camp LOUD AND JOYFUL [easter egg]

Jan 10, 2024
*✧・゚ Her housefolk have been acting different for the past few days, spending a significant amount of their time focused on… eggs? It’s strange, she thinks. Eggs are supposed to be white, not colored in bright shades of yellow, blue, and pink. And they’re supposed to be eaten, aren’t they? So why do they smell so weird and not egg-y? And why have her housefolk changed her bandana out for a pink one that’s covered in the same colorful eggs? Oh well, sometimes twolegs are just funny like that—like the time they’d put her in the water a few weeks ago and rubbed weird bubbly stuff all over her fur!

It seems that it isn’t just Hon and Dear who have grown an obsession with eggs. On her way with her mom to SkyClan’s camp, the cinnamon torbie notices one of the bright eggs tucked halfway beneath a bush. It’s quickly snatched up in her maw, and she displays it to Fantastream for a moment before continuing the trek to SkyClan with a skip in her step. Cats can eat eggs, so it’s just like she’s bringing back prey for the elders and the other kits! When they finally get to the camp, Sangriakit dashes up to the first cats she spots, intent on showing off what she’s brought.

Look, she attempts to say, but it comes out as more of an, "Uck!" Her mouth falls open and the object falls out. A pale paw strikes out in an attempt to catch it before it hits the ground and bursts into a messy pile of goo and eggshell, but she’s too slow, and-

It doesn’t break?

She bats a snowy paw at the egg, knocking it over on its side and pulling it back toward her. Then she crouches down and bites into it—and nothing happens! The shell cracks just a tiny bit where her tooth touched it, but it doesn’t break. She drops the egg again and it rolls slowly away, a couple tail-lengths away from her. "HUH!" The little torbie’s eyes widen with shock, her mouth falling open as she stares at the egg. She dropped it and bit it, and it didn’t break open and splatter all over her and everyone else around! "I found an unbreakable egg!" Is that why it’s all funny colors? Can all eggs be unbreakable if they get painted all weird? What’s the point of having an egg that doesn’t break, anyway—how will the little birds hatch out if they can’t break the shell?
A loud yet confused 'Huh!' catches the apprentice's attention as she spots Sangriakit with an egg before her which is followed by her examination of it being /unbreakable/. "Unbreakable?" She would murmur as she stares at the strangely colored egg and its pattern, it looked weird compared to the bird eggs that she saw in the trees sometimes. A paw move forward as she pulls the egg closer to her to inspect glancing around for a moment. "Let me see if I can break it," She meows as she attempts to break the egg with a singular paw, though it proves futile which she resorts to using both paws.

A strange pop is heard yet it didn't seem to be exactly open. Her brows furrow slightly as she touches it with her nose, closely inspecting it and giving it a sniff. It didn't smell of a bird or anything that laid eggs if she excluded the scent of Sangria's breath. "Where did you find this?" The apprentice inquires toward the kit while her forest green gaze studies the confused she, birds always laid their eggs in the trees or high spots; or that's what she always saw. Birds also tended to be quite the aggressive protector of sorts if anyone or anything got near their eggs.

Jaypaw ponders for a moment as she rolls the egg on the dirt to remove any of Sangriakit's remaining saliva before she bites into the egg. Another pop and crackle is heard as it pops open yet she didn't feel yolk in her mouth. "Huah?" She lets out a confused 'huh' as she drops the egg on the ground, the contents inside the egg not containing anything of the sort compared to an actual egg. There was something else in the egg but it smelled strongly of twoleg and she tilts her head, maybe a daylight warrior would have an better idea of what was inside.

ooc: anyone can determine what was inside after jay broke it!!
"speech", thoughts, attacking
When Sangriakit trots into camp today at Fantastream’s side, there’s something brightly-colored lodged between her teeth. Fluffykit is immediately wary of whatever it is; it smells acrid, strange, and although it’s shaped like an egg, she can’t believe that’s what it is when its scent is so off-putting. She creeps around Jaypaw and her cousin, green eyes round with apprehension. “We, uh… we probably shouldn’t try to break it,” she frets. “We don’t, um, know what’s gonna be inside…

She recoils as Jaypaw does just that with a precise bite to the thing’s middle. It opens with an audible pop!, and its contents—decidedly un-yolk-like—spill onto the camp floor. Fluffykit squeals and backs away. “Ew, what is that?” Her fur puffs up around her neck and shoulders, and her tail lashes loosely behind her. The contents of the egg are as brilliantly-colored as the shell is—they are round, pebble-like, and smell of Twoleg and, strangely, berries. “Ugh, they’re so gross!” She puts a paw over her eyes, willing herself to stop shaking.

  • ooc: they're jelly beans :3
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  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 4 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

Sangriakit and Coffeekit arriving at camp most days was now a routine that Lionkit admittedly looked forward to. His own littermates were fun to play with and everything, but more kits in the nursery was always better. However, today was different — Sangriakit had something. It was an egg that was eye-strainingly bright. Huh, he thought most eggs were pale in color.

Blue eyes stretch in a childish wonder as he keeps his distance from the foreign object. Whatever bird laid it must have been invincible! No cat could eat its young, not even—


Its guts spill out; not yolk, but colorful little pebbles. Lionkit flattens his ears as those around him react. They did not smell natural; in fact, they were almost nauseating. Shrinking away, the chocolate torbie point turns to his littermate and mews, "Don't get too close, @HOLLYKIT !"

Beneath the shade at the hollow's edge, Ekat had been lounging and paying little mind to the endeavors of the kits and Jaypaw. She merely enjoys the newleaf warmth upon her fur and the birds chirping in the trees above, while the sweet voices of her young Clanmates serve as pleasant background ambience. It's only when the youngsters begin shrieking about their discovery that Ekat's brief peace of mind is quickly shattered, and the fur along her spine rises with the sudden gripping fear that something could be going horribly wrong. Are they in danger? The she-cat leaps to her paws and hurries over, her heart seeming to pound in her ears as she stands beside the group of kits with Jaypaw, her gaze falling upon the broken egg on the ground between them all.

Ekat studies the strangely broken egg and its cloyingly sweet-scented contents spilled onto the dirt beneath, keeping a wary distance. "Where did you find that?" she asks nervously, repeating Jaypaw's question. She wants to demand why the kits would bring something that smelled of Twolegs and could be potentially dangerous into the camp, but she holds her tongue. Daylight SkyClanners aren't wary of Twolegs the way forest-born cats such as Ekat are, trusting the strange creatures enough to live with them — so she supposes Sangriakit wouldn't be worried about bringing something that belonged to them into the hollow. Still, Ekat wants to make sure the kits are safe from danger. "We should probably get rid of it," she suggests carefully, as she's sure the kits were excited about their discovery. "It could be poisonous."

On hesitant paws, the Lead Warrior moved forward, incredulous stare shifting between the mysterious egg and the little kitten who'd brought it into camp. Leaning over, his ears shot up in alarm as younger cats took it in turns biting down upon it. By the time he opened his mouth to speak, the unbreakable egg had been broken, colourful droplets pouring out of it at a rate that made him wonder how that many had fit in there to begin with. "Wait." His voice was sharp and to the point, though Fluffykit and Lionkit had been quick to turn their noses in disgust, the last thing that Silversmoke wanted was for any other clanmates to try eating the things just because they looked interesting. Leaning over a singular rainbow bean, the large tabby audibly sniffed, the saccharine smell so sickly that he had to suppress a gag as he assessed it. The fur along his spine bristled with disgust, the creation was so blatantly Twoleg in nature that Silversmoke couldn't even begin to imagine the horrors they must've committed to put those things inside of an egg. With a chemical smell burning his nostrils, he tilted his head upwards.

"Rabbit droppings," he concluded with a huff, finding few other logical explanations. He shook his head in disbelief. "I don't understand, why have they been made... colourful? What purpose does that serve? Why were they in there to begin with?" Unsheathed claws writhed in the earth below as he looked towards Ekat, his frown a product of bafflement more than dislike. He'd never truly know why Twolegs couldn't just be normal and live in nests made of bushes and leave nature to do what nature was intended to do. "You're right, these things are an abomination. We'll scoop them up onto a leaf and throw them over the border." He paused for a moment, as if considering his own words. "The Twoleg border." ThunderClan or RiverClan likely wouldn't appreciate the littering, Twolegs on the other hand seemed to welcome it - he wouldn't be surprised if they plucked the rabbit droppings up with their greedy little paws.

*✧・゚ The first clanmate to approach her and the weird egg is Jaypaw, who asks where she’d found it. "It was by the trees before we left home! I think the twolegs made them," she explains, though most of the excitement on her face turns to annoyance when Fluffykit speaks up. Is there anything her cousin isn’t afraid of? What is her mentor gonna do when she’s an apprentice? Sangriakit nearly rolls her eyes at th either kit’s worries, but her attention is instead captured by the pop! of the weird egg cracking open at last. Out of it spills several little items that smell sweet, and instead of being excited, everybody else seems concerned about it. They’re all just no fun!

It’s okay, though, until Ekat suggests that they just throw away the little things she’d apparently carried all the way here. She shakes her head, frowning as Lionkit warns his littermate to stay away. But it isn’t until Silversmoke adds his opinion that she speaks up again. "No!" The little torbie cries out, leaping forth to cover the strange berry-scented things with both paws. They aren’t bad, they can’t be. Why would they smell so good if they were bad? And they came out of the unbreakable egg, so they must give whoever eats them some… some kind of cool powers. "They’re not poop! And they’re not gross! You’re all just being silly. Look! It’s not poisonous, see?" To demonstrate, the kit scoops one of the colorful beans into her mouth, quickly chewing it up. It tastes funny, kind of like a sweet berry, but with a strange aftertaste that makes her wince slightly. She sticks her tongue out to try and pry the sticky, chewy stuff off a loose tooth, but it won’t come free.
"wild hearts run"
The group of cats congregated around the odd two-leg egg intrigued him. Radiokit, being brought to camp a little bit later, barged his way into the conversation. "Whoa! No way you ate that?!" He squeaked. The colorful beans taunted him. The fact that they stuck Sangriakit's teeth together didn't seem to faze him in the slightest. "That's so sick! Let me try," he added on excitedly.
° 。‧˚⋅˚✧。゚・° 。‧˚⋅
Fluffykit is completely unaware of her cousin’s annoyance, and her mouth twitches with approval at Lionkit’s caution. She watches with nervously-flicking ears as Ekat and Silversmoke near the object. Ekat remarks that the strange berry-scented droplets could be poisonous, and Fluffykit nods her head rapidly. “Exactly,” she mews. As much as Silversmoke frightens her, she’s partially relieved to have someone with authority around. The lead warrior diagnoses the objects as rabbit droppings, and Fluffykit’s jaw drops open. “Twolegs put rabbit droppings inside of stuff? Ugh, that’s so gross!” Her tail quivers behind her.

But to her complete and utter chagrin, Sangriakit is not phased by this information. She declares hotly that the droppings are not poop, and they’re not poisonous. Fluffykit nearly jumps out of her fur when her cousin dives in and scoops one into her mouth. “No!” She gasps, tears welling in her eyes. “Ohmygosh, what am I gonna tell Fantastream? You’re gonna die now!” She puts her paws over her eyes and lets out a wail. And what’s worse—Sangriakit has somehow convinced Radiokit to try them, too! “No, no!” She wants her mama!

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 4 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

There was a difference between kits like him and kits like Sangriakit. He'd noticed right away, as he picked the older cats' brains about certain names and what they meant. Fluffykit was fluffy. Candor apparently meant...brave, and stuff. Lionkit was an amazing, ancient warrior, but Sangriakit...? What was a Sangria? NO one seemed to know, not even the grown warriors!

He noticed this, but he did not know yet quite what it meant. The weird - named kits did weird things too, like laving camp at night - time and coming back when the sun rose. They brought weird things too, it seems, from the strange, round package Sangriakit brings with her today. An unbreakable egg, she says. " I have not even seen a breakable egg! What is it? " he asks. A look of annoyance crosses his face as Jaypaw swiftly snatches it up and sets to work. He wanted to try breaking it...

But his anger quickly shifts to utter bewilderment as out pops... a bundle of colorful pebbles! Or maybe seeds? Rabbit droppings, says Silversmoke, and Lead Warriors should be listened to... but didn't droppings smell bad? These, beneath their weirdo...twoleg...twinge... smelled good! " It cannot be mere droppings! " he asserts, perhaps more boldly than someone that doesn't even know what an "egg" is should. Sangriakit says essentially the same thing... but less cooly. Nevertheless, he nods along.

Despite this, he is completely caught off guard when this line of thought apparently leads Sangriakit to swallow them! And Radiokit as well! Candorkit is still, save for the twitch of his tail. Well... now he wants one!

Only Fluffykit's cries stop him from immediately joining in! Fluffykit kind of cries a lot, he's come to find... It's a good thing he was here! " Nooo, It's okay! Sangriakit won't die! " His eyes flit around the clearing, pondering how he could prove his claim to be true... The plan just had to involve also eating some, because... Because he really really really wanted to try them! Alongside his denmates, he laps up one of the colorful pebbles, smacking loudly. It's a bright red color. Perhaps this was an omen... red, like...the color of blood! Perhaps, he would now perish!

...But he doesn't, and " S'yummy! " he says. " Somethin' yummy wouldn't kill you! " he concludes. This is pretty much foolproof to him.

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    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.

Much like his sister the little tabby adorned a new bandana this one was a bright yellow with little chicks decorated all over. Eagerly, he bounded beside his sibling as she scooped up one of the many two-legs eggs. The tabby pauses for a moment before shrugging nonchalantly and trailing after. Stubby tail waving high and ears twitching excitedly. It was strange how everything had become bunny or egg related within the two-legs den. Even his girl had been put into a decorative fur of some type for the occasion. He didn't care too much for it and was focused more so on keeping pace. Coffeekit loved getting to visit Skyclan and rough-housing with the other kits. It was the highlight of his day when there were others to play with.

As they pushed through camp's entrance his sister practically takes off to Jaypaw. Taken aback by it the tiny tom cries out and chases after Sangriakit. "Hey wait up!" Coffeekit shoots her a petulant look but it dissolves quickly into shock as the egg only cracks. "That's not supposed to happen?" He meows matter of factly, eyes squinting as his clanmates all came to observe one by one. Unbreakable egg! Now this was something interesting. Jaypaw takes the lead and pops it open and Coffeekit anticipated the sticky gooey- huh? Several brightly colored objects fall out into the ground and the kit audibly gasps. "Whoa!" Just like Fluffykit his pelt spikes but more-so from confusion and surprise. Their nose scrunches at the idea of rabbit dropping and he shakes his head at Silversmoke. "No! Two-legs wouldn't do something like that!" He has seen other two-legs kits pick these up and play with them before.

Sure, the big oafs did some weird things but he hadn't ever seen them play with rabbit droppings before. His sister practically throws herself onto them and gobbles a weird piece as demonstration. This time laughter bubbles up from within him at the dramatic display over pebbles. The two-leg thing was now stuck to her tongue and he could only smirk. "You're all being silly!" He couldn't help but fall into giggles. Sangriakit looked utterly ridiculous with their tongue hanging out and protecting an unbreakable egg. Fluffykit 's rising wails pulls him from the mood and all Coffeekit can manage to do is sigh. Adding his own voice to Candorkit's attempt to appease his whiny cousin. "Fluffykit, she isn't gonna die. Swear!" Just as Coffeekit began to trot to the other, another of the strange bits is snatched up.

Now he needs to try it! He couldn't be outperformed by his sister and Candorkit. "Y-yeah! See!" Puffing out their cheeks he nods with a firmness and nibbles at a bright-blue one. He's hit with a bizarre sweetness and eagerness lights up his green gaze. Without a second thought he swallows the morsel. "No joke, these are pretty tash-ty!" Smacking his jowls the lad flashes a beaming smile to Fluffykit.
[penned by tasmagoric]


𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Hollykit is quick to come greet the pair of kits when they return to camp, but the prize Sangriakit carries with her is quick to draw her attention away from her denmates. Colorful and strange and unbreakable. A true mystery! And one solved far too quickly as Jaypaw snaps the egg apart, a perfect halving of the unusual object spilling bright little mirrors across the grass.

Lionkit and Fluffykit shrink away in fear - she casts a sidelong glance to her brother - but Hollykit is not one to do the same. She gathers herself up and pointedly ignores Lionkit's warning. "Don't worry, brother! Hollykit isn't scared," the kit declares, grandiosity lacing his words as he pads towards to nose at the little things. Words spill back and forth, debating the nature of the object. Poisonous, Ekat warns, with not nearly enough confidence to convince. Rabbit droppings, Silversmoke says, but they certainly don't smell the part. Sangriakit is quick to refute, taking a few in her mouth. Hollykit blinks in confusion for a moment, watching as others follow suit.

A glance to Candorkit - if he's brave enough to try, then she should be too. It's a moment before the kit, silent and wide-eyed, does the same. "Ah...! Yummy..." she murmurs softly. Coffeekit's words about twolegs linger in his mind, and the kit's head shoots up. "A trial, a test!" Something sparkles in his eyes. "Twolegs left a gift for anyone who breaks their special egg!" Yes, that must be it. He's solved the mystery. He'd like to congratulate Jaypaw, but... the allure of the sweet treats is too strong. His small head dips back down for another mouthful.

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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, four moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Relief had swept over the she-cat like a cool newleaf breeze upon Silversmoke's arrival, especially when the older warrior had spoken in agreement of her sentiment. Whether the strangely-colored objects that had spilled from the broken egg really were rabbit droppings, Ekat couldn't say — they didn't have the appearance of rabbit droppings, and they certainly didn't smell like the prey's dirt either. But then again, the colorful, strange Twoleg egg wasn't like usual bird's eggs either, and she trusted the tomcat's authority. In any case, the both of them agreed that the egg and its contents were dangerous, and Ekat had trusted for a moment that Silversmoke's command would lay the curiosity of the kits to rest. She waited for the tabby to issue directions, such as for her to find a leaf to dispose of the Twoleg objects with, and that bit of hesitation was all the kits needed.

Before the she-cat could do anything at all, Sangriakit had begun to eat one of the brightly-colored rabbit droppings. And like falling rain that begins to follow one raindrop after another, Candorkit already had one in his mouth too, and Coffeekit, and then Hollykit, too — all before Ekat can move. The midnight-furred cat lets out a startled cry witnessing the events unfold before her helpless eyes, her pelt beginning to bristle in panic. Were the kits all going to die? All while Ekat watched? "Stop that!" she shrieks, lunging forward and stomping upon the pile of strange objects. The rabbit droppings squish, sticky and unpleasant, beneath her paws, and the Twoleg egg splinters underfoot painfully. But she didn't know what else to do to stop the seemingly endless stream of kits from trying to eat the sweet-smelling droppings. Ekat looks at each of the youngsters surrounding her, her breathing quick and shallow as she meets their innocent eyes. "You need to go to the medicine den!"
*✧・゚ Radiokit insists that she let him try some of the colorful little beans, and she scoots one in his direction. Everyone should get the chance to try funny snacks like these, even if Boringsmoke thinks it’s dangerous or gross! Fluffykit starts to cry, which the cinnamon kit had expected from the start. She loves her cousin, but sometimes she can’t help but think that the calico is a bit of a crybaby. Sangriakit turns to face her cousin, a frown settling onto her muzzle. "Stop crying! I’m not gonna die!" She considers the statement only after she has said it, looking around at the other kits. Almost all of them are also tasting the funny pebbles, and they seem to mostly agree that they’re good, not yucky.

"Anyway, if I die then so will Candorkit, and Coffeekit, and Hollykit," she declares with a puffed-out chest, as though that makes the possibility of death any better. Candorkit’s protest is quickly joined by Coffeekit, both of them attesting to just how tasty the little pebbles are. Just like Coffeekit, the younger kits are happy to take bites of the squishy beans. Hollykit asserts that the egg was a trial, and the pebbles are their reward for breaking it. Hollykit is smart—she likes that!

Before anyone else can reach for one of the pebbles, Ekat screams for them to stop, and she squishes everything! She ruins it all! What the heck? The kit bares her little teeth, indignation clear in her expression. "HEY! You’re ruining-" As she shouts, she bites down upon the sticky pebble in her mouth, and she can feel something pull loose. The pebble falls from her mouth, and after a moment she understands what’s happened. "My tooth!" She yelps, going practically cross-eyed as she attempts to get a good look at the sweet-tasting pebble. Her tooth is stuck in it now, and even though it’s getting all covered in specks of dirt she thinks it looks like a pearl shining against the bright red pebble. Bright green eyes flicker up to Ekat, excitement shining in her eyes. "I do need to go to the medicine den—I’ve gotta show Fireflypaw my tooth!" Or something like that. The big fluffy tom will surely know what to do.
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