private LOVE LOCKDOWN ࿐ ࿔*:・゚ splashdance

࿐ ࿔*:・゚ The black and white molly finds herself to be rather tired when she returned from an earlier patrol that she had taken and she's prepared to rest up for a little while before chasing after another potential patrol, she wanted to make sure to do her part and more after Foxtail's recent injury. Her whiskers twitch at the sight of Splashdance by herself without the company of her cousin noting that the both of them have become rather close but the dark molly didn't linger on that thought for long and puts one paw in front of the other until she's drawing near her fellow lead warrior. Beefang can't help but notice that Splashdance hasn't really taken a bite out of the prey that rest near her paws and it causes her own head to tilt to the side in silent confusion, she pauses for a long heartbeat unsure if she should say anything and if she did, well, she's trying to figure out to say. "Are you going to eat that?" The words slip out from her throat without much of a thought and she can't help but inwardly wince at what she said yet she waits to see what Pebbletail's mate would say to her inquiry.

In the time that Beefang has known the other lead warrior... she never expected the other to be a picky eater though now that she glances over the molly, the black smoke can't help but realize how Splashdance has put on some weight and it makes her nonexistent eyebrows knit together for a heartbeat "Do you not like trout?" Its then that she settles down onto her haunches to continue eyeing the other warrior and can't help the way her whiskers seem to twitch, maybe if she kept chatting with her then the warrior would be willingly to share her hunting techniques or best spots since she's clearly eating a lot better than her. "Has my cousin been giving you half of his prey?" Another innocent question as she finally decides to stop speaking so that Splashdance could answer her, Beefang isn't her pale furred mate that can spot something wrong with their clanmates and definitely not an expecting soon to-be queen.


ㅤtrans female (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤasexual homoromantic, taken by moonbeam
ㅤ18 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 10th of the month
ㅤwarrior of riverclan for 6 moons
smokestar x cicadastarㅤ/ㅤolder sister to cicadaflight & loveburn
ㅤmentoring roepawㅤ/ㅤmentored by smokestar & houndstride
ㅤpenned by BossTaurusㅤ/ㅤmessage bosstaurus on discord for plots!
"speech", thoughts, & attacking ; uses brute strength, fights dirty/unfair, and will end/start fights
a short/curly-haired black smoke moggy littered in several scars, missing a toe on one of her paws, and has a lone amber eye w/low white
She's been lucky. The nausea portion of her journey has stayed as much - just a simple discomfort that plagues her every now and again. Splashdance nearly marvels at herself for how well she holds down her meals, despite everything in her body wanting otherwise. It's all going as it should, subtle and unbothered for the most part... until she pulls a trout from the fresh kill pile and notices a morsel too late how her stomach flips at its taste.

The molly must've idled for too long, trying to discern what to do with the meal. She begins debating returning it for something less scaled when Beefang approaches, the molly likely intending to ask her friend to attend another patrol. Her urge to discard the entire fish is great, especially when Beefang begins to relentlessly question her. It starts with, "No, well..." and when she has a moment she tries again, "Actually -" but what can she say? Sorry, Beefang. I'm with kits and this is repulsive. That sounds so ungrateful! The lead warrior makes mention of Pebbletail, and instinctively Splashdance tucks her tail close to her body.

"Are you saying I'm getting chubby...?" Splashdance accuses, and though there is some humor in her tone, there is just as much incredulousness. After a beat, she flattens the fur that ruffles on her shoulders. Her eyes fall to her paws as they nudge the meal closer to her friend. "I'm..." a long, dreadful pause. It feels like her children are eager to be known, kicking at her relentlessly as she tries to settle herself. "I'm expecting. Some things, I just can't stomach anymore." She lets the news spill from her tongue no different than she would note a weather change. "Oh, it's cloudy now." Her river blues do not hold to Beefang, however, instead flitting away with a sense of dread and embarrassment.