pafp LOTTERY TICKET [☼] prompt

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Foraging had never been a skill Roeflame particularly exceeded at, while her skills in tracking were undeniable, when it came to plants and blossoms… that was a different story.
Still, it did not stop the warrior from snatching up as many stems of what she believed to be juniper berries as she could- having stumbled onto several fallen sprigs of them.
There were only a pawful of herbs the molly knew at least a decent amount about- lavender, poppy seeds, and juniper berries, and that was only thanks to her frequent visits to Berryhearts den, where the mottled healer would often have a cocktail of them ready for her to choke down whenever her lungs refused to cooperate.
The brindled healer was open with her about sharing the same struggle with his own breathing, and he was perhaps the only cat Roeflame would trust with her bouts of no-breath.
Perhaps Hailstorm would be soon to follow under Berryhearts training.
Wasting no time, the tabby is quick on her paws as she pushes her way though the camps entrance, bee-lining for the medicine den with the sprigs pricking at her cracked lips.
"Phberryhart! Mooked phwat I foumd!" The warrior confidently calls as she walks into the den, tone comedically muffled by her treasures.

[ please wait for @BERRYHEART !]


Green eyes met green eyes, met the ignited spirit that glimmered from Fawny the instant she ran toward him, her words a near-indecipherable muddle. Berryheart could only look at her blankly for a few long moments, desperately grasping toward her fragmented words, attempting to fit them together like a jigsaw.

Eventually, it clicked- the green needle-leaves fireworking from her mouth, clasped, berry-dotted. Asymmetrical eyes lingered for a few more silent moments, but now in a quietude borne of shock. "Juniper..." he murmured, in thoughtful disbelief. A stroke of luck? Observation? However Fawny had found them, it was boundlessly impressive. "Most warriors don't pay so much attention."

A blunt comment, but it was a fact. It was clear from the warmth of his tone that he was pleased with her, voice downy-soft, kindling warmth.
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I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — The call for his mentor is enough to sway the tomcat from where he had been with curiosity lighting up in his expression only to realize what Roeflame had returned with and can't help but smile hearing Berryheart's blunt words though can't help but flick an ear. Hailstorm had a lot to learn but he's certain that the dappled tom would teach him everything that he needs to know if Starclan were to ever invite the star connected tom to their lush, star kissed forest in the sky with endless hunting. "You did well in harvesting them too," Hailstorm finally says with a dip of his helm as it tilts to the side to get a good look at them then can't help but glance to Berryheart with an amused smile only to joke lightly "At this rate, you'll have two apprentices." It's a light jest not to be taken seriously considering that the path of a medicine cat wasn't for everyone and not to be taken lightly considering all the hardships that came along with it. He's certain that Roeflame has a bright future with Burnstorm and wouldn't doubt if the two settled down to have their own brood when leaf-bare finally left to make way for new-leaf.

Perhaps Roeflame would be considered more for herb patrols given that she had a good eye and he's certain that his mentor would appreciate the extra paws especially now that the weather was colder and less forgiving.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    50 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed
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Reactions: ROEFLAME .
Raccoonstripe has finally grown used to seeing hulking, pale Hailstorm trailing after his brother with stems protruding from his jaws. Massive snowshoe paws fill Lichenpaw’s tiny pawprints, but there’s always been a gentleness to Hailstorm despite his size that is now tempered by sadness and experience. He’d left for the mountains with his mate and had returned alone, hardened and wizened by fate’s cruel talons. When the lead warrior looks at Berryheart’s new apprentice, he’s still reminded of his sister, making it hard to connect with him. Still, he has no qualms with the big tom, and he seems to have settled into his role as medicine cat apprentice well.

It's Roeflame wandering into camp with her mouth stuffed full of herbs that has Raccoonstripe’s brow quirking. “Didn’t realize you were ready to give up your lead warrior position already,” he jests in tandem with Hailstorm, padding close to the healers and the fawn-colored warrior. “Berryheart’s right, though. Lucky find. If he’d sent me to look for anything, it’d be a lost cause.

, ”

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

As soon as Berryheart begins to approach, Roeflame is all too eager to drop the sprigs from her maw, subtly attempting to rid the stray needles that clung to her tongue with quiet “pfft pfft’s” into her forelimb as the medicine cat inspected her finds.
Most warriors don’t pay so much attention.
While spoken in his usual cooled tone, the comment still as Roeflame beaming once she has successfully ridden the remnants of juniper twigs from her mouth.
"With leaf-bare here, I didn’t want to risk not bringing them back." The warrior elaborates, excited optics flickering to Hailstorm as he approached with his kindly spoken praise, the warmth of doing something good sparking down Roeflames spine.
At this rate you’ll have two apprentices.
The tabby snorts in amusement, not having time to reply before Racconstripe strolls in on her heels, his own jest making Roeflame shake her head.
"As awesome of a medicine cat as I would make… I wouldn’t want to outshine Hailstorm with my skills, y’know?" She hums back in reply, looking back to the two healers with a playful grin.
There was a time once where she may have considered the path of medicine, when she was still tucked under Cinderfrost’s wing. The thought makes her tense up for a fleeting moment. No, she would never live in this den again, Hailstorm and Berryheart far more suited for the herb-laden life.
