LOVE IN THE REFLECTIVE AGE \ awkward encounter

fernpaw has discovered that with his growth spurt, several npc apprentices have begun crushing on him. how does he react when they confess?

Fernpaw might have been a little dim, but he was not an idiot. Typical of himself and his tireless efforts to be useful, the sunset-pelted tom had settled down in order to attempt to practice his woeful nest-weaving. Mistpaw and Leafpaw had been sat nearby, whispering- giggling, and he swore they kept looking at him. The moment he lifted his attention to look in their direction, though, they huddled back together and hid their faces from him. He'd been shrugging it off every time it happened, but it did keep happening...

Then- out of the corner of his eye he noticed Leafpaw push Mistpaw forward, and- then, then, she was on her way over to him. There was an odd expression on her face- a grin, twinged with a hint of nervousness. She stopped, plopping herself down next to him and curling her feathery tail around her paws. "Uh, what'cha doing...?" Her voice sounded... deeply uncertain. Why be uncertain about a question?

"Weaving a nest. Well, trying to. It's not going very well," he chuckled, motioning to the mangled pile of muss in front of him. Mistpaw let out a laugh that was a little too much than his small joke had elicited. "What's wrong?" Fernpaw caught the way she swallowed- the strange to-and-fro flicker of her pupils.

"Umm..." The blue tabby hesitated, looking away from him once again. "Leafpaw- he, he told me I should tell you, so I'm gonna! I, uh, I like you, Fernpaw."

"I like you too, Mistpaw," he said affirmatively, though there was a thick layer of confusion in his voice. Mistpaw seemed to catch on to his bafflement, letting free an exasperated sigh.

"No- I like you. Like- like you." Her paw circled in a vague motion, and Fernpaw's face fell quite obviously when he figured out what she meant.

"Oh." It was an unceremonious reaction, and one he quickly back-pedalled. "I mean- wow, I'm- I'm super flattered, Mistpaw. But, um- I think we should just stay friends." Fernpaw's ribs felt like they were going to turn inside-out, he felt so awkward; and if he felt that bad, he couldn't imagine what it was like to be on the receiving end of such a clumsy rejection! Guilt tore in his gut like claws as her ears lay flat, and her pupils darted to the ground. In his periphery he noticed her paws kneading at the ground.

"Oh, well- that's ok! It's fine. Sorry."

"Don't- don't be sorry," and there was that resounding confusion again. But she murmured her hurried farewell then, turning tail and striding back over to Leafpaw, the two of them soon disappearing into a den. Fernpaw's face was contorted into a very obvious grimace of embarrassment- Stars, that was... less than graceful. Possibly worse than last time. And he could barely believe there had even been a last time.

If Fernpaw had smashed his face into his half-finished nest any harder, he might have broken his nose.
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Iciclefang may not have noticed Catfishpaw's admiring gaze, but she can see Mistpaw and Leafpaw giggling over her brother just as well as any cat. The tortoiseshell can't help but watch with amusement as one of them inches closer to Fernpaw, pressing close, confessing her feelings --

And then Fernpaw pushes her away. Emotionally, anyway. Iciclefang's amusement quickly turns into sympathy for the young she-cat; her expression of embarrassment is almost unbearable to look at. She watches both young she-cats stumble away, and she swiftly goes to take her place beside her clueless littermate.

"I never thought I'd see the day where you're breaking hearts," she says. She watches poor Mistpaw pad away, and murmurs thoughtfully, "Not into cats like her, I'm guessing?"

He watches the shy confession and awkward rejection play out between the apprentices with solemn eyes. She is very brave to confess to him, and in public no less. Fernpaw, likewise, has to be brave to turn her down; for some, it may be easy to weigh others' emotions as lesser, but Fernpaw is a kind boy and it is clearly difficult for him. Murkblossom is not so worried about the longevity of the hurt; they both have bright lives ahead of them, memories that will outweigh this one, but that is no reason to simply leave them be. It is support from their clanmates that will best ensure emotional recovery.

Mistpaw is led away by her friend, and Murkblossom seeks out Fernpaw. His sister is there first, naturally.

With a gentle paw, he pats the apprentice's back, but remains silent, deferring to Iciclefang.
In every situation you give me peace
It was almost painful to watch the situation unfold. Sablepaw felt sympathy for both parties involved as one walked away crushed and defeated while the other stood dazed and confused. A delicate frown spreads across her maw as she draws closer to where Fernpaw and the others sat. "I-I'm sure she will be okay after some time to herself." She murmurs softly while taking a seat upon the ground, tail coming to rest upon her paws. She certainly did not envy Fernpaw's position though, she felt bad enough just watching it happen. Her ear flicks at Iciclefang's comment and gives a ghost of a smile in the direction of the flustered apprentice. "I am you have a type, Fernpaw?" Sablepaw inquires, smile growing a fraction wider.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

Lifting his head to spot his sister's approach made him want to melt even more. He should have expected it, shrewd as she was- but why did she have to be listening? "Me neither!" he exclaimed, tone permeated with the awkwardness he felt. It might be amusing if it didn't make him feel so awful- and Murkblossom seemed to catch on to the nagging guilt that was pecking away at him. At the warrior's comforting touch, Fernpaw set thankful eyes upon him, blinking in gratitude. It was hard to feel better, though. And was it selfish to feel quite so bad? She was probably a lot more embarrassed than him.

"I'm- I guess not. I dunno. She's nice, but..." It was a half-hearted answer to Iciclefang's question, entirely unspecific and yet still the best he could give. Sablepaw's small encouragement made him feel better for a moment- that she'd feel better eventually- but her immediate next question only served to fluster him even more.

Fernpaw's ears lay flat against his skull, eyes flaring wide. Was that something he was meant to know the answer to? "I- don't think so. I dunno!" And back into the muffling mass of his half-constructed nest did his face fall again, the apprentice fervently wishing the ground would swallow him up.
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The scene set before him is odd and awkward - a confession turned into rejection. Gillsight's just glad he wasn't the one who had to experience it, that he didn't have someone else's feelings thrown at him out of the blue, that he didn't have to stammer out an apology in return.

The young warrior watches as the dejected Mistpaw is led away by Leafpaw, dark ears twitching as he hears Iciclefang console her brother. Flustered and panicked, the ginger tabby sounds, and Gillsight knows he would be the same in his place. Thank the stars, no one has come forth to the black and white tom with the same proposition.

"S-She'll move o-on by the next m-moon," he chimes in, an effort to further console Fernpaw. He doesn't know how helpful this is, but, there must be some comfort in knowing such for the ruffled, wide-eyed boy. After all, if he just wanted to stay friends with Mistpaw, wouldn't Fernpaw be glad - relieved, even - for her to move on to someone else?

Questions of Fernpaw's type are brought up, and that only seems to make things worse. A type, was that something that was supposed to be known by now? Gillsight barely knew his own, but then again, he tries not to think on the topic of love much. He's seen what can happen, what can be lost. He'd rather not think about it, but knows he wouldn't want to be pressed on this either.

"I-I don't think you h-have to know," Gillsight offers, though as Fernpaw buries his face into the nest before him, he's unsure if the orange tom wants the nicety. Perhaps not, with everything else that'd gone on.
In every situation you give me peace
A soft chuckle causes her shoulders to bounce in response to Fernpaw's flustered reaction, periwinkle eyes full of mirth. Her ivory striped tail brushes alongside his shoulder once in an attempted act of comfort before pulling back to her own paws. "No, no of course he doesn't have to. I was just curious, that's all." She murmurs softly in Gillsight's direction. Although it was clear to her Mistpaw certainly was not Fernpaw's type. "I have an idea of my own preferences." Sablepaw's plumed tail curls in delightful fashion, ears burning as she visualizes the "perfect tom" for her one day, all tall dark and handsome. A wistful sigh flutters past her lips as she looks around the circle. "Besides Fernpaw, has anyone tried confessing anything to you guys?" The dual toned apprentice asks with genuine interest.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead