love like you ;; pollenfur


It had been a few nights since they had confessed to each other before the river, and once again Hyacinthbreath returned to it under the light of a beautiful moon. It had become routine for her to visit this special place every few nights to look for her speckled mate. Tonight it seemed, was a lucky one- she spots the larger molly in the distance, staring down at the river before her with a pointed expression on her face. She looks so tired, so weary- Hyacinth speeds up her pace to greet the molly with an affectionate chirp.

"Liebe," She purrs out to the molly, crossing the river once more with sturdy steps across stepping stones this time to keep her paws from slipping through water. She aches to be close to Pollenfur, to comfort her- what could ail her so? Does she miss her family in the Moors, or perhaps she heard the news about Mallowlark? "Have you heard about Mallowlark?" She asks softly, a gentle smile on her lips- hoping to get her point across that it was good news for once. "He's of SkyClan now. Must have escaped the Moor Queen's grasp somehow." She peers down at the water, looking down at both of their reflections together. Despite her exhaustion, Pollenfur is just as pretty as always.

It was obviously known that moor-born cats don't swim; if anything, the look on Pollenfur's face as she stares into the water seems to be hesitance. Distaste for the clear liquid. Hyacinthbreath chuckles softly to herself. Of course, She thinks to herself. Pollenfur must think I've gone insane swimming as much as I do.
The moon hangs swollen and radiant above the riverlands. Pollenfur slips carefully through the reeds at the border between the Twolegplace and RiverClan, her senses hyper aware. Hyacinthbreath’s voice cuts through her trepidation earnestly, and the tortoiseshell allows herself to smile. “Darling,” she returns the purr, watching her mate—her mate! How wonderful to think of her like that—as she balances across the stones protruding from the rushing water.

To her surprise, the tabby, glowing silver in the moonlight, her eyes like violets, greets her with Mallowlark’s name on her lips. Pollenfur’s own smile twitches in surprise. “You’ve seen him, then? I visited him in SkyClan. I was surprised to see him,” she confesses. She presses her mottled flank to Hyacinthbreath’s striped one, following the other she-cat’s gaze to the surface of the water. “He’s met the love of his life, you know? I couldn’t be happier for him. I know… I know what it’s like.

Almost shyly, she looks up, gazing longingly into Hyacinthbreath’s blue eyes. “I can’t believe you’re swimming now,” she teases lightly. “I tried to learn, long ago, but… I’m a creature of the moors.” It’s true—and both her heart and her body long for the windswept hills of her birthplace. She wonders how the willows and the reeds and the ever-rushing water has become home for Hyacinthbreath. “Have you adapted, then? Are you a true RiverClanner?” It’s asked playfully, but there is a real question beneath her words.

When her mate admits that she's seen Mallowlark, Hyacinthbreath can't help but to return the smile. Good, she's seen her family then. She'll be able to see him more freely now that she's a loner; SkyClan is less harsh on those who don't belong to a Clan, after all. As long as she didn't trespass, things should be just fine. If the day ever came when she got caught here, resting upon the steps of the riverbed, Hyacinthbreath would have to question her loyalty to her Clan then. Was she truly loyal to RiverClan, or was this just an excuse for her to avoid the problems in WindClan? Her promises that she would return one day, reclaim the clan back from Sootstar? She meets longing eyes soon after, sees all of the love in the world in them- Hyacinthbreath feels her chest ache with guilt, but she lets her nose gently touch Pollenfur's own. Her worries could wait.

Her eyes peer over Pollenfur's face as she speaks, listening and yet.. enamored, enraptured by the siren's lull of gorgeous eyes. She has to fight to pull her gaze away from her mate's own, to focus on the topic at hand. She doesn't want to, though- wants to get lost in those beautiful eyes beneath the shining moon. Nothing would make her happier. She stutters as she speaks, "I believed I'd never be able to learn because I was a creature of the moors. But with some determination and hard work, it's not impossible. It's never impossible." Her paw gently reaches out, cupping water in her palm and rolling water over her claws. Have you adapted, then? Are you a true RiverClanner? It's asked playfully, but she knows what Pollenfur means. She'd made a promise to her clanmates- was she to break it? "..For as long as they'll have me. I fear one day they may toss me out. One wrong step and it's.. Decided." She settles for a proper answer, though she refuses to let herself think of WindClan as it is now. "I fear I may never be able to return to WindClan after I killed Juniperfrost. I'm afraid I must break the promise I made to our friends. Our family."

Her saddened gaze sweeps across the river, though she lets her paw sink into the water further until she's nearly left her mate's side. "But- That is talk for another time. Ja? Let me teach you to swim. It is a helpful life lesson to have." In case you come face to face with RiverClan and I cannot get there to rescue you. You must learn to fight on equal grounds if you are to survive in the water. She thinks to herself, the shallows of the water coming up to her chest. "One step is all that's needed- a step of courage. Ja?"
Hyacinthbreath’s response troubles her, but she knows the silver she-cat is more than capable of taking care of herself. Still, Pollenfur shudders to think of her mate ensnared in RiverClan like a mouse in a nest of adders. “Are all five Clans this bloodthirsty, then?” She chuffs, shaking her head. “If you aren’t safe here, my love, please… come away with me.” She smiles becomingly, but in her heart she knows the tabby’s place is with her Clan, even now. She wishes she could persuade the other to adapt to her own nomadic lifestyle, but a cat raised in colonies does not know the luxury of solitude. Of loneliness.

Amber eyes narrow in surprise as the other beckons for her to enter the river. “Me? Swim?” Her fur bristles, though she extends a white paw to skim the surface of the water. It’s cold, even though the greenleaf heat presses against them from all sides. “You’re a madwoman, you know that? Living somewhere you must swim to fit in.” Still, it’s said admirably enough. Pollenfur knows about adaptation. Stars, doesn’t she.

With a deep breath, she allows the front half of her body to descend into the water. The stones beneath her paws are slippery, and the water is dark as the night sky. She can barely touch the bottom, and she flails, gasping. “How do you do this every day!” She’s waded through water of all kinds before during her travels, but this? The current sways at her legs, threatening to topple her, and the taste of the water is both foul and strange at the same time. Perhaps she’s just not used to the murk of it. “You really must want to stay here,” she pants, trying to swim out to Hyacinthbreath. Her head dips beneath the water more than once. “And by the way, you owe me for this.