LOVE ME AND LEAVE ME ♡ howlingstar

”Howlingstar, wait! I need to talk to you,” Palefire shouted after the dark tabby as she ran to catch up, following as she made her way back to her den. The meeting had come to a rather abrupt close, with Leafhusk announcing that they all had only a few short moments to say their goodbyes, before the former kittypets were to be whisked away to Starclan-knows-where. She would go to Ivorypaw next, to say goodbye if she must, but first… first she had to try to stop this. There was no way that Howlingstar could’ve been in her right mind when she’d made this decision. It was reckless, and irresponsible, and she was sure that one of them was going to get hurt - or worse - while they were out there alone. She couldn’t bear the thought of it being her little white-furred ward.

She stormed into her leader’s den without waiting to be accepted in, her tail lashing and fur bristling as she came to brisk halt in front of the elder feline. She was fuming, and the scowl on her face showed it; though her cold blue eyes belied the truth of her raging emotions. She was scared. Ivorypaw meant a great deal to her, as did some of the other former kittypets. Only a few moons ago, she would’ve rather died than admit something like that. But she’d only just been granted the joy of mentoring a girl she cared so deeply for, and now she was being ripped from her paws and cast out into the wilderness to fend for herself.

It wasn’t right, and she would never forgive herself if any harm were to come to Ivorypaw when she wasn’t around to stop it. “You can’t send them away like this, it isn’t fair. How do you know that this will even keep them safe? What if the murderer lurks outside our walls instead of within?” The deathberries incident seemed to prove otherwise, but there was always that small possibility. Her stern voice softened slightly now, wavering as she plead with her leader. “When will they be able to come back? What if we never find the murderer, or worse, something happens to them out there before we can?”

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    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 17 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic.
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride.
    mentor to meadowpaw and Ivorypaw / formerly mentored by nightbird.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.
Howlingstar's ears flick backwards as her warrior's sharp voice calls after her. She hardly has any time to react, not even fully turned around before Palefire is storming into her den, eyes blazing and fur spiked. "Palefire," She drawls steadily, trying to inject as much calmness into her voice as possible to try and quiet the agitated she-cat. She sits down with her back straight and her chin held high, a reminder of who exactly the young warrior is speaking to. Her expression remains stoic, her muscles tensed, but her eyes betray the deep sorrow and resolve that had led to her decision. "I know this is difficult, I understand your frustration more than you realize. I'd turned down the idea myself at first. Of course I don't want to divide my clan!" Her tail lashes, clearly showing her own fear. "This decision was not made lightly. But it's become clearer now more than ever that our clanmates are not safe here. Stars, whoever is doing this has grown bold enough to nearly murder two kits in a crowded camp."

She stands, then, and walks to the entrance of her den, past the pale she-cat's form. Her green gaze lingers on the tree tops above, the direction Leafhusk will go with her charges. She sighs heavily and dips her head. "I cannot guarantee their safety outside of our borders, but staying here under the current circumstances would put them at greater risk. They will have many strong warriors with them. Leafhusk, Stormywing, Bigfang..." Her fur bristles slightly as tenses. "It pains me to do this. I never wanted to. But this is the best decision. This is what is safest for them. They are going to an unknown location that only my council is aware of, so no one can find them."

Her gaze softens as she looks back at Palefire's face. She's a worried mentor, Howlingstar knows that's all this is. "I don't know how long it will be before they can return," She admits softly. "But as soon as it's soon as we get to the bottom of this, we will have them back." She steps closer to the warrior, continuing gently, "Please, try to hold onto hope. I promise that I will do everything in my power to bring them home as soon as we can."