. he tore into the flesh, fangs grazing against the poor soul's ribs, before he just licked his muzzle.

they looked down at their chest with a hum. oh dear. they'd done it again, haven't they? they giggled almost maniacally, but it was just their normal laugh.

"would'ja look at that! heh! made another messy mess mess. time for clean up!! to clean or to be clean, that is the question!! hehe!"

it's paw was soaked in blood as well, yet it still uses it to try and clean its chest. it doesn't work. it makes things worse. the blood and flesh mat between it's fur, and it only uses it's claws to pick it out, eating any thing it gripped.

"almost clean... almost almost. huh! hey, you! my friendly friend friend of mine!! mind helping me out?! my paws seem to be a little tooooo dirty for the job!"



Blizzardfang stares at the cat with grave distaste when approached. He was not one who was quick to be irritated, in fact he might even be one of the more jolly felines of the clan with his modest, optimistic attitude. Yet cats like Crookedgrin tested him, the way it spoke was enough to make his ears fold back in grimace. ”I‘d rather not… I suggest you wash your paws in the stream and try again.” And don’t eat your prey with such blatant disrespect next time, his inner-voice adds, but he keeps his rude remarks to himself. Blue eyes tear away from Crookedgrin and prays it gets the hint and leaves Blizzard Fang in peace.
Tansys out and about while her kitten slept, keeping herself busy, keeping her mind preoccupied as she stands near the pile. Squirrel or mouse? Or bird, fragile creatures with sticks for bones. Her dinner dilemma is interrupted as she heard Blizzard Fang and the familiar tone of Crookedgrin. Had the latter gotten in trouble, odd little thing? Her tail twitches as she listens in, and it seems it had gotten itself in to a slight bit of trouble with clean-up.

Tansys paws have a mind of their own as she makes her way over, exhausted gaze glancing between the silver tom, regal, and the bloody mess of the other one. "Crookedgrin, darling..." metaphorical brows scrunch together as she lets out a long sigh, eventually settling besides her friend. Oh.... Blizzard Fang does not look like he'll help it with grooming and so she decides to take the initiative, attempting to begin to groom out the mats that are now in the others pelt.

Its simply just another day.
( ) Much like Crookedgrin, Flamewhisker too had been eating nearby. She was due for a patrol soon, so she was ravenously devouring a fairly good sized mouse to keep up her energy. If they ran into the boars while they were out, she would definitely need something in her stomach.

As she finished it off, she rose to her paws and started to leave. She passed by the tom, who was covered in the blood from his prey. Her whiskers twitched in amusement, and she decided to toss a light joke his way. "I think you got more on you, than in you." She flashed a friendly smile towards the warrior, then trotted along to join the rest of her patrol.

crookedgrin, paws and maw soaked in the blood of their... unfortunate meal. perhaps if the little creature knew it were to be devoured so, it would have tried a little harder to escape the claws of a thunderclanner.

nightbird's tail twitched, lip curled disapprovingly. it truly was a vile display. there wasn't much that irked her, but at this sight she felt her spine tingling as black tipped fur threatened to raise. she watched blizzard fang as the older warrior was met with a call for help. despite the current respect she held for him, it surely was not set in stone. to lick the blood off of another simply because they could not care to be cleaner would certainly be grounds for a change.

in spite of the silver striped tomcat's denial, much to her approval, a queen was quick to sweep in and do the job. nightbird turned her head as tansyshine worked, huffed a not-so-friendly laugh at flamewhisker's comment. the lead warrior decided not to involve herself further, rather opting to go check if lightpaw and duskpaw were ready for their day of training.
Mousepaw has not a scrap of the tact of the warriors. She sees Crookedgrin making a mess of itself, gore and bits of meat threaded throughout its snarled coat, and she grimaces very obviously. “Ew!! Why do you have to do that right here where everyone can see you!!” She can’t imagine eating like that—not even in private! Even Sparkpaw doesn’t eat so messily or gruesomely. “I can’t even look—I’m gonna be sick!” She makes an exaggerated gagging sound and turns to hide her face, as though she’s going to upend the contents of her breakfast.

  • Haha
Glacial eyes narrow as the apprentice grimaces in vile disgust at Crookedgrin's rather—vile display of mannerisms. What was wrong with that warrior? Did it's mother not teach it how to eat a meal more proper? Pink lips pull back and his jaw goes rigid, pausing beside Mousepaw when he gazes at the bow crimson stained warrior. Many can't stand it, their disgust palpable as they all watched Crookedgrin literally tear into their prey and practically bathe in it. The iron scent of blood permeates his nostrils, nearly wretching like his fellow apprentice when Tansyshine offers to help groom them. "That's absolutely vile." Brackenpaw adds on to Mousepaw's shrill, velveteen ears pinning back against his helm. "Why did you do that?" He dares ask the question no one else did, be it brave or stupid, that would determine the answer he'd be given. Would he want to know? Was it some sick game or was Crookedgrin dropped on their head as a child?


there is a certain level on confusion that latches itself to him. he didn't get it. what was wrong with the way he was doing it? he blinks, and almost responds but he doesn't. he decides against it, with a huff. not of anger, but of slight defeat. he just had so much fur... it seemed a little odd to do so much to keep it clean during a feast!

their ears perked up at the sound of the queen, a purr rumbling in their chest as they felt her begin to help groom their fur. they sit down, not wanting to tower too much over the other, before just trying their best to help.

"thank you thank you! i got just a bit carried away! it was sooooo delicious! hehe!"

it giggles, cleaning between it's paws with it's tongue. it laughs again at flamewhisker's words, and it only nods. probably. but it was okay, as it fully got its meal... even if a bit it was tangled in the cat's fur. it perked up its tufted ears, at the sound of mousepaw's overly dramatic gagging. oh, it wasn't that bad! these cats needed to learn to live a little! besides.. it was only a little mess!! brackenpaw expresses his disdain, and it only causes it's smile to widen, as it's head tilted.

"why did i do what? eat my meal? because i was hungryyy of course! that's whatcha do when you're hungry! ya eat! silly silly apprentice."

he licks the excess blood from his muzzle, humming quietly as the wind swept through his fur. it would be clean, eventually. it wasn't as if he kept it like this. he just ate a little more messy than his fellow clanmates.

"almost clean almost almost."
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He is baffled by Tansyshine’s willingness to help, then again, queens always could find kindness when others could not… and they were use to horrid messes. Not even Blizzard Fang’s grandkits were as sloppy as Crookedgrin when eating their first piece of meat… he has to agree with the apprentices, it was repulsive. Still there is a delicate balance within their ranks, apprentices must respect their warriors, even when they did put on bizarre shows. ”Mousepaw, Brackenpaw, don’t be rude.” He gently tells them and decides to rise up onto his own paws. ”Do you both have free paws? There is a spot in the thorns that I think could be patched up, I’d like to show you.” An excuse to leave, but a good one that would allow them to continue with their day and be productive.