border Lost || o. Joiner...?


Huh? What'd you say?
Nov 25, 2023

[ ༻ ⊹ ༺ ] Snow crunched underneath the apprentice age tom, his yellow gaze blinking while a strange scent crossed his nose making him pause while he blinked a bit more, blurry horizon stood in front of him before he paused. A yellow collar was adorned across his neck claiming him as a kitty-pet and a bored look danced on the tom. His tail squished before a frown peered on his lips and his shoulders slumped a bit. "Lost... again..." The kitty-pet sighed a bit in disappointment. Now how'd he manage that? He swore he was going the right way.

A twig snapping made him blink and his ears angled towards where the noise had come from and once more he would blink and tilt his head slightly. "Ah, could you tell me where I am?" The kitty-pet meowed coolly, a bored look adorned Spoon's face while the cold air nipped at his fur making him shiver slightly at the feeling. He was...cold, it was cold and he was trying to get back to the two-leg place. Perhaps he should have stuck close to his friend, maybe then he wouldn't have gotten so easily lost had he had, but aw well he guessed. Spoon was clearly and completely unaware he had stumbled upon Skyclan's border, all he wanted to do was get back to his two-leg place and out of the cold.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Spoon He/Him, Daylight Apprentice of Skyclan, 9 moons.
    Tall silver tabby with yellow eyes and low white. Looks bored all the time. Cross-eyed, and visually impaired.
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Large paws crushed the frozen particles that blanketed the earth, claws now unsheathed and curling outward. Some may have cared about the art of stealth, but Slate was about as loud as ever approaching the trespassing tom. He wanted his presence to be known; he had nothing to be afraid of. Rather cocky and confident about his battle prowess, Slate knew that just about any stranger would have a tough time fighting him off. This cat was no different.

The hairs on the back of his broad neck bristled with anticipation, amber eyes shooting the cat a dangerous glare, before realizing that this was indeed a pet. He was young, stinking of a twoleg den with one of those ridiculous accessories signifying ownership dangling around his neck. He was no threat. No violence would ( probably ) be necessary today. Oh, how Slate's muscles itched to be put to use though. Ugh. "Don't you stupid kittypets ever learn anything?" The lead warrior spits in annoyance, irises widening ever so slightly as he begins to lower his guard. Why were they always getting lost around here?

Now was not the time for poor, lost little kittypets to be wandering around and triggering SkyClan's figurative alarm bells. They had real issues to be looking out for. "None of your concern. Go home." Unless you're looking to get attacked. He doesn't feel the need to elaborate, though. If this house pet was smart enough, he'd know. If he wasn't... well, he'd get what was coming to him.

    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
In polar opposition (as was standard) to her fellow lead warrior, Bobbie's small paws—now all firmly dipped in white—stepped onto the fragile snow with nearly excessive care. Gagging on the taste of copper made her grimace rather than bare her fangs, and she'd only escaped that battle with nasty, still-healing scratches marring the once-smooth lilac fur of her lower back. All things considered, the tabby has no eagerness to go charging in with claws unsheathed to chase off some poor kittypet or, worse, another rogue. She slinks between the sparse pine-trunks, wincing every time some particularly frozen ground gives way with a small crunch.

All for naught, of course, because it was just Slate chewing out some poor kittypet. Again. A not unfamiliar yellow strap is wound around the stranger's neck, bringing with it a pang of bitterness that's quickly dismissed in favor of arguing with her fellow lead. "Don't be cruel," she mews, slipping from between two pines and into the two's conversation-slash-confrontation. "Now of all times is when we need to be giving potential warriors—" (or apprentices, she thought, noting the smaller size of the kittypet) "—a chance."

"You ought to be glad it wasn't a rogue or worse," Bobbie chastises, glancing between the half-forgotten kittypet and Slate, trying to decide which was the bigger issue. "I am painfully familiar with your gripes with kittypets, but at least daylight warriors aren't more mouths to feed." Clearly, she'd made her decision and nothing productive was going to come of this until her fellow lead warrior had been properly dressed down. That was quite possible her favorite part of the promotion—being able to speak out against him. Bobbie adds offhandedly to the kittypet, "This is SkyClan territory," then resumes her arguing. "He's not going to leave if you refuse to tell him where he is, anyways, because he's clearly lost."


  • Wow
Reactions: Spoon.
He had trailed along beside Slate, not having much to do and figuring the more paws the better it would be. It was always safer in pairs after all, not that Slate couldn't handle himself. He believed the hulking tom could take care of himself, but numbers weren't a bad thing. Although... This one's a small fry, huh? Amber eyes never leave the young tom's pelt, but unlike Slate there is no malice. It appears as if Spoon is met with boredom if he were to glance in Beetleback's direction. As for Slate's not so friendly words he can't say that he is offended. Beetleback himself was no kittypet, but before he had joined the clan he was friendly with them and knew of their ways. Not all of them were dumb. You're frustrated aren't ya? So many cats wanna join us around this time, the worst time for us too.

A familiar voice decides to grace them with her presence. It is none other than Bobbie another lead warrior of Skyclan. Let it be known that he was not friends with Bobbie. She had indeed slapped him rightfully all those moons ago, which he had forgiven her for. As for her telling Slate to not be cruel he makes no comment on that. Not sticking my nose in your beef. Y'all better figure it out. What he does touch on is what she states next. "With all due respect Bobbie, it's Leaf-bare and we don't need anymore mouths to feed. Then, he takes in Spoon's smaller figure. "He looks like an apprentice, which means training." Will he be able to hunt anything for the clan? That is the argument he is pushing towards Bobbie. While it may seem he is taking Slate's side, Beetleback is trying to bring up a logical stance.

This conversation is turning souring more so because it's an argument between two cats. He and poor Spoon are just spectators to this awkward power exchange. Bobbie does answer however, how this tom won't be an extra mouth to feed. It is true that daylight warriors go home to their twolegs and therefore would be adding more to the freshkill pile while returning home to eat with their twolegs. However, he can't help but interrupt, "...But this tom didn't even say he was going to be a daylight warrior?" Bobbie doesn't care and proceeds to ignore him and Slate, which he could care less about. "Doesn't Blazestar make thar decision?" The blue tom grumbles to himself.

Beetlebacl knows better than to argue with her and quite frankly doesn't want to be slapped again, so he waits. Waits for Bobbie to finish addressing the stranger and when she does he quips, "If he's lost then I'll help him back home! What? He's being friendly. It's not like he's doing anything wrong either. If this cat is lost then he'll save them all the trouble and help them back home and Slate and Bobbie can deal with whatever they got between them alone preferably.

[ ༻ ⊹ ༺ ] Crossed eyes land on Slate who seemed to share not too nice words to the kitty-pet and Spoon grew a dejected look on his face while staring at the slightly blurry figure of the giant tom. "Ah...sorry..." he said in a monotone voice while looking down slightly. All he wanted was to know where exactly he was and yet he got met with such mean words. Yellow eyes blinked as another appeared, and then both began to argue in front of the apprenticed age tom and all he could do was stand there and stare... Not sure where to interject or say anything, and so the tom just stood there silently while the two bickered in front of him.

Luckily, Bobbie had told him where he was and even went as far as to suggest Spoon had been joining them...wait... he didn't remember asking to join these Skyclanners, or...did he forget? He was always the forgetful kind so he might have indeed said he was going to join and so he still sat there silently. Another joined in, interjecting to what Bobbie had said and even questioned as far as to say Spoon didn't even say he was going to be a daylight whatever it was and he frowned even more while slowly just staring into space.

Ah...well, with what Bobbie had said, he really couldn't say no now, could he? She had already said daylight something to him and so he figured he might as well join in...right? "Yea...I think I did say something about wanting to be a daylight whatever it was..." he said. I guess.. he thought to himself, still staring off into space while the three warriors discussed his fate or whatever...

"Oh..right, yea...I am lost" he blinked when Beetleback suggested taking him back to the two-leg place...He had already forgotten that he was even lost in the first place, or...well momentarily distracted by Bobbie and Slate's bickering...

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Spoon He/Him, Daylight Apprentice of Skyclan, 9 moons.
    Tall silver tabby with yellow eyes and low white. Looks bored all the time. Cross-eyed, and visually impaired.
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.