LOST TIME | dimmingsun

It seems there was quite a bit of news missed while Slateheart was away. The most recent of it had left Dimmingsun busier than ever, but the black-furred tom is lucky enough to catch him in a free moment. He approaches with a warm smile and raised tail, curled into a hook at the tip - a welcoming and friendly demeaner, all meant truly for a dear friend he's missed so much. "Dimmingsun," he greets, with a dip of his head. "If you're not busy.. come walk with me?"

He leads them out of camp, down rabbit's run, a long and winding trail that he's stepped on for many moons. Though the territory is still barren with soot and ash, there are scarce, young sprigs of grass to be found every few tail-lengths. Slateheart misses the spring flowers that bloomed far and wide only a mere few moons ago, but he tries his best to curb his disappointment. "If only the scenery were nicer," he finally admitted. "This walk could've been more.. enjoyable."

But, a scenic route was the least of his intentions when bringing Dimmingsun out. He still felt that he owed it to him, some time to spend bonding; it was really the least he could do after Dimmingsun saved him from the fire. Besides.. there was a lot to catch up on, and who better to ask than the newly promoted himself? "How's being a lead warrior treating you?" Slateheart mews with an encouraging purr to his voice. If there were any warrior to receive such an achievement, it would have been Dimmingsun; noble and courageous, and furiously noble. It had been proven time and time again that he would risk his life for this Clan. "You suit the job well. I hadn't had the chance to really congratulate you yet."

  • slate-page-doll-low-res.png
    slate slatepaw slatetooth SLATEHEART
    ━━ 23 MOONS,, ages every 6th
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♡ | generally healthy, but experiencing shortness of breath.
  • 78016217_relDzXG2vj7CiMr.png

  • speech is #bbbb88


Usually, Dimmigsun likes to take the days slow. He lets his body and mind wake up properly, regardless of where the sun is on the horizon; likes to stretch to get rid of any slowness; enjoys his prey whenever he eats; fully takes in the world when he's out on a patrol. A warrior who doesn't hurry terribly much is one that gets to enjoy the simpler things in life, so he's never wished to change this part of himself.

A new promotion has proven to be an easy way to shake this up. Dimmingsun finds himself wondering just where the last few days has gone. Truthfully, it's not like much has changed... apart from the amount of pride that blooms within him.

And when Slateheart asks him to slow down again and take a breather, Dimmingsun accepts without question. "Never too busy for you."

The two of them fall into pleasant silence, traversing their land step by step with complete familiarity. It's nice to be able to feel grateful for something after all the tragedies that had occurred in such quick succession. Even if... "Tell me about it. Looks more bland than in leaf-bare." The comparison is not fair, and Dimmingsun is highly aware of it; the snow does not destroy, it merely hides the world in stark white. What frost and fire have in common though is their ability to enforce such dread- a lifeless impression thrown upon anyone who sees it.

Slateheart says lead warrior and Dimmingsun fights with the arrogance that threatens to bubble to the surface. He does not wish to become someone feigning a mightier self than before — he's still the same cat, whether he's on Sunstar's council or not, but perhaps he deserves to feel overwhelming pride over what he's achieved.

"It's... great. I still hardly believe Sunstar chose me." His words ring true. Dimmingsun would not have grown surprised if Sunstar held off of appointing more lead warriors; the last ones were chosen only after the culling of Sootstar, when the likes of Bluepool and Scorchstreak had served under a different leader and were asked to decide their own futures. The additions of Periwinklebreeze and Rattleheart were necessary in order to show some strength. Now Dimmingsun had caught Sunstar's attention... what better honor than that? "Flattery gets you nowhere," he lies, knowing Slateheart would see the silent thank you in his eyes.

Another beat, and Dimmingsun feels the need to almost- gossip. Admittedly Slateheart hadn't been gone for too terribly long, but Dimmingsun feels it necessary to spill the news of all that comes to mind, of events that his friend might have missed in his unfortunate disappearance.

"Did you meet Mintshade's kits yet? Oh, or- Rattleheart and Venomstrike's were born just the other day." Then, another point of interest rises. "If you were saved by RiverClan, you saw their new leader, right?" She hadn't looked all too pleased when Smokestar allowed WindClan into their territory... but maybe she feels she owes it to him to follow in his merciful pawsteps.