private LOVE, DEATH, AND ROBOTS | flora

"... Is there a reason why you're following me around like you're a blind puppy and I have fresh-kill plastered to my ass?" Keen ears noticed the daylight warrior tailing her like a dogged shadow, and perhaps she had attempted to mask her movements, but any good warrior knew when they were being pursued far before the pursuer knew. It did not help that he had just stepped out of the bounds of camp and away from the continual babble of his clanmates, and thus he could hear the world as it is, in all its mayhem and mishaps. Mismatched eyes swam as Chrysaliswing surveyed the other, regarding her with suspicion that lie plain upon a half-toned face, as though his prejudice preceded his word and his anger adumbrated his poisons. Wispy tail swished before him, almost in serpentine motion, though no adder nor python moved in such a lashing and ungraceful way. He had been planning to take some time to hunt for Skyclan on his own, but it seemed that every single kittypet was hellbent on annoying the actual hell out of him. He regarded her as Flora and had seen her hanging out with Honeysplash a non-zero amount of times, sending a silhouette of a sneer upon the corners of his already-creased maw. What do you want from me? I'm not as nice as Honeysplash, despite what she might have told you. "Make it quick. Unlike you, I work hard in order for my clan to be able to eat."

  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

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Chrysaliswing had been a cat of interest for a while now for Flora. She would hear about him quite a bit from Honeysplash and what friend would she be if she didn't get to know her friend's friend? romantic interest? other? She wasn't exactly sure what the two were to one another, it was filed under possible romance in her head but she was willing to concede if she was wrong. Which she was sure she wasn’t. Regardless of who he was in her life, who would Flora be if she didn't at least introduce herself and say hi. Call it stupidity, call it curiosity, or some third thing that she wasn’t sure about, she just wanted to get to know him. She was hopeful that it may help her give better future advice to her friend in the end, that wouldn’t happen if she didn’t at least say hi.

“Ah, was I really that loud?” She asked, stepping around from the tree line she had been walking beside. She wasn't overly trying to be suspicious, making sure to step on an occasional twig or dry leaf just so she wouldn't set him on edge by appearing without speaking. Flora had noticed the chimaera walking around alone and she figured that it would be perfect timing for herself to act on that plan to befriend him- or at least be friendly acquaintances. The maine coon took the lack of being directly told to leave as a silent invitation to wander closer to him, big fluffy tail bobbing with her as she walked. She stopped a few paces before she would actually reach him, a large grin full of teeth gracing her features.

“Oh! You’re hunting?” Green eyes narrowed in contemplation as she thought about where to go from here “I’ll join you!” It wasn’t phrased like a question, she figured that it would be best to not give him any room to try and say no. “Not to brag buuut I’ve been getting pretty good at hunting lately! Sorrelsong showed me how to hunt from the trees recently” she giggled to herself at the idea, she was still warming up to the skill but it was a start. The daylight warrior thought this was a great way for them to potentially bond, plus it wouldn’t hinder her current capabilities or anything like that. If anything this could help her improve, she found that she was still new with it and maybe the pressure of trying to impress someone would fix that? “This way I can ‘work hard’ for the clan right? You’d catch more if you have someone to hunt with. ‘Sides, you have waaay more experience than I do, it wouldn’t hurt to see how a skilled warrior does it!” She meowed with a playful lilt to her tone as she trotted to be a few steps in front of him, waiting in the direction that he was originally seeming to walk towards.

A glowing scowl slowly crawled onto Chrysaliswing's face as Flora made herself quite apparent, as though any sparkle of short-lived joy now seeped from his paws into his ground, if any sunshine could be borne and live within the crevices of his angular countenance. What was it with outsiders thinking that he would want to humor and handle them? Was it his chipper demeanor or his friendly face that clued them in? "Yes. You were quite loud. I'm surprised you didn't wake up the whole forest and send them panicking with your stupid little walk." Vitriolic intonation, drawling like a leaf adust in the harsh summer sun, sounded as he caught her rather unnerving toothy smile. Is she... trying to befriend me? Who smiles like that? The half-toned tom did not meet her own ivory grin with one of his own design, as beams from him came far and few in between. Mettlesome as Flora seemed to be, the chimaera had little intent in allowing a former kittypet to sully his precious alone time, and a feathery tail lashed in response to her bubbling joy. All he wanted was some free hours to himself, and Skyclan couldn't even afford him that.

"I don't hunt with kittypets. I doubt you even know how to crouch correctly, let alone pounce and kill your prey." A growl rumbled from satin throat, igneous and incendiary as he always was, as though a great fire brewed and howled within his gut. Long whiskers twitched as he stayed his tongue, disallowing any more flames to be flung from his face. After all, he remembered Orangestar's words in acute, painful detail. They rang in his head like a pealing cry, echoing through him whenever he felt himself getting a little too mean for the leader's standards. Flora trotted in front of him, though he simply continued on his straight-line path through the pines, lurid eyes aglow in brimstone derision. Maybe the Maine coon would leave him alone if he simply ignored her long enough, and the fulgid-brushed tom walked farther into the undergrowth. Luckily, the big-footed molly had not scared away all of the prey in the woodlands, and he sniffed around as if to glean any particular scent trail to tail.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 23 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


Stupid little walk? Flora had half a mind to be upset over that remark but if anything she was curious about what her walk actually looked like. Maybe she had an off balance gait? She did like to have a little bounce in her step, maybe that gave her that potential off balance in her appearance. The maine wondered what she may actually look like to an outside perspective. She decided to shelve the outer body experience thoughts, making a note to ask around camp what they thought her walk looked like.

The daylight warrior had a goal and her stubborn mind would not be so easily cast aside by harsh words. She tilted her head to the side at his remark about her not being able to pounce and kill her prey. What made him think that? She had been told that she was doing well. Of course, Sorrelsong may have a bias since she's shadowing her but her word counted to Flora. “Good thing I'm a daylight warrior and not a kittypet then” she teased with a flick of her tail, words came easy to her. If Chrysaliswing thought that he was going to scare her off with blunt phrasing then he would be sorely mistaken. A social dance, even one that was starting off as negative as this was always going to be something Flora flourished in.

“I know how to do all three of those things, I can show you.” She insisted, not budging on her argument for being allowed to not only stay, but to accompany the tom. While she had moved ahead she did find herself stopping to make sure he hadn't decided to turn the other direction, it would be a little petty but who knows maybe he's petty! The maine coon stops and falls to step beside him, keeping a respectable bubble between them because she had an inkling that he may not be as receptive to her lack of personal space as other cats had been.

She watches Chrysaliswing with curiosity, pausing before mirroring his actions in an attempt to find any particular scent. This was also a great learning opportunity right? This could always improve her hunting, even if vocally she was insisting she was perfectly fine as is. “Do you hunt alone often?” she found herself asking in a low whisper, trying her best to not scare off any lingering prey.


Daylight warrior, kittypet, what's the difference? Both of you submit to your Twolegs and turn tail as soon as times get marginally hard. One of you just has the gall to pretend you're a cat of the forest.

Whatever scowl had been present on Chrysaliswing's face only unfurled further, like a lour besieged all aspects of his countenance, as easy as rainwater filled into the cracks and wrinkles of the world. Had he not given enough signs that he wanted to be left the hell alone? He swore any cat raised by Twolegs must have had their social consciousnesses sapped out by their strange masters. Or, perhaps the other gleaned a sense of sick smugness from messing with him, like she wanted to keep poking the hornet's nest and dodging their needled wrath. Flora kept pace with him like she tailed the ever-constant phases of the wistful moon, pitch shadow of the waxing crescent that never allowed the light to stray too far. Unlike the moon, he held less grace for the gloom that clung to him like a persistent, dogged burr. No matter what he did to try to lose her had resulted in utter failure, so the half-tone tom decided to humor the self-proclaimed daylight warrior, though brimstone garden of his frame had never bloomed nor smiled in verdancy. As they wove through the forest, he continued his brisk amble through the pines.

"Yes. I try not to hunt with irritating chatterboxes, at the very least." He muttered in response to Flora's murmur, though his acerbic tone took little caution in making itself quiet at the behest of their hunt, for the biting salt of his words were too great to pay heed to his proclaimed hunt. "Go ahead and show me, if that will get you off my tail any quicker. Be careful not to scare off all the prey for the reason." The chimaeric-coated cat stopped in his tracks, tail whipping and lashing behind him, in the manner of a glowering serpent. Mismatched gaze met the thick coat of the other, and wondered how she would fare amongst the trees that scratched at the sky and the knolls that dragged one to the earth. She appeared more as a Riverclan or Thunderclan cat, to his skewed judgment at least. He wanted to see how Flora purported herself, how she straggled along the scent trails and the satisfaction Chrysaliswing would lap up. It was payback for her perceived attack upon him, a sort of mental dance that he navigated with clumsy paws, tripping and stumbling upon every encounter.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 24 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


Keeping her pace to match Chrysaliswing was a feat in itself, she wasn’t clueless nor naive, knowing that the fast pace was rather intentional. At least, she assumed that she knew that this was an intentional choice. “Mm that’s fair, don’t you get bored hunting all by yourself?” she tilted her head, green eyes piercing through the body that harboured so much resentment. Like she was trying to dissect him to the soul, to figure out the root course. Flora had a penchant for insight, looking to understand someone holistically, no matter what the stance on their relationship was. A cat could be someone she despised and she would still try to take the time to try and get to know them.

Not to say Chrysaliswing was that kind of cat. She was merely curious is all, not yet understanding the true brunt of what happens when she prods too far. “Thrill of the hunt and all that. It shouldn’t keep you bored, I know that. But what if it’s a slow day?” she pondered outloud. If he hunted in solitude often then clearly it mustn't be boring to him, yet she was still going to ask all the same. Those eyes that viewed him under careful scrutiny widened in surprise, oh he actually relented? That killed the fun of the attempt but she wasn’t going to bite the hand that feeds.

“If they didn’t get scared off by your voice then I’ll be fine”
she teased with a wry toothy grin. Paws to the ground she wanted to try her best, she was under his scrutiny now and she wanted to impress. Sorrelsong’s hunting techniques had varied but Flora had a penchant for the trees, surprising herself. Brushing against a tree as she tried to catch a scent in the air. At first she couldn’t sense anything, worry briefly seeped into her as she thought that would be some kind of divine joke. The idea of looking like a fool right now didn’t seem entirely funny to the maine coon. Her nose stuck up as she noticed the scent of a squirrel nearby, relief washing over her like a tidal wave. Okay, there’s still some hope here. She followed that until she was able to discern that it was coming from a tree to her right, this process may of been handled a lot more efficiently when in the paws of a seasoned warrior but she was counting her winnings.

Narrowing her eyes she squinted at the tree next to the one where her potential catch was. Some branches were close enough in distance where she could safely cross to the opposing tree and hopefully catch something. The molly pounced from her spot on the ground onto the bark of the tree, learning how to position herself now so that it didn’t cause any strain from effort. The grace of climbing was still sorely lacking but she had a quiet efficiency for the skill compared to when she was first taught it, climbing onto a nearby branch she perched on. Briefly breaking concentration to look towards Chrysaliswing, making sure this wasn’t some ploy for him to just turn around and leave her here.

She turned her attention back towards the squirrel, sniffing to make sure the scent was still at its strongest point here. Thankfully the scent still lingered, she hadn’t managed to scare it off just yet. Crouching on the branch she readjusted herself, then backing up slightly she jumped onto the branch of the tree next to her. The scurry of movement turned her head down, the squirrel had climbed down onto a lower branch, she grimaced at the thought. Flora could climb up fine yet jumping down was still a hassle, she wasn’t going to back down now, not while she had something to prove. Holding her breath in anticipation she jumped down onto the branch that the squirrel had run to, narrowly catching its tail in her paws. Holding it down before nipping at its tiny throat, the flesh giving way to her sharp teeth well enough. Turns out there was another one next to her, that one had escaped her grasp as her attention was not solely dedicated to it. Flora still beamed in pride over the fact that she had managed to catch something at all!

// rolled to see how well her hunt attempt went and I got a 16! I figured that would be a generally successful attempt, she managed to catch one squirrel but another escaped.


"No." Chrysaliswing grumbled as the mere thought of Flora hovering around him seemed to brand annoyance into his flesh, like she were a jangling bell in front of a raging bull - knowing her, that was likely the intent of the daylight warrior. She upturned her muzzle, walking around with that stupidly jaunty gait, and the parade of airiness that the Maine coon kept about her pelage was almost enough for Chrys to want to strike at her. There were quite a few cats that loved to get under his skin, and found it quite amusing when he would lash out, akin to hitting a cornered beast and seeing how pitiful hackles rose and ivory fangs brandished. As she flashed him a toothed, wry grin, he only met her face with a drab half-toned scowl of his own, as though the muscles meant for him to smile always sored and drooped downwards. What was there to grin about in this situation, with an irritating, oversized bug blaring loudly in his ear? He only watched with a misfitted gaze of consternation, as if coals for eyes were always set aflame, and they threatened to swallow up anyone that got close. Often did the foolhardy get the opposite of what they decreed, for irony found its humors in witticisms and twists - of which had been less than kindly to the chimaeric warrior.

Flora crouched and the tortoiseshell-colored tomcat noted that it was quite refined for what he would have expected from kittypet-blood frame, weaving from outstretched bough to bough, with fervid features following her every move. She must have hounded some poor warrior for training, somehow. Still, the way she calculated her next jumps and the distance from one branch to another was not the makings of an oafish, bumbling housepet. He huffed. Before he knew it, she deftly bit at the paper-thin throat of the squirrel. Though the maneuver of a quick kill did impress him somewhat, caustic tongue did not belie his marbled exterior. It would take a miracle for him to voice anything but acerbic distaste, flitting from his mouth like it was vinegar and rot, to envenom the ground he trailed upon. "Oh, good for you. Even a young apprentice can kill a squirrel." Sarcasm dripped from his toothed maw, tone as torrid as a misgiving summer's day, of which the heat sapped any semblance and sanctity of water. "Are you done showing off your skills now? Can I go? Or should I wait for an encore?" At least she was providing for the clan with this.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 24 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.