love, brain, heart, control || vult


The medicine den is empty now but for the two of them, everyone else cleared out so that Vulturemask could focus. It was a hard-earned solitude, Shadowpaw and Wolfsong hesitant to leave Sunflowerpaw's side, but now the den was quiet. The tension of injury hung heavy in the air, mixing nauseatingly with the smell of barely-dried blood.

Sunflowerpaw blinks open bleary eyes. The adrenaline has faded now, leaving in its wake a bone-deep exhaustion and a thrumming pain. Their paw remains twisted unnaturally, blood matting fur and cobwebs alike, a grisly scene at odds with the apprentice's delicate appearance. They may have passed out for a bit, on the way back, though they can't be sure. Everything since their paw was freed is a blur.

Vulturemask was acting so strangely, when they were held in the beast's jaws. He wouldn't even look them in the eyes. They glance up at him, sheepish.

They're barely aware of their own paw, a strange locus of searing pain like they've never felt before. It feels foreign to them; they try not to look at it. Carefully, Sunflowerpaw lifts their leg towards Vulturemask so he can inspect it. He'll know what to do.


  • // @VULTUREMASK aftermath of this thread
    injuries: mild lacerations and dislocation of left front paw​
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled121_20230316165404.png

That was wrong. He in fact didn't know what to do!. On the inside he was panicing right now feeling terrified because what if he couldn't fix this?. What future would Sunflowerpaw have in this clan if they never could use their paw again if they couldn't learn to hunt on three legs...Speed was everything on the moors to be able to run. That was all he could think about, that and why to begin with Sunflowerpaw had been out there. All of this he hide behind a mask of stone. Vulturemask had been trying to keep himself calm but the longer time past the more difficult it become to him.

They where alone now, just the two of them. Vulturemask hadn't even spoken one word to them keeping himself busy so he wouldn't fall apart. Now was not the time. He had to focus Sunflowerpaw's future depanded on it.

The medicine cat had gathered everything he had on the selves absolutely everything as he come to place them in front of himself to stare down at them all while his eyes drifted between all of them trying to remember every little thing he knew about them!. If he had missed something...if there was anything Dandelionwish had told him about how to heal a broken leg!. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He was none the wiser when he had been when Tigerfrost had twisted his paw. Nothing new.

In defeat Vulturemask would grap what he knew he could treat the paw with as he got himself closer to their patient, to their sibling. Once again he didn't look at them as he started to treat their paw. Cleaning it first with cobwebs and moss before moving on to smear marigold and goldenrod on the newly cleaned fresh wound to help it heal and keep infection away. Once he was done would turn himself around to bite off some of a dandelion flowers leaves before turning back and offered them over to the apprentice. " Eat them. It's to help with the...pain..." he almost looked devastated when he said the last word still unable to look directly at them. It pained him to see them like this..why had they decided to leave camp on their own to begin with?. Who was to blame for Sunflowerpaw doing something like this?.

He wanted someone to take responsibility for this...



Sunflowerpaw does very little as Vulturemask busied himself in searching the medicine den (trying to figure out something, anything that could fix this). He still won't meet their eyes, but they're too exhausted to figure out why, head a haze of distant pain and fading adrenaline. They remain with paw held aloft (and slightly shaking), blinking tired eyes up at the medicine cat.

When he begins to treat their paw, it is with a delicate care afforded to few other cats, despite his lack of expertise on the matter. Still, they cannot help but wince at the touch. Cobwebs and moss, marigold and goldenrod. They know their names, but not their uses. Another time, perhaps they would be interested to see Vulturemask work, but now they just want him to take the pain away, to bring things back to how they were. The dandelion leaves are next, offered up to them rather than smeared across their paw.

He speaks then, first simple instructions with the same clinical detachment he's been treating them with all morning (the same stone-cold veneer of calm). But as he speaks, his words turn brittle and break apart, devastation clawing its way into his words, onto his face. He stares at the ground, and their sluggish mind is only now beginning to figure out why. Vulturemask's face crumples, a pain in his eyes as sharp as the burn of their wound.

They hesitate. No, this is wrong. Vulturemask is supposed to be strong, supposed to know what to do, supposed to keep them safe. So why...?

Why does he look so sad?

Panicked guilt creeps into Sunflowerpaw's chest, their certainty in their half-brother's abilities cracking under the weight of his expression, his words so laced with despair as to be infectious. He can fix this, right? Of course he can, of course he can, he's the medicine cat, and he's always been there to look out for them when something went wrong. They find themself almost wanting to reassure him, even as doubt settles itself in their mind.

But they have no words for it. They're not sure what they could say, if they were even able to get any out. So they lean down, and they eat the dandelion leaves, and they too keep their eyes averted.


  • //
  • SUNFLOWERPAW named by their half-brother vulturemask after his friend and mentor.
    — they/them, 4 moons. semiverbal.
    — windclan apprentice, mentored by wolfsong.
    — reserved yet loyal, distrusts most.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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