LOST IN THE THRILL &. territory patrol


chilledstar felt sick. they felt... angry. sadness. grief. uncertainty. they felt like a failure. how in the hell did two kits manage to get out of camp? why hadn't misstep been watching them closely? why did shit like this always happen to shadowclan? their paws took them to the highest point in camp, lip pulled back in frustration.

"shadowclan! this is urgent! birdkit woke to tanglekit and halfkit seemingly hiding. they're not here. we've searched this entire camp. there is no odd scents within the den but... with recent problems... we must search the entire territory. from behind a rock, to underneath a fallen tree. we must find these kits."

chilledstar lashed their tail. with a grunt.

"first patrol will be right now. we will take turns and search all night if we have to. @FERNDANCE , @Frostbite , and @Scorchedpaw will take the first one. go now. report back what you find, or don't find, immediately."

starclan might of well have burned down this entire fucking territory. bringing kits into their feud with shadowclan was just shallow.
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Frostbite hadn't been able to sit still for the entire time he realized that the kits were not in camp. He felt like he was going to burst from the worry and anxiety he felt. It is to his relief then, that when Chilledstar calls for the patrol, that he is one of those called. He looks towards the others, Ferndance and Scorchedpaw.

"Lets go. We've got a lot of ground to cover and a lot of places to look." He says. "We must find them, no matter what." He speaks with absolute determination. Nothing was going to stop him. He made a promise, and he was going to keep it.​
Scorchedpaw’s fur raises at the mention of lost kits, and he wonders if they just wandered off on their own…or if it’s something more nefarious. He’s ready to search all over, and luckily, he’s called to go with Ferndance and Frostbite to look. He gives Frostbite a resolute nod, a rare serious look on his face. “Whatever it takes!” He might not be close to anyone in particular and doesn’t have many stakes in this, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. On the contrary! Hopefully they would be found quickly, at least…the less time spent worrying, the better.​

Her fur bristled with uncertainty; ShadowClan had left their camp vulnerable by inviting strangers into it, with the strongest of their number out fighting other clan's battles, it just made sense that something had snuck in to take them, be it rogues or hungry foxes. It seemed more likely that the clan would be searching for closure rather than living kittens, and ears twitched as she was told she would be on the first patrol - she would have to steel herself for whatever awful sight was out there. "We will head towards the Burnt Sycamore first," she advised the small group, eyes unsually sharp for the one whose head lived amidst the clouds. She wasn't to blame, not entirely, a whole clan of cats and not one had noticed something suspicious - but, she couldn't deny that she hadn't exactly been in camp to help as of late. "If they got lost... they might've followed that smell." With any luck, they would still be there, huddled beneath the singed fingers and thick arm of ShadowClan's southernmost landmark.

It's terrifying, she finds, to learn that some of the Clan's youngest have just... mysteriously disappeared. Her mind trails to that of their recent visitors, wondering if maybe a queen stole away the wrong kits after going home - but that would mean that two little ones would be here instead, crying to the queens about missing their mommas. Her mentor stills nearby, feathered tail draping over Sprucepaw's back protectively. The apprentice can only imagine what tremors in the woman's mind. She waits quietly for Chilledstar to make demands of a second patrol, watching as the first runs out of camp.​