sensitive topics love me like you promised - birthing

Aug 14, 2023

CW: Direct mention of miscarriage, loss, and birth

Honeydapple hadn't gone far in her excursion, they were just shy of Thunderclan's camp walls to catch some fresh air. Sure, Howlingstar might share some stern words upon returning, but it was the first time in days she hadn't felt miserably ill. Afternoon's were sweltering now, but she rested easy enough beneath the canopy of trees. Leaning against bark, she lounged in the somewhat bearable warmth, peering through tired eyes as ferns tickled her cheek. They needed a distraction and a chance to stretch cramped limbs so taking a buddy was only natural. Thankfully, the molly's student had been kind enough to agree and join her.

Soon, their lidded gaze snapped to wide alertness as a stinging jab singed up her side. Peering over to her bulging belly, the moggy was surprised to see her stomach quiver as yet another horridly painful quake shot through her. By the stars, it's time already? Fear struck the warrior, and in a quiet panic, she jumped to all fours, attempting to ignore the growing sting. Honeydapple's legs nearly buckled from another zip of searing fire, a ghostly reminder of her previous birthing experience.

Looking to her pupil, she could no longer hold back the truth of the matter. Breathe in and out. Don't scare her now. Glancing back to camp, the short distance looked like mountains away. Gentlestorm. I need Gentlestorm. Wincing, she weakly attempted to put on a brave half-smile and nodded towards the youth.

"P-please go get @GENTLESTORM for me." They hoped @Softpaw would pick up the urgency in her strained tone. "I don't think I can make it to the nursery, dear." Afyer sending away the powdery paw' she started the treacherous trek to her birthing nest. Huffing, they slowly moved and began dragging all four paws forward, thankful for the little moment of reprieve. It seemed her unborn kits would be making quite the entrance. Such a fleeting thought tangled with a twinge of sadness. I wish you were here. I hope you're thinking of us wherever you may be. Tears sprang into the corners of oceanic eyes, but the need to keep them safe prevailed above the exertion. Gritting pearly white fangs, she pushed ahead at a snail's pace. Slow and steady.


Eventually, her sore pads made it just shy of the camp entrance. Wailing, the she-cat's strength waned, and they slumped against the gorse wall, mind numb to its prickling as she pressed against it. "Help!" Her tender voice was raw and squeaky as she gasped out the plea. The contractions were getting closer and closer. This wasn't her first go-around, but the idea of not birthing them somewhere safe petrified the Queen. Screw it. Gathering the last of her depleted will, she anchored her claws into the dirt and prevailed. Scaling down into the heart of camp and praying for the Medicine Cat's arrival. Their mind was no longer dead set on the distant nursery and now trained on getting to a nest, any nest for that matter.

Honeydapple's breath came in sharp, ragged gasps as she pushed forward, each step feeling like an eternity. The world around blurred with hot white electricity and cloudy determination. As she finally reached a familiar tunnel, the scruffy moggy clambered inside, contractions relentless. Legs giving way at the inner mouth of the warriors den. Her body trembled, but she refused to falter, the nursery all but a distant memory now. The molly couldn't let her kit be born outside a safe spot, vulnerable to the heat, or worse. Starclan keep my little one safe! Unable to speak, she prayed with all her chest, as blended paws scrambled to stand.

Just when the she-cat thought she would have to haul herself further, familiar voices reached pointed ears. Head thrumming she was frantically ushered to a cozier spot. With some much needed support, Honeydapple was guided into a nearby nest, who's nest she had no idea. Her muscles wracked with jabbing cramps but her spirit filled with determination. Clinging to the dusty earth, finding strength in the grounding, she heaved. World narrowing to the here and now, all to a finite moment of soft weeping, and intense pushing.


Time seemed to stretch on as Honeydapple labored, each shake bringing a mixture of hope and despair. She was exhausted, every fibre in her body screaming in protest, but she couldn't give up. I can't be scared. Not like last time. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, a tiny, scrawny kit slid into the world. For just a few breaths there was stunned silence within the whirlwind. Tenderly picking up the bundle she licked the kit clean until her ears were greeted by a feeble sing-song cry. Sitting upright the exhausted molly looked down in anticipation. What she saw nursing at her side was the most beautiful sight Honeydapple had ever experienced.

Spindly and fragile her baby was but she couldn't find it in herself to care. Mesmerized by his velvety folded ears and darling pink-kissed paws, she was utterly smitten. Slouching for some much needed comfort, she carefully coiled inward, cradling him. "Here you are, at last." Dark lips sobbed as a bittersweet smile marred stained cheeks. "I've been dreaming of the day I could finally meet you sweetness." Faint memories of birds and their songs nestled at Grizzlyjaw's side painted a gorgeous daydream. It's the one. Amazing and precious just like him.

Heart swelling with a mixture of overwhelming adoration and hurt. Her attention dared not falter, staying firmly locked on her kitten. His wily coat was a mimicry of their father's own gradient pelt. He was so small, so teensy, a smoke tom with faint white markings. The gathered cats around them, were all but forgotten. Water works continued to stream down her face, frame trembling with fatigue and relief. "@Warblerkit." Honeydapple whispered, meow choked by the bubbling emotions. "My perfect Warblerkit."

A loving name she hoped her lost beloved would one day hear and treasure just as she did. Sorrow from previous miscarriages and the agony of her mate's mysterious disappearance seemed to wash over all at once, mingling with the joy of finally holding her child. The Queen silently swore to protect him, to nurture him, and to love him with all her essence. Starclan had blessed the warrior with another chance and this time she was ready. Despite the difficulties, against the overwhelming odds, Honeydapple had brought Warblerkit into the world.

Back outside the den, voices began to stir, drawn by all the noise from a new arrival. Blissfully ignorant of it, the she-cat cuddled the scrappy kit, body aching terribly but her doting coo's growing in volume. She was a mother once more, and the splotched cat would bask in the magnificence. Their journey had been long and rocky but the pointed feline felt like they had won the battle.

OOC: Anyone is welcome to post without waiting for tagged folks! Feel free to be the cat who's nest she stole or the cat's that help her into it!

@/Gentlestorm (no injuries aside from exhaustion, kit is weak/tiny but nursing.)
@/Softpaw (brought along to help a heavily pregnant honey outside/sends her to get help.)
@/Warblerkit (the rainbow baby is born!)

tldr; Honeydapple desperate to get out and Softpaw being her helpful apprentice have a short excursion just outside of camp. Suddenly Honey feels the starting pains of labor. Quickly she sends Softpaw away to grab Gentlestorm. Struggling back into camp Honeydapple barely makes it, disoriented and desperate she wobbles into the warriors den. This is where clanmates assist her into a nest. There she gives birth to Warblerkit and basks in the happiness of being a mom.
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Tiny weak cries filled the air, not that he could hear himself. His ears were still closed and the world was a mystery, but he felt comfort and warmth which would soon be known as mother. His mews warbled through the air much less frequently than they should but he was there, he was telling the world that he existed. Little breaths moved his entire body with each inhale and he looked as though he could be picked up by the wind. Like an orange leaf clinging on to the last days of GreenLeaf.

Warblerkit was just strong enough. He was strong enough to come into the world alive, but that is where all his strength went to, he was nothing more than alive in those first few moments. Not thriving but not dead, a special in between. But for now he would have to work hard to keep it that way, and that involved finding his warmth and comfort, mom.


. ° ✦ Bravepaw tried not to stick around during kittings now, if timing allowed. Sometimes a queen was ready right in the split of twilight, other times right at dawn, and some amidst the return of sunhigh patrols. Honeydapple's kit had chosen just the right time for the apprentice to dip his head out of camp and sit alongside the warriors that sat guard, quietly shuffling his paws as he tried to make up idle conversation to soothe his worries.

He feared for another queen to succumb the same way his mother had. At the expense of such loved and eagerly awaited kittens, warmth disappeared from her coat within moments, eyes already cold as he pushed through to meet his new kin.

"Is... she alright?" Bravepaw awkwardly asked a warrior parting from the ferns, and he shyly stepped back into the sandy ravine to assess. There was a usual tang of copper that followed the arrival of kits, but none excessive. Clanmates did not rush to gather in concern, but in idle chatter to await the news of what wonders Honeydapple had brought.

Relief replaced the tension that had built in his shoulders, and he moved quickly to bring the queen a fresh sparrow from the prey pile. "Are you hungry? Well, if you are later... It looked the best." Bravepaw offered as he politely placed the bird at the edge of her nest, careful not to disturb the singlet curled beside her. "He's so quiet. I remember Coalkit and Hopekit were a lot more squealy."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.

The cry of help had alarm bells singing in her ears, a warmling, dissonant tune- oh, was she not doing enough? StarClan had given her no signs about her destiny- only about the short-term, aiding her in fitting in to ThunderCLan better. She had not enough time yet to save ThunderClan from further peril!

When she ran closer to the bustle, though... Thundergleam noticed the lack of worry in the air. She sensed no suffering- instead, hope radiated from the mouth of the nursery. The message became clear to her, embroidered in the air that swept toward her- Honeydapple was giving birth.

Thundergleam stayed near, though she would not crowd the she-cat while she was in labour; however, she wanted her presence to glow through the wall, and Honeydapple would feel in her soul that all of ThunderClan was at her side. Thundergleam saw Bravepaw enter- she was tentativ in following him, a soft smile upon her face, rosy eyes tender as they searched for Honeydapple's. She would hold the new mother's gaze for only a few moments, not wishing to spoil this special moment... "Your son is as lucky to have you as you are to have him," And drifting eyes thought of the starry spirits that gazed down upon them, too. "StarClan blesses you both."

With a dip of her head, she turned to leave... something wonderful shone like a hearth behind her.
penned by pin ☾
in the event usually deemed ‘the miracle of childbirth’, leafhusk preferred to ignore it until the worst had passed. the painful wailing of a queen makes her uncomfortable, and newborn kits gross her out. usually by, like, two moons they’re tolerable to be around. until then, the happy family gets a simple ‘congratulations’… leafhusk understands that a little more effort would be nice, considering her rank, but she won’t. something in her paws, her brain, tugs at her to steer clear of the bustling nursery.

what happens when the queen doesn’t go into the nursery? the same, leafhusk concludes, watching as honeydapple hobbles into the warrior’s den. her eyes widen in confusion, although, she supposes there aren’t any rules as to where she can give birth. no leader would announce a new code at the gathering, demanding that every queen must give birth within the nursery. the entire forest would throw insults at them! leafhusk scurries away, trying to keep the entrance from being too crowded. she notices thundergleam float over, and she lets the albino take charge in loitering.

in due time, leafhusk will give the new queen her congratulations. probably when she’s shuffled into the nursery. bravepaw is a kind young man, he’ll keep her company for a few minutes.

honestly, her mind isn’t fully on the queen. her thoughts come out in a curious mumble, possibly drowned out by the low chattering, "who’s going to clean up the nests?" her nose curls up slightly. it doesn’t feel right to ask an apprentice that.​

Finding Burnstorm in the nursery is not a surprising occurrence these days, not when his own mate and kits were here. Their apprentice ceremonies were on the horizon, though, and soon they would be moving into the apprentice den. Soon, Roeflame would be moving back into their nest, and he was set on their being room enough for the two of them once that happened.

No sooner had he finished putting his new nest into place was Honeydapple unceremoniously plopped into it, and he would have opened his mouth to say something in protest but then he realizes. Oh! She's kitting! awkwardly, he shuffles out of the nursery, annoyance making his pelt prickle but ultimately he knows that it had just been a case of bad luck where he was concerned.

When Honeydapple finishes kitting, one solitary kit is brought into this world. The Clan gathers in celebration and to welcome Warblerkit into the clan, himself included. He comes to stand next to Bravepaw and Leafhusk, his fluffy tail flicking behind him as he considers the striped brown tom, all that he has lost and how scared for Honeydapple he must be considering his own recent loss. He cannot imagine. Thundergleam comes in and unsurprisingly she says her piece about StarClan. Burnstorm doesn't comment, only lets out a small huff as he watches her stride from the den with that holier-than-thou look upon her face. "Congrats Honeydapple" he says simply.

Leafhusk's comment makes him grimace. Of course, there was still the matter of the fresh nest that the kitting queen had soiled. A heavy sigh leaves his lips as he says "Dont worry, I'll take care of it." He wasn't looking forward to it, though.

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
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