private Love From The Other Side // Starlightpaw

Loathed as they are to admit it, Aspenhaze has been avoiding Cicadastar and Smokestar’s kits for far too long. Trapped in their own little world as they suffered through sickness and loss, they haven’t made much time to interact with anyone, let alone such esteemed apprentices. They aren’t entirely sure why they feel so up to the task today, but they have their eye on one in particular. It’s time to be cordial, something they would do well to practice more.

When Starlightpaw is not busy with apprentice duties, they ask if they can speak to him, grin replaced with a friendly smile. They truly do not want to intimate the young one, but something tells them that she probably doesn’t mind that much. They were both mysterious in their own ways, and Aspenhaze can appreciate that, being that they’re still so young. It took them awhile to reach that point.

“I do hope I’m not overstepping,” they politely start off with. “I was just curious about your wellbeing. I know things have been… hectic, as of late.” The understatement of a thousand moons. “As well, curious about how Petalnose is treating you. She is my mate, so I know I can be biased, but I do hope she is being the kind of mentor you can find solace in.” She might be the most headstrong cat that Aspenhaze knows, but she means well. Hopefully, Starlightpaw sees that too.​