love me, love me, say that you love me! | circus




general information
— circus
— cisgender female
— she / her
— pansexual
— panromantic
— can be polyamorous
— 23 moons
— ages every 1st
— rogue
— former kittypet; abandoned​

— healing; no
— minor injuries; yes
— major injuries; no
— death; no
voice claim
— none yet
— something bloody and sickly sweet and artificial​

— a brown and black chimera with low white
— circus' fur is long, fluffy, and tangled, with a black and dark brown coloration and random white splotches throughout. her fur is extremely soft, and somehow always seems to attract sticks, leaves, and bits of grass that constantly gets caught within it.
— sky blue
— short and scrawny, scarred with a long tail and petite frame

— circus is a short, scruffy-looking molly with long, fluffy fur that never seems to be perfectly tidy. she has multiple scars, though the most prominent ones are located on her neck, where a thin, long, silver necklace chain has been wrapped tightly around her neck and tangled into her fur for moons now. as she moves, the chain will sometimes slice against her skin and open wounds, though what's even more dangerous is how often the end of the chain hangs low enough to the ground to get caught on roots, branches, and whatever else, coming dangerously close to choking her until she's able to free herself.
— her unkempt fur only seems to add to her charm, and it gives her an innocent and almost childlike appearance that she often tries to use to her advantage, playing into the wounded and innocent "damsel in distress" role whenever she feels so inclined to. if she managed to get the chain off of her and finally groom herself without risking suffocation, she could actually be considered extremely cute.

additional notes
— a thin, thread-like silver chain is tightly wrapped around her neck and tangled in her fur, and occasionally drags against the ground as she walks​

— playful
— social
— affectionate
— supportive
— cheerful

— erratic
— volatile
— violent
— highly obsessive
— manipulative

— circus is all things childish and cheerful, constantly seeking out new friends and playmates despite her being well into adulthood. her immaturity and her friendliness is often what people experience first upon meeting her, along with her extremely short attention span and her love for rhyming completely unrelated words together whenever she's bored. when confronted with hostility, circus tends to double down on her playful persona, and it's here that it is made clear to those observing her that she either isn't completely present mentally or that she's highly deceptive. her immediate response to physical pain is uncontrollable laughter, and her response to attackers is not to use humor to de-escalate the situation, but to use humor to mock them and spur them into anger. this behavior is a well-calculated mask to hide her natural bloodlust, which makes her highly dangerous in any battle that she chooses to participate in. she's completely desensitized to even the most disturbing and gory of altercations.

— underneath the many layers of hysteria and manipulation, circus is at her core an affectionate, clingy, and needy she-cat with a love for all things romantic and tender. her craving of affection and attention is often what drives her to cling to anyone she thinks will give her the time of day, and yet at the same time, her fear of abandonment will sometimes reveal itself in the form of sudden, unexpected, and oftentimes hysterical fits of boiling rage and melodramatic depression that often startles those around her. her moods often switch between two extremes in a matter of seconds, going from absolute bliss to world-ending sadness, or even to a dangerous and violent fury. constantly exhausted by the emotions that control her, circus rarely finds a moment to truly relax within her own mind, and has such even grown uncomfortable with remaining silent in a quiet space for more than a few seconds.

— should she ever fall in love, she will either become an obsessive parasite or a gentle, loving, affectionate soul depending on the temperament of the one she's found herself attracted to. circus is extremely sensitive to anything that hints even slightly of manipulation, due to a terrible history of unloving partners and destroyed relationships, and so she tends to become extremely cautious and nervous once a relationship shows signs of becoming serious.​

family history
— slate; father, ex-marsh group, deserter
— bethany; mother, deceased alley cat
— ebonyfrost; half-sister, loner
— casino; ex-mate, male
— none
extended kin
— none known​

— circus doesn't remember too much about her early life, other than that she was born the only surviving kitten to an alley cat named bethany, and that her father was never in the picture. it was when she was five moons old that her and her mother were both kidnapped by twolegs and sent to the local pound, which was the first truly fearful moment of her young life.

— after two moons in the pound, circus was separated from her mother and adopted by an irresponsible family of twolegs who gave her the name 'circus' and would often dress her in itchy, uncomfortable, elaborate costumes for their amusement. circus was highly disturbed by this, and while she made many attempts to get along with the twoleg's kit—who was the one that would dress her up more often—circus finally snapped and lashed out when the kit made an attempt to drag her across the room by her tail. after clawing the twoleg kit's arm deep enough to cause serious damage, circus was immediately rehomed to a much crueler household of four large dogs, six cats, a mean twoleg adult, and a cruel twoleg kit that would often torment her even worse than the first had.

— when circus was thirteen moons old, she was attacked by one of her twoleg's dogs, and after that incident she learned rather quickly how to defend herself from much larger and more dangerous creatures. it seemed that her second owners ended up similarly to the first, as when the new house's twoleg kit grabbed her and managed to wrap a chain around her neck, she lashed out with every bit of violence and hatred she had in her, and was subsequently taken by her owners to be abandoned in an alleyway. she never did manage to get the chain off of her neck, and with every attempt it only became more and more tangled into her fur.

— now an alley cat, circus began to travel the city in search for her mother, and spent almost every day fighting off twolegs, dogs, rats, raccoons, and even other cats from whatever scrap of food she could get her claws on. she lived a vagabond rogue for moons, never sleeping in the same place twice and consistently stealing, fighting, and conning other cats out of food just to allow her to live for another day. it was during this stage in her life that she met casino, a charming, mischievous alley cat tom that very quickly caught her attention. she was lovesick within days, and found herself following him everywhere he went. before long she had become his lackey, doing whatever he asked for the faintest sign of affection, now newly addicted to what she thought was true love.

— circus doesn't quite remember the events that led up to their breakup, but whenever she thinks of casino now, hot pangs of terror, anxiety, and rage overcome her within seconds. when she left the city, she followed the trail of the thunderpath until she eventually found herself near clan territory, where she currently lives to this day.​

— lovefool; the cardigans
— mastermind; taylor swift
— carousel; melanie martinez
— anniversary; autoheart
— catabolic seed; the scary jokes
— icicles; the scary jokes
— a wish; gregory and the hawk
— the exit; conan gray
— isabelle; gregory and the hawk
— burned out; dodie
— all too well (10 minute version); taylor swift
— daylight; taylor swift​

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[box=75%][font=comic sans ms][size=20px][color=#ffffff][glow=#47ffe3]☺ [b]CIRCUS![/b] ☺[/glow][/color][/size]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.