twolegplace Louder than sirens, louder than bells ❧ SkyClan dawn patrol

There's a rare air of maturity around Florabreeze as she leads the patrol, her patrol, through the streets of Twolegplace. The rising sun of dawn highlighting their shillouetes, cascading long shadows along the brick and motar walls of the alley they pass. Most patrols are simply towards the border, it's rare for one to be specifically within here. As they exit the alley and down a wayward street lined with fences both wooden and metal she turns her head to glance over at the patrol beside her. Citrine gaze flicking to her apprentice, thankfully he has stood steady throughout this trip. Then to the lanky fawn dusted pelt of Chalk, a cat she has yet to properly speak to but one she wishes to once this patrol subsides. He seems nice, friendly and well mannered, someone who she's sure she could enjoy speaking with.

Then to her daughter, a flicker of nerves ignited in her stomach at the sight of her. Things are better now, she hopes so anyways, yet there's worry about her being underneath her care within Twolegplace. Somewhere she had lost Magnoliashine before, with the threat of rogues breathing down their necks like this she's worried it will happen again. It keeps her alert, her mind sharper rather than being crowded. The barking of a nearby dog held back by their leash causes an ear to twitch "let's go this way" she declares thoughtfully as she turns down a new street. Seemingly knowing this maze of fences rather well, every so often she looks back to make sure everyone's there. Her gaze falling on Orangepath and Budpaw, a thoughtful pair, she had nothing but kind words both for her previous leader and for her friend's daughter. The former of the pair may be surprising, truly it's because technically there isn't any rules against it, if this was so bad why hadn't StarClan said they couldn't?

She's more than her title, at least to Florabreeze. Part of her wonders if Orangepath might be more or less inclined to climb trees after stray party favours now that they're both warriors. Her thoughts are diverted at the sound of a cats meow, surly and full of bravado. The fur on the back of her neck raise and her head whips towards the source of the tone, squinting at the tom to assess just how much of a threat he is. "Your tef?" She attempts to hide the amusement from her tone. "Just exactly which part of this is your terf? So we can avoid it of course" it's a test of sorts, mainly to see how large his ego is but to keep him talking enough to ascertain if he was a rogue or a kittypet.


    Prompt: a territorial kittypet warns the daylight warrior's of the patrol (flora) to stay off his 'terf'
  • WvPXcWf.png
    FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 42 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Daffodilpaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}

Budpaw's first time in the twolegplace since her infancy. In the back of her mind she knows this to be her place of origin — Dawnglare's place of origin as well. The seal point apprentice tries to keep the sorrows of his loss returning to her memories, willing them to remain housed in her heart until she can see her friend once more in Starclan. Perhaps… she would also see her birth mother? Being in this place, in the labyrinth of pavement and fences, causes her to think about her true parents for the first time in her life. Budpaw cannot claim to miss those she never knew, but deep down she wonders what they were like… if they would have loved the warrior she was growing up to become.

Large ears swivel at the cacophony of dog barks and angle backwards ever so slightly. She once told Fluffypaw she would fight a dog but hearing one so close… her belly clenches with uncertainty and she finds herself drifting ever closer to Orangepath's side. Fortunately Florabreeze diverts the patrol's path and all seems well and good until a gruff voice interrupts their travels.

Wide sapphire gaze locks onto the burly tom and Budpaw's pelt prickles with a new wave of uncertainty. They outnumber him so a fight should not be of concern should it escalate into that… but the apprentice has to hope and trust that Florabreeze knows what she is doing.
[ penned by kerms ]