love persevering | flame

A few hours had passed since the fateful return of the ThunderClan patrol. It was hard to imagine how such a day could have gone so wrong, how an alliance now sat in veritable tatters, and an apprentice now lay dead. With some of their clanmates dashing off to SkyClan, several still nursing wounds from the skirmish, and many others still in a state of overall shock Flycatcher had tried to keep himself busy by overseeing the clan. At least if he did that it would stop his mind from getting lost in grief or worry over Flamewhisker.

Speaking of Flamewhisker, it was she who he sought out now. After her return and the reveal of Morningpaw's fate, Flycatcher had encouraged her to get checked over by Berryheart. Feeling she'd want a little time to herself - or as by herself as she could be within Berryheart's company - Flycatcher had left her to get treated. "Flame...Flamewhisker," He called out to her softly when he spotted her emerging from the medicine cat's den. "Would you like to take a short walk with me? It won't be far I promise."


Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

She felt glued together. Her fur was plastered down with herbs and cobwebs, but at least she wasn't covered in blood anymore. The wounds she had received by Thistleback were not too bad, it was mainly just scratches and a few bite wounds, but the exhaustion on top of them had almost been too much to bare. While Berryheart had patched her up, she had fallen into an involuntary slumber, and she felt slightly better. Her heart still ached, but for now she was free to leave the medicine den.

As she was leaving, she was stopped by Flycatcher. She tried to smile, but he knew her well enough to know it was forced. However, she couldn't help but feel relieved that he hadn't been there. She wasn't sure she could have fought without worrying that harm would fall upon him. He suggested a walk, and even though she was still sore, she would nod. A quiet walk would be nice...just as long as they stayed far away from Skyclan's border. She couldn't relive the scene again today. With a small flick of her tail, she would motion for him to lead the way.

Whilst he waits for an answer, Flycatcher takes a moment to take her in. She's hurt, worn down, and patched up. He doesn't doubt her injuries are sore but reflects that it could easily have been much worse given the circumstances. Flamewhisker doesn't give a verbal response and only nods, a gesture which Flycatcher returns.

He slowly leads her out of camp, before they take shelter under a bush. Flycatcher had no intention of taking her too far away from camp to begin with and he has even less intention to do so now that he has seen her up close. They huddle together under the bush not just for warmth but for comfort too. Flycatcher waits to speak for a little while, allowing the two of them to have a moment of quiet respite together before the emotions eventually came pouring out of the pair of them. "How are you feeling?" He asks with a soft voice, craning his head towards her.

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

She follows him out of the camp, quietly trailing behind him. At every rustle in the undergrowth, her pelt twitches anxiously...expecting to be ambushed at any moment. Her worries never come true however, and once they reach a bush she presses close against his side. The silence that lasted for several moments was nice, and she felt safer by his side. She knew eventually he was going to ask how she was, but she was simply enjoying just being alone for awhile.

Eventually just soft voice sounded, and she pressed her head underneath his chin. "Like a screwup." she would respond, her voice heavy with growing emotion. "I should have called the fight off. It's my duty to know better...I should have paid more attention to her, maybe I would have seen that apprentice before he attacked her...I should have given them the squirrel...but it was our squirrel..."

"You're not a screwup, Flamewhisker," Flycatcher assures her, gently nuzzling her. Of course, he can understand why she felt that way though. Not only had been on that patrol she had been the most senior cat there. Losing any cat over a small squirrel would have been hard enough, but one as young as Morningpaw? It was easy to see why it would weigh on someone's mind. "I think even if you've tried I doubt many would have listened," He admitted with a sigh. Some might have backed off, but given how fast things had apparently turned into a skirmish, he imagined some would not have backed down until they had no other choice. "All of the clans are scared and hungry, it was inevitable tensions would bubble over eventually. I don't think any of us imagined it would have with SkyClan though. And for things to go as far as they did..." Flycatcher closed his eyes for a moment. "Things won't be the same in the forest after this."