camp LOVE IS MAGIC \ clear night

Mar 15, 2024

She had never seen it so close, so clear.

The night was cool, but not biting- Thundergleam could sit in the dark with great ease. The moon was kinder to her than the sun- as mighty and beautiful as it was, the day's star often showed no mercy to her sensitive skin. The stars, though, she could face with reverence- and she did, eyes rosy with adoration. She had never seen Silverpelt dressed so beautiful- day after day, she was more and more grateful that she had at last been called to ThunderClan. She was finally here... kept under the kindness of Howlingstar, proving herself as a cat they could trust.

Porcelain features were curved with the downiest of smiles. Feather-soft, the slightest curve... she took a deep breath of this blessed night, feeling breath sprawl through her like crawling ivy, rolling through every inch of muscle and relaxing her. Breathing was easier here- the air was clearer, and her destiny did not feel like such a heavy weight. Someone wandered close, and Thundergleam's gaze did not leave the sweep of sequins that made up Silverpelt. "How I do love it when StarClan smiles like this," she murmured, a petal-soft purr.
penned by pin ☾
*+:。.。 Thundergleam was a very pretty cat. With white fur that practically glowed in the moonlight coupled with eyes that shined with the velvety texture of a rose petal. If any cat could prove that Starclan was real - that they could come down to earth and bless the cats of the clans with their presence, it would be Thundergleam. Wrathkit wondered, navy blue eyes round and wide, if that's exactly who Thundegleam was. If his clan was somehow lucky enough to have their own star cat or if other clans had their own Thundegleams, too!
Wrathkit approached curiously, tempted to ask his odd question aloud when the woman spoke. Jumping back for a moment, he looked between her, and then to the sky above. Wrathkit's eyes couldn't blow themselves wider, yet here he was, peering as best he could at every individual twinkle in the sky. Finally, he mewed disappointedly, "I don't see anyone" Nope, not a single smile, just a bunch of dots. But that only made Wrathkit's awe shine brighter as he looked back at Thundergleam. "Can...can you see Starclan cats?" he asks with a gasp.

    DMAB— He/Him
    5 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovepaw, Joypaw, Gigglepaw
    Thunderclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #191961
    injuries: None currently
⊱⊰ Hopekit knows better than to leave his nest at night. If Roeflame notices him missing, he’ll probably get a scolding for being foolish and leaving the nursery so late at night. But after napping all day, the kit just isn’t tired! And why would he try to sleep when he isn’t tired, especially when someone else is still awake in camp? The little lilac tom yawns as he makes his way over to where Thundergleam’s form sits silhouetted in stark white against the dark sky. Bright, glittering dots shine down upon them—How I love it when StarClan smiles, she says. Hopekit settles onto his haunches beside the she-cat, a small frown set upon his tiny muzzle.

The other kit states that he can’t see anything, and Hopekit shoots him an unimpressed glance. Then he asks if Thundergleam is able to see the cats in the stars. "Of course she can’t, mousebrain." His grumbled protest comes out quiet, his voice low in the night air. But still, he is curious whether she can see cats who have joined StarClan. If so, can she see Batwing and Leopardtongue? Can she actually talk to them, too? Turning to face the white-furred warrior, the boy asks, "Are my mom and dad smiling?"

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    HOPEKIT ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan kit
    skinny, thick-furred lilac tom with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    son of batwing and leopardtongue ; brother to bravepaw, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore

Copperfang often finds himself lingering outside of the warrior's den on clear nights, watching the stars dot the sky above - their shimmering a sign that their ancestors were there, looking down upon them, watching. It was a pleasant feeling, a comforting thought to know that those lost were still present, still part of their lives despite their absence on the ground. But surely in the heavens where StarClan existed, there was gleaming grass sparkled with stardust, and more prey than the cats who remained among the living had ever seen. When Thundergleam speaks, he murmurs quietly in agreement, head still tilted back with his gaze cast skyward.

His voice is soft when he speaks to the kits, tilting his head back towards them. "I believe she means she likes it when there are many stars visible," the ruddy-furred tom glances at the white she-cat, then back to the kits, "the little twinkling dots that you see, the stars - each one is a member of StarClan. They are always looking down on us, watching us, even on nights where it does not seem there are many stars visible. I'm sure they are smiling down at you, Hopekit."

❝ it's gonna hurt for a bit of time ❞

Lightflower still had nights she couldn't sleep. Her guilt laid heavy in her chest. Tossing and turning in her nest was only going to disturb those around her, she decided. She stood gently, stepping around the sleeping forms of her clanmates. She stepped out into the cool night air, allowing it to curl around her in tendrils, soothing her anxiety. With her mind busy and burdened, she almost didn't notice those admiring the stars. She merely caught the end of Copperfang's speech, but the smile that formed on her maw was genuine. "Exactly, like Copperfang said," she purred, nodding to the elder warrior. "They're super far away for us, but they can see us well."

"what's starclan?"

he's been here just long enough to hear them being talked about, but he still doesn't quite understand who or what they are? he makes his way over to the others, blinking a few good times as he walks over, looking up at the stars and tripping with a loud oof!. he rubs the top of his muzzle with a laugh before standing up, shaking his pelt out. he's okay! he has always just been a bit more clumsy with such big paws! his mama always said its just because his body can't quite contain all of his energy just yet and he would grow up to be very steady! he has no reason never to not believe her.

"do you think my mom can see the stars, too? she always did like like the stars, and she tells me all the time that the stars help her know where to go!"

he doesn't know how that works but he would have to ask her when she comes to get him. it was only a matter of time, right? he wasn't going to stay here for very long without his mom. maybe howlingstar would be nice enough to let her stay too! that was a nice thought. he missed his mom. she had to be worried about him, too.


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Sleep was never something easy for Gentletstorm to obtain most nights and he preferred to slip out from his den to cast his gaze to the stars. He finds that a few of his clanmates had the same idea but there's slight surprise in his expression when he sees that Hopekit is up, his eyes focused on the ghostly pelt of Thundergleam for a brief moment. A small smile on his maw as he approaches the group only to settle down beside Copperfang and his kin, he offers the chocolate tom a small nudge of the shoulder in silent greeting and caught onto what was said. At Hopekit's question of his parents smiling down at him causes a small ache in his chest but he lifts a snowy paw to the sky and points at one of the stars that seem a little bit brighter than the others "There. There's Batwing," He pauses for a heartbeat to allow his kin to look to where he points before continuing, "And right next to him is Leopardtongue."

When Orangekit asks what Starclan is it causes the healer to turn his warm gaze to the vibrant kitten and he answers "Starclan are those who guide us and our lost loved ones. They rest up in Silverpelt with lush starlit landscapes and endless hunting. It's peaceful." He tries explaining to his best ability and pauses when the tabbied kit mentions his mama again recalling how Orangekit had been covered in said mother's blood, Gentlestorm takes a moment more before nodding "I'm sure that she can."


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿✿❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ✿✿✿❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
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    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    55 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed mate of little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed
    "speech", thoughts, attacking

Limpid was the clear night, as the lurid moonlight draped along the ends of weary shoulders and angled faces, as the freckled clouds bowed and hid away. Any clarity to the sky was a blessing to the man who had spent so long worshipping the sun and all the strings it dragged along. These days, any sort of silence was a blessing from the humdrum and discord of Thunderclan. "I bet the stars are so fun to hang out in. Your parents are probably havin' the time of their lives up there. They can jump from cloud to cloud and eat birds that stray too high up." Campionsong's easy voice sounded through the serenity of quietude, trenchant gaze pensive yet inundated with the sparks of a sprightly life. Whiskers twitched as cold air nipped at his face, breathing out the brisk, slight breeze of springtide. The silver classic tabby sat a little ways from Thundergleam, noting how alabaster pelage shimmered in the rays of night, like she had been taken from a pocket of the round, innocuous moon itself. Verdant gaze then rested upon Hopekit and Orangekit, of whose eyes could not discern what lie betwixt the little dots upon the impossibly vast empyrean. He remembered being so young, so many many moons ago. To be aimless was to live, he had figured after years of living. Now, he had found a home within the straddling embrace of the oak forest - what he wouldn't give to have the freedom of adrift footfall once more.

The chocolate tom is not at all surprised to see Gentlestorm awake - and a passing thought goes by that the feeling may be mutual. Still, he's pleased when the medicine cat joins them, returning the gentle nudge in response, giving him a warm, quick closed-eyed smile before he opens his eyes again to follow where he points. The stars were truly beautiful on nights so clear - he enjoyed watching them, enjoyed their presence that made things seem a little easier, a little more peaceful. Their countless number cast a blanket across the sky, an infinite number of cats both ancient and young, those having ascended to the heavens far too soon along with those who had been lucky enough to live life to its full extent. His own parents were among them, somewhere, watching him. He could only hope that they would be proud of what they saw.

Orangekit's question sends a pang into his heart - he, too, of course remembers how he had been found. "Silverpelt is very vast. It covers the sky as far as you can see - it shines down on everyone," He adds gently, and nods along with Campionsong's words, "If it looks so beautiful to us here, and brings us peace looking upon it - I can only imagine what it's like for StarClan cats themselves."