Feb 7, 2024
Draped in gentle hues of silver and cream, medium feathered coat slightly ruffled from his movements in his comfortable state. It felt blissful in this position, curled up in a nest built for three individuals. The pastel splashed feline, let out a yawn as he blinked open his eyes with a sleepy hum. It was a sleepy day today, a slow day at that. Freed from his apprentice chores for the day. He's currently waking up from his nap, half-lidded copper eyes flitting up at his partners, who have opted to join him in his sleepy state. A smile curves on his maw, as he studies his partners, one dark as night and the other like a sunset. He absolutely loves it, basking in warmth as the other two bodies bring him in his long-limbed frame. The calico lifts himself up slightly just to stretch his forelegs out, a yawn escaping him.

He flicks an ear, as he maneuvers himself to lay back down. He curls his tail around himself halfheartedly, his eyes blinking slowly in an attempt to stay awake. He lets out soft purrs rumble from his throat, turning to bury his nose in Owlpaw’s fur. Affection fluttering in his chest, he feels comfortable.. safe in the presence of his two partners. He peers up at Crowpaw, lifting a pale paw to beckon the other tom closer with a sleepy smile. "Come closer.. warm.." He murmured, a soft echo. Tucking his dainty paws underneath him to keep them warm, he fully laid his head on the red tabby’s back with a small hum.

  • ooc. @CROWPAW! @Owlpaw! come get your sleepy boyfriend
  • 1a1e4325bc0a9b8c18aa8a0378a5e293e5cfb5cb.pnj
  • ﹒⋆﹒♡﹒⋆﹒( beware of the silliness!! ) ODDPAW.
    ♡ HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 10 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    ♡ apprentice of skyclan | formerly a loner/rouge
    ♡ bi-pan / single / polyamorous / padding after crowpaw & owlpaw
    ♡ pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks/action
    ♡ smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
  • Love
Reactions: Fireflyglow

Any apprehension about how the logistics of the three of them sharing a nest would work had abandoned Owlpaws head the moment that she slept beside her partners. Lately she had grown weary more often, she had found that as the meeting that would mark her a warrior approached her, her body had started to let itself feel the fatigue from working so diligently towards that goal. The tabby wouldn't let it interfere with her apprentice duties but it had started to become a well known fact that as soon as Owlpaw retreated to the apprentice den she was falling asleep immediately.

This was one of those moments, returning to the den after diligently working on the chores that came by her path she had barely mumbled out a tired “Hello” before falling asleep curled up next to Oddpaw. Only stirring awake at the sensation of him manoeuvring himself to lay back down, she vaguely registered that he had woken by the yawn. Without a word she shuffles her positioning so he can lay down comfortably, a heavy and sleepy sigh being the only form of recognition. There was something comforting to feeling the weight of Oddpaw's head against her back, if she was more awake than she currently was she'd probably work herself up into worry to make sure that he was comfortable but being in such a tired state shrugged any concerns off of her. Despite the sigh there was contentment in this serene moment, purring softly as she closed her eyes again to resume her nap.
  • Love
Reactions: ODDGLEAM
They're so... Inexpressible. When he gazes upon the pelts of his partners in their shared next from a long day of training... A whirlwind of emotions courses through him, yet he is gob smacked on how he could properly define it. If there is even a word for it. Certainly he is not in anguish seeing the pair together. Does he feel a twinge of jealousy? Perhaps a pinch when he first discovered them simply because he wished he'd return sooner. Said pinch was replaced with the urge to burn the sight of red and calico into his memory forever. Why? He is unsure. Part of him yowls with the need to watch over them, ensure their safety by foregoing slumber. How flustered do I look now? He is grateful his partners are asleep not to tease him. After all, there isn't a need to loom over them. They're secure in camp, surrounded not only by other apprentices, but warriors as well.

And then, another part of him yowls to smother them. Not to kill mind you, but both of them look absolutely stunning. The urge to hold both of them is fierce, even fiercer is the need to drown them in his affection. It's almost terrifying how much he wants to lose himself in them. In short, he is utterly and hopelessly at their mercy. They only need to place a paw on his or brush against him to make his heart soar.

Oh no. He gulps audibly. Hazel eyes dilate when Oddpaw's sleepy siren like voice beckons to him before his attention drifts to an arm wrapped around Owlpaw, who purrs happily. Purrs rumble from his throat and if someone where to comment on this he would have thrown himself into the river from embarrassment. To think, he's a mess when they aren't even touching him. Before he can berate himself, hulking black paws have decided they've had enough of standing around.

Crowpaw finally joins them, taking his place behind Oddpaw. A black tail wraps itself around the tails of his partners, while the black tom shifts so he could comfortably drape his arm over the pair. All the while loud purrs seemingly echo within the apprentice den. Not enough. It's not enough. His grip tightens, needing them closer. And when they are, he starts off with rubbing himself almost as if he was mad against Oddpaw. Nuzzling against the calico's cheek before parting with a kiss on said cheek, "My sun." As for Owlpaw? He would crane himself to nuzzle against her, but with how desperate he is in his journey to burrowing himself into Owlpaw much like Oddpaw, the calico would brush against her as well. A kiss would be placed on her cheek as well. "My star."
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlpaw
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
He cracks open an eye, as he felt Crowpaw join him and Owlpaw in their shared nest. A faint dust of pink trails across his face at the close proximity, he lets out an exhale from his nostrils. Relaxing, as his dark partner drapes an arm over him and Owlpaw. He lets out a small squeak, as he felt the other tom tighten his hold on his pale patched body. Curling his tail half-heartily, around Crowpaw's bigger one with soft smile gracing his face.

"My sun."

Oh. Oh. He absolutely melts under the nickname, his partner has labeled him. He lets out more purrs, as he felt Crowpaw nuzzles against his cheek like he was about to poof out of existence. "Darling.. i'amour de ma vie...." His voice a honeyed tilt. Feeling a kiss grace his cheek as a parting gift. Ah. His heart swells, it feels like it'll burst out of his chest at any moment at the sickeningly sweet gesture. How sweet. Feeling his pastel splashed coat brush against Owlpaw's. He turns his head from its spot on the red tabby's back, to look up at Crowpaw with sleepy half-lidded eyes. "Hmm..." He hums at the other tom, craning his neck up to nuzzle into his partner's neck fur with a flick of an ear. My handsome knight A soft smile stretches upon his lips, content. Delighted purrs rumbled through his chest, as he moves his head back on Owlpaw's back with a relaxed sigh.

"My Sunflower, ma biche..." Silken, delicate foreign words falls from his maw as he softly speaks out towards his partners. His wondrous, precious partners. He feels starry-eyed, so deepily in love like a lovesick puppy. The pale patched leans slightly over to nuzzle his face into Owlpaw's neck with a purr. His stomach flutters with affection, as copper eyes blink while he tries to nuzzle deeper in the red tabby's longer coat wanting to be closer.

Bewitching, Enthralling- Whirling words spin in his mind, chanting like a mantra. He feels like he could go on and on describing his precious partners. He lifts his head from the tabby's neck, full adoration in his eyes as he leans down to lap at Owlpaw's red coat. Beautiful.. The calico takes his pale touched paws out from under him with a hum. He lays his head fully on his partners back, her fur tickling his nose. He's lost in heavenly bliss at this point, he just knows it.

  • 1a1e4325bc0a9b8c18aa8a0378a5e293e5cfb5cb.pnj
  • ﹒⋆﹒♡﹒⋆﹒( beware of the silliness!! ) ODDPAW.
    HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 11 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    apprentice of skyclan | formerly a rouge
    bi-pan / single? / polyamorous / padding after crowpaw & owlpaw
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone
  • Love
Reactions: Owlheart

Her reattempt at a nap was cut short by the feeling of Oddpaw shuffling against her again. She squeezes her eyes shut and opens them, blinking sleep out of her eyes as she tries to fight off her drowsiness to gain sense of the world around her. She mumbles something incoherent as her brain tries to catch up with the rest of her senses, not registering what he had said to her at first. She stirs against the calico, the sound of Crowpaw’s voice causing her ear to flick to his direction in recognition as she feels herself slowly begin to wake up. Her face began to feel warm as she finally realised what he had called her. A nickname? Despite her shock in her sleep deprived state she tilts her head slightly to give the tom's chin a small lick before he could lay down properly, purrs rumbling louder from her.

It would take a lot for her to actually admit it out loud but she flourishes from the attention between the two, she had barely recovered from registering what the smoke had said before Oddpaw assigns her a nickname, presumably two, one in a language she doesn’t speak and one she does. If she was more coherent she would question it about it but for now she just purrs happily, content and full of love for her two wonderful partners. She could swear that her purrs could be heard throughout the camp, not to mention her heart beat with how loud it felt to her. It was hard to not be content in this moment, wrapped up in an entanglement of tails and limbs with two of the most beautiful cats she had ever met.

Words would never describe the adoration she held, she was never good at speaking but she wished to be better at it so she could properly pay them both the compliments that they deserve. Her tail rests against Oddpaw’s side, curling around his paws protectively, Owlpaw wonders if he knew how much she adored him. The flower crown he had made her long tucked away into the nest and wilting if not dead already, she would keep it there, until it decomposed entirely and turned to ash. She would tell the calico as many times as they would want to hear it that she cherished him, how she longed every day to join him in slumber. How she looks forward to waking up in the morning so she can watch him trot around camp, the witty remarks, the absolute firework that he is, even on the rare occasions where he was bashful and flustered, she adored him.

And Crowpaw, oh words couldn’t do justice to the adoration that she held for him. The owl feather that he gave her tucked protectively into her fur, she refused to part with it. For the first time she had felt truly seen when she spoke with him, despite her hesitance to know him at first he had treated her with such sincerity and kindness. Crowpaw was always there, considering her needs and going above and beyond to not only meet them but exceed them. He worked so hard for herself and Oddpaw, she wanted to show the same, wanting to surprise him with gifts in return. Owlpaw would happily just sit by him in silence and watch the day go by if life would allow it, she felt that she didn’t need to speak to convey her feelings to him, he just seemed to always understand. Still, she would shower him with as many kind words and compliments as he was willing to accept, thousands more would reside in her mind and never see the light of day. “Mm, love you” she mumbled towards her partners with a yawn, squirming to get comfortable again and closing her eyes once again, not entirely asleep but not awake enough to register what she had said. The words felt easy to say. Being so tired saved her from being caught up in these overwhelming feelings that she didn’t quite understand yet.

Chuffs escape his maw from Oddpaw's squeaks. You sure you're not a mouse? Though not voiced, he's going to grill Oddpaw about it in the morning. For now, he is content. Joining Oddpaw's song of purrs. Floating. He's sure he's ascended. Crowpaw wastes no time in reciprocating Oddpaw's affections. He's called darling and before he can even recover from the nickname he's been given, Oddpaw says something else. Despite the fact he has no clue what he was called, his body shivers. What leaves his throat is an embarrassing choked purr? It is safe to assume Oddpaw has stolen his breath away with foreign words. Helpless Crowpaw is, overwhelmed by his partners affections. Strange purrs haven't stopped rumbling from his throat, and the final nail of the coffin is Oddpaw kissing his cheek. His maw is parted and the poor boy looks more like a bird cawing. However, there are no more strange sounds only heavy breathing as if he'd raced throughout the territory and was catching his breath. He is spared from Oddpaw's assault as they focus on Owlpaw.

Panting, he watches the pair and it is undeniable proof that he is doomed. It's precious. They're his most precious treasures in this word and just watching them alone renders his brain as mush. I like you. I like you. Ilikeyouilikeyouilikeyou. Oddpaw disturbs his ogling by nuzzling against his neck. Stupidly enamored he whines when the siren focuses on Owlpaw. He knows that the calico would tease him relentlessly for this. To think, Crowpaw would whine for affection. I like you lots. I want to be with you forever. I like you. Ilikeyousomuch. Is it to late for him to be saved? Apparently it is when Owlpaw licks his chin. Absolute mush his brain is. Perhaps the loudest purrs emanated from him at this moment along with the biggest grin plastered on his face. Pearly whites exposed for the world to see. Little did he know Owlpaw would change the course of their lives forever.

"Mm, love you"

The black tom freezes as soon as those words register. Love? He looks down at her sleeping form, knowing that he will not get an explanation. Typically this would drive him mad and shake her for answers, but he's drawn to memories. What does he know of love? He experienced it once with Bobbie. It was temporary. All the love she did have for him was replaced with Blazestar. He remembers watching the pair joined at the hip, nothing else in the world mattered. Not him, not Drowsy, and not even Lupine. Cherrypaw didn't love him he is sure of it, but whatever she felt for him was also temporary. In the end he was tossed aside for Lupinepaw. Growing up love wasn't certain. It was always something to be taken away. And he didn't know what love was. Lupinepaw had told him he didn't and the way he did was wrong. Is this wrong too? Am I hurting them and I don't know it yet?

Watching his partners aches. He said he wanted to be with them. It was no lie. For now, they both wanted him too. Owlpaw wasn't the type to string him around, and Oddpaw? Oddpaw might be wild, but they'd never want to purposely hurt him either. Even when the calico confessed they wanted to be with him and heard that he'd already been going out with Owlpaw, Oddpaw reassured him. Understood. Didn't yowl or slap him for leading them on. No, they trusted them. What if they get tired of me? The notion of both his partners deciding they'd rather be together without him is heartbreaking, but he would forgive them. He would want them to be happy, even if they decide it is without them.

"Darling.. i'amour de ma vie...."

Instinctively he looks down at the calico, who had said those words moments ago. The black tom slowly blinks. Love... His father Silversmoke, Fireflypaw, and Drowsypaw decide it's time to invade his thoughts. All three of them made him feel safe and seen, even though he's made countless mistakes. Silversmoke who puts himself through discomfort just for him to be okay, but knows when to put a paw down. Even though the lead warrior lacks in vulnerability he does try and if he can't help, he sends him to Fireflypaw. Fireflypaw is not related by blood, yet the older tom always listened to him and never made him feel stupid. Never told him his feelings were wrong. Always tried to make him see the other side of things or just embrace him through whatever woes were eating at him. As for Drowsypaw? He hugged him. Worried about him. Even though Crowpaw's been nothing but the worst brother as of late, Drowsypaw still smiles at him. Even though he's so shitty. I should talk to him... All of them.

Admittedly he can't fathom the beast of love. He may become a warrior soon, yet he still feels like a child. Maybe he'll feel like a child for a long time when it comes to love among other things. Despair should have swallowed him by now, however the sight of his beloveds in bliss tether him. Slowly but surely the same warm fuzzy emotions return when he focuses on their interlaces tails, pelts brushing against each other, the way his arm moves up and down from his partners breaths, and the memory of Oddpaw and Owlpaw showering him with affection.

A genuine smile curls from his lips. I'm going to using your pawsteps for guidance Oddpaw. The sight of the sun and the star sparks a fire in his belly. "You two are beautiful." Not enough. Whether or not this is love doesn't concern him anymore. There's more important things to do. He may get a scolding for this, but how could he stop? Not when the most stunning cats in Skyclan chose to be by my side. A black arm shifts to manuver Oddpaw to face him. Another arm wraps around Oddpaw to draw him closer, away from Owlpaw. The calico may have whined at the loss of warmth, but it would be replaced just as quickly as it was taken from him. Crowpaw laps the calico's pelt starting from the head to their shoulder blade. Crowpaw's weight shifts to gently pin the other.

He is unsure how he hasn't perished with how rapidly his heart beats against his ribs. "I love you Oddpaw." It doesn't end there. If Oddpaw had woken up again from his ministrations, he wouldn't have noticed. Only concerned with showing his affection to the apprentice who had bewitched him. With a nuzzle and kiss closer to to Oddpaw's lips, does he decide it's enough. Ever the sweetheart he shuffles them back to Owlpaw, pushing his head against Oddpaw's so it could rest on Owlpaw's back.

Owlpaw is fast asleep unaware what she had done to him. It's wrong to wake her again he knows it, but it is a crime not to drown her in his affections. Take responsibility. Frankly it is challenging to show her the same affection with Oddpaw smacked in the middle, but he was no quitter! That being said, the tom would shuffle up a bit (sorry Oddpaw) to be able to reach Owlpaw better. Her sleeping face takes his breath away. The urge to hold her is a need. Despite the fact that he'd rather rip her from Oddpaw and pin her gently, he refrains to not spook her or hurt Oddpaw from his rough handling. The black tom settles on tucking a black arm below her neck for support while his free paw would gently tilt her face towards him. A lovestruck sigh leaves his maw before lapping her head to her throat. Surely, she's still asleep. Hopefully. She had a long day. The black tom draws away before nuzzling her cheek. "I love you too, Owlpaw." He finishes with a kiss at the edge of her lips before setting her back down.

The beast within him is satiated. No longer is his mind yowling at him to shower them with all he has. Once again, he shuffles back to his original position, an arm slung over his partners, embracing them. "You're everything to me. I'd anything for you." I'll always be with you. No matter what.
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 12 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlpaw
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
A sliver-cream ear rotates at the sound of a choked off purr, he hums in satisfaction at Crowpaw's loud purrs. While laying his pale patched head on Owlpaw's back, listening to his beautiful red partners purrs underneath him. Wrapped up in an entanglement of limbs and tails, he's in heavenly bliss at this point. Words couldn't explain how he felt to be near, close to his partner to the point of merging. His precious, breathtaking knight and his doe.

He turns his head from his spot, as he heard a whine escape from Crowpaw. The long-limbed tom tosses his head to look over at the black smoke, with a sleepy smile gracing his lips. Half-lidded eyes studies the bigger apprentice, his sleepy slow brain getting fuzzy with whispers of I like you. I love you. iloveyouilikeyouiloveyou. I want to be with you forever. I'm so enchanted by you. and so on.

Hearing Owlpaw's mumbled "love you", he gapes like a fish trying to glup in air. Eyes widen in surprise for a friction, as he freezes under the words. He's never heard of a 'I love you.' for so long. It hurts. He's only heard of sweet promises, I love you's with twisted words laced underneath the sweet wordings. He lets out a breath, calming himself. He turns his head to nuzzle into the neck of Owlpaw with soft choked purrs emitting from his throat. The warmth of his moontouched knight and his shining doe surrounding him, brings out a dreamy sigh from him. My treasures.

"You two are beautiful."

He preens at the sweet, sounding words Crowpaw speaks. His stomach flutters with little nonexistent butterflies. He lets delicate sounding purrs escape him, and around their shared space. An otherworldly song perhaps, only and forever for his partners. He feels a shift on the side of him, he perks his ears up in interest. He opens his maw to speak out, in a soft matter. Feeling a arm wrap around him, dragging him away. He lets out a small whine at the loss of warmth, as he gets manhandled around to face Crowpaw. Sleepy copper eyes flicks up at his handsome partner, with a scrunched up nose. He's outright pouting at his loss. Though he won't worry for too long, as he felt a tongue lap at his pelt. He lets out a chuff at the action. Pink dusts his face, his heart beats rapidly at the attention he's receiving. Mismatched tail curls around his long-limbed frame, tilting his neck a little to the side as he lets Crowpaw gently pin him. He lets out more purrs escape him, closing his eyelids as he melts underneath his knight. He perks up as he heard a "I love you Oddpaw."

He lets out a silken coo at the words, wanting to hear so much more from the black smoke above him. His charming, marvelous dark knight. He could go on. Oddpaw feels so much infatuation towards both of his partners, oh so much. He craves more, he feels greedy like a hungry hound looking for anything to sedate them. "Hmm.. I love you Crowpaw. My charming knight.." Soft, lullaby laced words fall from his lips. Warm copper gazed up to look into hazel, in their half-lidded state. He leans into the nuzzle the black smoke graces him, leaving him with a kiss. The calico gets settled back near the delicious warmth that is Owlpaw.

He settles back into the warmth of the red molly's fur. He squishes his face into her back with flitting thoughts of warm, safe, my doe, my sunflower. A hypnotic chant in his mind, that makes him want to merge with the red tabby he has fallen for so much stronger. "My beautiful doe.. I love you.." He sleepily murmurs into his partners longer coat. He lets out an ethereal sounding sigh, escape him as he nuzzles further into her pelt.

The tom feels Crowpaw settle back in his original position, from his own ministrations on Owlpaw. Tail twitches from its entwined position, he purrs at the embrace his dark partner bestowed him and Owlpaw. "You're everything to me. I'd anything for you." Ears flatten back at Crowpaws words towards them both. He cranes his neck slightly to gently peck at the dark smoke's neck. He draws away, curling his long-limbed form into half a ball eyelids fully closed to go into a slumber. I love you both. My darling knight, my sunflowered doe.

  • 1a1e4325bc0a9b8c18aa8a0378a5e293e5cfb5cb.pnj
  • ﹒⋆﹒♡﹒⋆﹒( beware of the silliness!! ) ODDPAW.
    HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 11 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    apprentice of skyclan | formerly a rouge
    bi-pan / single? / polyamorous / padding after crowpaw & owlpaw
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone