sensitive topics lost without you || nightmare

It had been a couple of days since she had moved back into the warrior's den. As she started to drift off to sleep, she wondered how her kits were doing in their separate den. She missed them beside her...her nest felt empty, despite Flycatcher now being beside her. Instead of the cute, small sounds of her kits sleeping, grunts and snores filled the den. She would lift her head, and glance towards the den's exit, before finally settling down for the night, drifting off into the darkness of slumber.

A mouse! It's so close...Just a few pawsteps away, what an easy catch! She would think to herself as she creeped along the forest floor. With a powerful pounce she would propel herself towards the unsuspecting creature, killing it swiftly. Flamewhisker drew her head back in triumph, and she picked it up to bury it for later. She padded to a nearby tree, and began to dig a hole...however, her efforts were paused as she heard something coming from the direction of the camp.


Her throat tightened, and she launched herself towards the sound. She claws viciously grasped the ground each time a single paw touched the surface, desperately doing everything she could to try to get back home faster. The barking was louder now, she could smell their fowl stench, their hot breath making the area warm. As she crashed through the camp's clearing, she found that it wasn't their camp at all. It was a rock wall that she knew all too well. Raising her gaze, she looked up at the ledges that the dogs were underneath. Up top stood her two children, crying in fear as the dogs tried to jump up at them. My kits...not my kits... she thought to herself, watching in horror.

Without thinking, she let out a yowl to get the dogs attention. She had to get them away from here...just like her mother had for her. Once she was certain they were all following, she spun around and raced off into the forest as fast as she could.

Her sides hurt as they begged for air, and the world around her seemed to be collapsing in. How long had she been running? She didn't dare look back to see if they were still behind her, she could feel their hot breath and teeth nipping at the hair on her tail. "I'm so sorry my dears....I love you..." she would say, closing her eyes and slowing her pace.

With a strong jolt, Flamewhisker was woken up. "My kits!" Her body was trembling, and her jaws were parted as she violently panted as she tried to breathe with her racing heart. "My kits where are they? Where are my kits?" Her eyes were wide and wild as they frantically searched then den, as if she were expecting the dogs to jump in there at any second.

She felt Flycatcher stir beside her, and it was then that she realized it had been a dream. Irritated grumbles and hisses broke the silence in the den, and she flinched in embarrassment. They were not in had been a nightmare..."I'm...I'm sorry...bad dream..." she would apologize quietly, hoping that they would understand. "I'm...I'm going to check on them.."

There was no way she could sleep now anyways...She would attempt to carefully step around the disgruntled bodies of her clanmates, and once she was out of the den, she would begin towards the apprentice den. Even if it had been a dream, she still needed to make sure they were alright. Quietly she would peak her head in, quickly picking out the sleeping bodies of Stormpaw and Falconpaw.
Her mother would find Stormpaw curled up in her nest that was situated next to her brother. Her face was obscured by her paws and her flank rose and fell steadily. She was in the sort of sleep in which one had no dreams at all. It was a peaceful rest and well deserved since her mentor had taken her out training the day before. Soon her paws would become calloused and strong, like a real warrior's.

She shifted and opened one eye, the scent of her mother filling her senses. Immediately, Stormpaw raised her head. "Mother?" She whispered, blinking sleep-laden eyes up at the orange face peeking in.


When Flamewhisker had first came to camp, Flycatcher could recall she had trouble sleeping. Many nights he had spent with her, either talking things out or just sitting with her offering quiet comfort. It has been a while since her sleep was disturbed in such a way. Flycatcher might have slept through it had she not woken up and started shouting about their kits. He stirs, mind hazy with sleep, but he manages to get a few words out. " something wrong with the kits?" He would yawn. Flycatcher blinks a few times, watching as his mate leaves the den.

Seeing that she was so rattled, Flycatcher slowly rises to his paws and follows his mate outside, eventually spotting her peering into the apprentice's den. "Flamewhisker," He says her name softly as he comes to stand beside her. "Are the kits alright?" A moment passes before he adds, "Are you alright?"
There's a shadowy presence lurking at the mouth of the apprentice's den. Mousepaw opens sleepy green eyes, just as one of the youngest apprentice's whispers, "Mother?" Stormpaw, one of the deputy's kits. Mousepaw frowns, rubbing her eyes and shaking her head. "Some of us are tryin' to sleep, here," she complains. Flycatcher and Flamewhisker are outside, checking on their kits. She can't find it in her to be sympathetic. They're in the apprentice's den now, not the nursery! The rest of them had to get up early for training... her discontented thoughts drift away as she begins to doze back off.


The red tabby stands in the den's entrance, her body starting to relax more as she watched them sleep. It was just a dream...they are safe.. She closed her eyes, and let out a long exhale as she felt her heart rate starting to slow back down. Suddenly, a quiet voice came from the den..."Mother?" Her eyes opened quickly, and she licked her chest fur embarrassedly...she had been hoping to not wake them. "I'm sorry." she would murmur, her voice just barely audible. She opened her mouth to say something else, but the voice of Mousepaw was next, complaining about trying to sleep. Her ears burned with embarrassment, and she dipped her head out of the den. She could explain in the morning if Stormpaw asked.

As she backed away from the den, she accidentally bumped into her mate. She jumped, slightly startled that he had followed her, but she wasn't too surprised...she had probably accidentally woken up everyone by now. Quietly she padded a little ways from the apprentice's den, in an attempt to not wake anyone else up. Once she was contently far enough away, she would lower her head and sit down. Her front paws shuffled, and she pulled her ears back. "I had a nightmare...but this one was different than the other was our kits...they were on the rock edge that I was on with my mother...the dogs were trying to get to them...they were going to die...I-I had to save them...the barking...I..I had to make sure they were okay."